
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Advent: Day 1

 Outfit Details: Dress & Sweater: Thrifted // Hat & Tights : Target // Necklace: Vintage-Antique Mall // Shoes: DIY (here)

Remember this little ruby red slipper DIY I did a month back?  Well here these little darlings are making their first official outfit appearance on le blog.  Gosh, it always feels so good salvaging old worn out pieces and giving them a new life, am I right?

Anyhow, blue skies and warm weather had our little family out and walking in the park.  I welcome any sunshiny warm weather day this time of year and yes, 50 degrees feels quite heavenly as 20 degrees seems to be the current standard.  I will admit I greet old man winter quite begrudgingly, so a nice big bowl of chili is where it is at on these frigid almost winter evenings.  

Enough complaints about the weather, I am pleased as a pickle that the holidays are here and that tonight our little band has the honor of performing at our town's Christmas tree lighting.  How wonderfully quaint and Gilmore Girls does that sound...hehe?  Of course I'm a tad nervioso but it shall be a fun filled evening indeed.  It's no lie,  I am the biggest sucker for Christmas songs, and am very excited to rock around the Christmas tree and usher in the holiday spirit to our lovely little town.  

Enough chit chat, what are some of the things you are looking forward to this holiday season.  Do share :)

Happy December darlings!

Love Bunches, 


  1. these tights, paired with this skirt, is beyond lovely! i always adore all of the color you put in your outfits!

    lindsey louise

  2. The most exquisite colorblocking of all time! I would have never dreamed up such a swizz outfit, but it works wonderfully. Those tights (and those fab DIY shoes) are to die for. Also: the little man's coordinating green top is a nice touch.

    I'm looking forward to sweets and seeing my husband's cousins, who are now my cousins. I never had any cousins growing up (zero, literally not one cousin) and I'm completely besotted with his (ours). I also want to go to Dave and Buster's and play video games, which is only in the town his parents live in. And maybe visit the art museum, if I'm lucky.

  3. I need to watch Gilmore Girls one days, seriously! You both look so sweet in these photos. AWW!

  4. hello! Just found your blog via the Totally Aweosme Blog Hop so thought I would say hi. I love your style in this outfit, especially the hat (can I have it please! lol) your photos are beautiful too!
    Daisy Dayz

  5. I absolutely adore this outfit! I love all of the colors. So inspiring.

    <3 Melissa

  6. This is a different look for you, I think with the pencil skirt, but I adore it's pockets. Actually this might be a favorite outfit from you. The color combo is really nice too.

  7. i love this outfit! we must be thinking on the same wave length because i've been all about throwing sweaters over dresses or skirts lately too. so cozy. best of luck at the tree lighting - i know you'll be wonderful! Xx

  8. My favorite month - december <3
    You look gorgeous, I love that you wear bright color tights, it's so cute!

  9. I love that skirt, the polka dots and the buttons on it are adorable!

    Yay! The Holiday season is finally here. I'm ready for spending time with my family/friends, getting to sleep in, not having to fresh about finals, and thrifting, of course. :)


  10. Lovely outfit, I love your tights and flats! And so exciting that you can play at the 'opening' :) Have fun!

  11. The shoes are beautiful! Great job.

    - Ruby (via blog hop)

  12. Hi, found you through the totally awesome blog hop. Love your blog and your vintage style!

    xoxo, Femke
    By Button

  13. I love this outfit, so colourful, right up my street! I came from the blog hop too!

  14. I am really loving the photography in this post! The stairs one is super cute!


  15. such cute photos and you and keane are both looking lovely! xx

  16. Awww, that second photo is absolutely adorable. So cute. Love this outfit too, those tights are amazing, and the jumper, and well everything. Looking lovely as always xo

  17. oh the photos are amazing, tights, skirt and jumper are fabulous wow and i can´t believe my eyes seeing the good weather you had ;)

  18. amazing photography girl! I love these photos, the ones of you and your boy are so sweet! Lucky you having a warmish day to play outdoors! Love the shoes, those bows are too cute!

  19. As usual, so many wonderful photos! The pumpkin tights are gorgeous with the ruby slippers, I love the way you mix and clash colours but it always looks cute. I must admit to feeling Christmassy this afternoon whilst half watching Miracle On 34th Street, even if it was the 90s version. Your band playing at the light switching on sounds so wonderfully quaint, really fantastic. Much better than some reality TV pleb or whoever they got to do it in my town xxxx

  20. Gorgeous weather and lovely outfit! Neat that you guys had a gig at the Christmas event. Hope it went well. Would love to have been there!

  21. Cute as ever, Marisa! Love your color pops and that dress seems pretty perfect. I can't get into the holiday spirit this year- not in a bah humbug way but in a "I don't feel like doing anything"/lazy way! I think I'll live vicariously through blogs :)

  22. Your life totally sounds like Stars Hallow and I'm so jealous! And your shoes are so pretty.

  23. Hahah Gilmore Girls- it really does sound like it! How did it go? I bet you were aaaawesome :) And I love your warm-weather-adventuring outfit, I really like the skirt. And Chicago has been having that same warm weather. I'm waiting for -20 weather to blow in as punishment for this little break haha

  24. Awe! Is there a video of yesterday's performance? If there is, please, do share! :)

    It's been very rainy here but I won't complain; I love rain. The funny thing is that it so happened to rain more heavily every single time I went out and needed to wait for my bus at bus stops without a shelter, haha!

    Wonderful outfit, Marisa! Hope you start the first week in December with a huge smile on your face! ;D


  25. How can the weather be so beautiful there?? Here it's freezing cold and gray most days.
    Love that apple necklace! And of course, super cute outfit, like always :)

  26. I am looking forward to a photoshoot I am having on my birthday (December 27th) featuring my most recent creations!

  27. Oh you look so cute in that short skirt! I love those tights, too - and that necklace is amazing! :) xoxoxo (P.s. could you be any cuter? -- "pleased as a pickle" -- you always make me smile!)

  28. Your photos are so gorgeous!! Love the colors of your outfit<3
    xx Viola

  29. I love your little flats! The upcycled fabric looks amazing adorning your kicks :) Also, I simply love those tights!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  30. I will never get over how adorable your son is! Good luck performing for your town, that really does sound so very Gilmore Girls-esque. Also, this necklace! So cute.

  31. I love all of your photo spots and wish I could find as many! Your performance sounds great and hope you have tons of fun with it. It does sound like an adorable little small town thing - but really fun. Your outfit here is so cute and the green sweater is perfect for this time of year! I love wearing red, green, and gold around this time

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  32. I love the turquoise with the orange-y tights! I completely agree that giving something old a little makeover is simply the best! It has been quite warm here too, and can I just say when I read the phrase pleased as a pickle I may have laughed out loud at work!
    Hope you're having a fabulous day!
    xo Hannah

  33. I love these photos, gorgeous colours and you look great as always dear.Wishing you the best! Enjoy the show! xx Madison

  34. one of my favorite outfits i have seen on you, very smart! i need to look at your blog more...

  35. I have never seen orange tights look so awesome! I love this look and I am your newest GFC follower :)


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