
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Summer Simplicity

Bag, & Scarf: Vintage
Top (Dress): UO
Shoes: Seychelles

Oh hello there darlings,

Pardon little ol me as I soak up plenty of easy breezy summer moments in the quiet and in the sunshine.  Seems to me that my blogging skills have much to be desired as of late - blame it on a Mac that bit the dust (borrowing someone else's has me a wee bit out of sorts) and well just really taking in every sweet moment with my new little guy.  Life is very simple at the moment and very crazy at the same time and I am savoring it all!  Tonight may just find me with the boys and the Mr. down by the lake and later topped off by a sorbet in hand.  Now I feel like breaking out into Natalie Merchant's "These the Days"...did I just age myself by saying that...ha!   So that's just that - summertime calls my friends!

Talk soon!
Love bunches, 
Marisa Noelle


  1. This outfit screams picnic in the park with a chill concert in the background. I love it! Everything about it is so comfy and stylish at the same time. Bummer about the computer. Hope you get a replacement soon.

  2. That sounds like the absolute best way to spend a summer evening! And I am so happy to hear you're having such a wonderful summer with the new addition. This outfit is so summery and wonderful, love the dress as a top and this skirt has such an amazing pattern to it

  3. Ooh lovely outfit! I love how your headscarf matches the skirt :)

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  4. Sounds like things are going just fine for you and your boys! Yay to that.

  5. You look so lovely, I love your headscarf and the way it's tied, and your skirt is gorgeous. Your pictures are so atmospheric too, sunshine and sorbet by the lake sounds divine! xx

  6. It is fun to see you in an outfit post, but we also all understand there is a wee one in your midst now and that time is precious. Hope you enjoy it (and that the mac gets fixed!)

  7. Your skirt is just too cute and you look lovely :) Also, the scenery in these pictures is just gorgeous. Happy summer!

  8. Aw, sounds like you're having such a lovely time with your beautiful, growing family :) I'm glad you're more focused on them than on blogging-your blog and friends will always be here, but (as you know!) time with your littles is so much more important :)
    I ADORE that skirt, the length is so great, as are the colors! Keep enjoying yourself lovely Marisa!

  9. You look wonderful and I think it is completly fine to take a few days "off" blogging during the summer, ignoring the laptop and just enjoying the weather :) This is at least how I will do it now- going hiking for three days without laptop :)
    Have a wonderful weekend!


  10. You look lovely, and summer should be like that, taking pleasure in small moments. Glad things are working out for you, hope you all got back to the house together again now!

  11. Sounds like the perfect way to spend the evening, enjoy it! Loving your summer looks xx

  12. You look fantastic and so happy!!!

    And no, you didn't just age yourself. ;) HE HE!

    I hope your enjoying your little family and soaking in every waking moment!!!! Enjoy that sorbet!

  13. So glad to hear how you are savoring things! That's wonderful! You look wonderful and just had a child!! How amazing. Your photos have been improving a lot over the past year by the way. <3

  14. honey, you look amazing, wow !!!!
    the photo of moon is wonderful <3

  15. Marisa, you're such a doll! Thank you for your sweet words. That sounds like the perfect evening! My Mac is going on 5 years and defintely getting creaky and old...I'm somewhat fearful it will explode one of these days!! Love the sweet florals in this outfit!

    perfectly priya

  16. You look so adorable! That skirt is fantastic! Also, you look amazing! I would have never guessed that you just had the second little one - so cute!


  17. Wow, you look great Marisa! So happy you are basking in the joy of (again) Motherhood :) You look beautiful and I am in LOVE with this skirt. Enjoy your weekend :)

    xo, Alyssa

  18. Love your headband! You pull it off so well! xxx

  19. These are so beautiful photos.
    I love the photograph which you take very much.
    Do you use any effect?


  20. What a charming look, the colours in the skirt are so calming and pretty.You look gorgeous! I hope you have a lovely week dear.

  21. love this! you have such a way with putting together the sweetest combinations! nice to visit after a while and read through your latest posts. Maria x

  22. I'm in a quiet blogging faze too, and I don't even have a broken Mac to blame. I'm going to blame it on summer- although that's weird because AZ summer means lots of time indoors ;) Love this combo, I need to wear more dresses as tops but the extra layer seems like just that much more heat!

  23. you look so boho and chic here, and the background is beautiful!


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