
Thursday, July 11, 2013


Dress: Miss Selfridge (2010)
Blazer, brooch: Thrifted // Vintage
Hat & Socks: UO
Shoes: The White Pepper - c/o Chictopia

Hello, hello, 

This past week has proven to be a bit topsy turvy for me to say the least.  The Mr., Clayt and I, and Keane are spread out between three different homes leaving us all feeling a bit like vagabonds.  As the modern convenience known as central air decided to poop out on us and our home, living in a 90+ degree oven of a house is just not what this gal wants for her newborn or toddler - so the Mr. is the one toughing it out all by his lonesome at the homestead while mama and baby are dwelling at the parent's house and Keane at the inlaws.  

We all miss each other terribly but other than that there's no complaints.  The boys are getting in quality time with their grandparents and this mama is quite enjoying herself as well.  Hanging out with family which includes late night ice cream runs as well as dining out Greek is certainly not anything to gripe about...hehe.  

Anyhow, living out of a suitcase for a couple weeks when you only packed for one always proves to be an adventure.  This is what I conjured up.  And that's just that.

Have one fine week darlings!
Love bunches, 


  1. One of my favorite outfits of yours! That blazer and those shoes are perfection.

  2. Oh no! That hot house and being apart from your mister and Keane sounds awful, but at least you're making the most of it! And at least you look adorable. This blazer looks so pretty with this gorgeous dress. The dress is definitely on my list of things to borrow from you :)

  3. I am obsessed with this blazer that you have on.. If only Texas weather allowed me to wear something like this.. impossible right now! I hope you and the little fam get to be together soon. I know how hard it is for everyone to be in different places. :)

  4. Aww that sucks that you guys are all spread out, but i bet Keane is getting spoiled and it's nice that you guys can enjoy some air conditioning!!
    This is such a great look!! That floral blazer is gorgeous, I love how it looks paired with the super flowy dress. And you always look so great in hats, I am jealous!

  5. Oh it sucks that your air conditioner decided to pack it in at this particular time, but really nice that you have loving homes in which to be rescued. Our clothes washer threw in the towel this week so we're awaiting delivery of a new one this afternoon. Still a drag, but all we've been left with is wearing the dregs left in our closets, rather than temperatures that could harm your little guys, especially the littlest one.

    Here's hoping you're all reunited in your loving home quickly.

  6. I am so sorry that your air stopped working :/ What an inconvenience! I am sure you will all be back together again soon <3 You have managed to look absolutely stunning despite having to live out of a suitcase, I just LOVE this jacked, and you look so beautiful, Marisa! In the home stretch now :) Have a great rest of your week, and hope the house gets cool again soon!

    xo, Alyssa

  7. Such a pretty outfit (the dress is just darling!) in such a fantastic, delightful setting!

  8. Such a gorgeous blazer!

    XO Imke

  9. Sorry things are a challenge! I hope the baby is well and you get it sorted soon.
    You look incredible in these pictures. I love your amazing jacket collection. You have one brilliant suitcase wardrobe!

  10. When I saw the blazer this morning on IG I've been already thinking how much I love it and looking at it now, I love it even more! :)
    Its good to hear that your little one is doing fine... and I would LOVE to have some late night ice cream and some quality time with my mother :) I will see her next week when I visit her in her vacation- apartment that she rented in the hills not too far from here. Yippie :)


  11. This outfit is very lovely, love the pretty floral blazer!

    Ps: i'm doing a fashion-related survey for my dissertation, 5 mins, much much help ♥

  12. aww dear, hope it can get fixed soon! I love that blazer so much! Enjoy your weekend xx

  13. Hopefully you guys will reunite very soon. I am loving your dashing blazer though, and those brogues are my absolute favourite. Gorgeous look dear. Hope you enjoy family and the weekend.xx/Madison

  14. Hope your air gets back on soon! My goodness!

  15. Hattitude Style Blog

    ooo marissa it's the worst when the AC isn't working during this heat wave! my poor cat lies on the ground with mouth open, tail down, splayed out... i hope you and your little tots are keeping cool!

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  16. Sorry to hear about your AC going out, that definitely isn't fun. Glad to hear that you are least cool in this heat! I'm absolutely loving that dress - it is so pretty!

    Also, I am home this summer. Well, ish, I guess. I'm not living at home, but in Palmyra for my internship.


  17. i'm sure you guys missing esh other, but i'm happy that the boys had quality time with grandparents :) i adore your blazer, marisa. you look great and girly as always. i love it! have a nice weekend :) xx

  18. Oh sad! Hopefully you can be reunited soon! Stupid AC. Haha It's always too much or too little I think. I'm amazed that you pulled this out of you suitcase! That blazer is to die for and the shoes are the perfect cute little addition! You look beautiful :)

  19. Hopefully you will all be reunited soon! Toughing it out without AC is not even an option here in PHX so I totally get why you would head for cooler climates. You still managed to pack adorable stuff :)

  20. Oh, I'm so sorry, Marisa! :/ Hope you can fix the AC and be together at home soon ;).

    Tight hugs!

  21. hope you can get the central air fixed and be reunited soon enough! anyway, it's looking beautiful over there and i love your blazer! xx

  22. That floral blazer is amazing!! Hope you all make it back together soon!

    perfectly priya

  23. What a great signature style you have :) This is so you and SO pretty! Lovely photos as always, indeed!

    <3 Megan


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