
Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Dress: c/o eShakti
Blazer: Forever 21
Scarf & Bag: Vintage // Thrifted
Necklace: Modcloth
Shoes: Poetic License via Zulily


Hello there darlings,

April has proven itself to be one busy little beaver of a month for me.  I came off the weekend of a bridal shower that I helped plan for one of my very good friends and the little British tea party theme that we had really went off like a big hit....not to toot my own horn, but I think I can safely say that my Nutella truffles did too :-).  So much that I was asked to make them again for another one of my friend's baby showers this weekend.  Perhaps I shall make a business of this...The Truffle Queen?  Oh, just kidding.

Anyhow, I recently came home to a package from eShakti and was it ever a ray of sunshine on that rainy day.  This little Adelaide Dress - what can I say about it?  It was the double scalloped collar and buttercup yellow that really drew me in.  (I'm feeling a song coming on...Build Me Up Buttercup, anyone?)  Just like the previous dress I received from them - I was completely pleased with the quality and fit which is saying a lot considering that I am currently 28 weeks pregnant and dresses can really be a hit or miss for me at this stage in the game.  I had the measurements on this little beauty customized for my baby belly, giving me much more room to grow so I can continue to wear it through my pregnancy.  I figured once I'm back to my post baby body, I can just have it sized down because truly this is a dress I will want to wear for seasons to come.  

So that is that.  The weather has been slightly warmer and very windy but nonetheless, the little fam and I are taking every opportunity we can to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.  I just can't wait for spring weather to be in full force here on my side of the mountain.

Hope your week is full of sunshine too!

Love Bunches, 

*This post was sponsored by eShakti. Although I received this product in exchange for review,  the opinions I expressed in this post are my own.


  1. You look so lovely :) you are a real inspiration for pregnant woman on how to dress!!


  2. that song was in my head as soon as i saw the title of the post, haha! the dress is beautiful and i really like your bag, too:-) also, the first picture is very cute! xx

  3. what a gorgeous dress, I'm loving the scalloped collar too! And the shoooes <3 <3 your Nutella delights sound too amazing for words. xx

  4. This colour is absolutely amazing on you!! And the scalloped collar is so wonderfully sweet, such a great look!! You always add the best pops of colour to your looks, like these shoes and the headband. I have no doubt that your tasty truffle creations were a hit, they sound delicious!

  5. What a DARLING dress! Oh my, that collar is just so full of swoon I can't take it. What a perfect color on you too. I love that you styled it with darker colors so the yellow really shone through-like a ray of sunshine indeed! Nutella truffles sound amazing-no wonder they were such a big hit! Sounds like you'll be busy for a while with that gig :) Have a lovely day, Pretty Lady!

  6. i would love to try the nutella truffles! I love that yellow dress on you! great color.

  7. That yellow is perfect on you! And I'd love to try those truffles :)

  8. love your blog re-design marisa! very pretty! and the dress is the epitome of spring. you look darling (as always!) Xx

  9. Love this dress - perfect ray of sunshine for a gloomy day here in MN! And you must now share your (famous!) truffle recipe! :) xo

  10. Oh it is lovely, and during pregency it must be very nice to know you have at least one thing that is truly pretty and truly fitting to wear on the days life gets you down (though, you have lots of pretty items you've worn during your pregnancy and I'm sure will continue to do so).

    This is so cheerful and so you.

  11. Amazing dress- that collar is just the bee's knees! It looks so perfect on you and you are quite the ray of sunshine. What sweet family pics. And that bag is to die for...

  12. omg you are the youngest and cutest mum i've ever seen!
    you both look amazing!
    great pics and outfit!

  13. AHH love the one you chose! The color! The collar! I think its safe to say that it would be hard to be unhappy while wearing it. And I say you should totally start selling your delicious treats! If you open up an Etsy bakeshop or something I will be first in line!
    Have a wonderful day!
    xo Hannah

  14. Love the sunny color and that amazing collar! That necklace is lovely too, and I looove Poetic License shoes! So lovely.

    xox Sammi

  15. love, love, love the dress. And you really are the queen of head scarf bows. So adorable

  16. This is such a great dress on you. I love the whole look, but especially the wee glimpses of the little man in these pictures :)

  17. ugh the collar on that dress is just adorable! Yellow really works for you, I find yellow is a hard colour to make work for just anyone!


  18. That dress looks so amazing on you! The yellow is just so perfect, especially paired with that blazer! eShakti is just amazing, aren't they?


  19. The dress which you wear is very cute!
    A neckband is totally like a flower.


  20. LOVE the buttercup dress and necklace! You look lovely!

  21. I love the first pic so much, and the gorgeous dress and bag, ahhhhhhhhhhhh
    All about you is pure delight.

  22. The necklace is so beautiful! And I can definelty understand why you are so much in love with the dress! Here the weather became much better lately so I am sure it will be good where are you too very soon :) I wish I could try one of those nuttela- truffles ;)


  23. I never even though about how awesome eShakti would be during pregnancy! That's brilliant, and itlooks AMAZING on you. That collar is adorable, and you paired it with all the right things. Sounds like life is super busy - I want ome nutella truffles though - yum!

  24. you look like a ray of sunshine, the shoes just make this outfit..i am so ready for bright colours! Hadn't noticed you were pregnant last time I popped in so Congratulations! You are carrying so neatly and look great so I hope you feel great too :)

  25. You look absolutely adorable today, I love this dress, it suits your dark hair so well. And your boy is simply cute!

    Have a fantastic week,

  26. That collar is so fun and animated, I love it, such gorgeous colours in this outfit as always dear. And congrats on being a mum to be, if I've not said it yet. xx/Madison

  27. This dress is so very you! That collar is ridiculously adorable. You are finally starting to look pregnant and it's adorable :)

  28. oh yes i have to agree with the gal above that look is so you, the darling dress with this unique collars, you always wear the stuff con cutest collars ever;) and also your shoes are amazing! what a lovely pregnant beauty you are!!!

  29. love your dress Marisa you look great and your little boy is adorable! Do you know if you're having a boy or girl now?
    have a great weekend XO Ilana @ My Modern Vintage

  30. Marisa you look GORGEOUS in that bright yellow!!! that color is def "yours" w/ your beautiful italian complexion. oh & SUCH a lucky find on that bag. & i love the pics of you and the little fam, so sweet. glad you're all getting to enjoy a bit more outdoors now.

  31. the dress is like wearing a flower! It's gorgeous. Again, you always find the loveliest backdrops for your outfits xxx

  32. Love yellow sundresses.

  33. Wonderful dress! And I sure think you should sell your sweet delights; they look delicious and totally pro ;).

    Yay for people getting married, btw! We have 2 weddings in the coming months, I can't wait.


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