
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Rehearsal & the Setting Sun

 Outfit Details: Dress: Vintage/Antique Mall // Scarf: Vintage/Gift from friend // Tights: We Love Colors // Shoes: Gift from Mother

* Last photo taken by Frederick Navagato

It's hard to believe about a week and a half has flown by since this night, but I do swear wedding rehearsals may not come anymore enchanting than this one.  The evening was decorated with a Monet sunset and lots of love and laughter.  Of course my little sis looked as stunning as ever but that was only a small taste of what would come on the actual wedding day.   Following the ceremony run through all our family and friends gathered in our big fancy beach house for some Italian home cooking & the most delicious gluten free cupcakes compliments of the groom's mom.  Twas one loverly loverly evening to say the very least.

Happiest Tuesday darlings!
Love Bunches,


  1. Marissa, that last photo is AMAZING!!!!!!! You are so talented! Want to come to Minnesota for our wedding? ;) I can't wait to see the wedding photos!!

  2. My, these photos are stunning! It makes me wish I lived closer to the ocean instead of right in the middle of the country. It is most definitely one of the loveliest sights to be seen, as showcased by your amazing photos. What I wouldn't give for one of those little houses near the beach! Your sister is gorgeous too-looks just like you!

  3. i love how your sister wore white to the rehearsal, it was such a sweet touch. and that first picture of you is like the EPITOME of you! all colors and hues. lovely pictures :)

  4. Your sister is so pretty and this seems like the most perfect and intimate wedding. I love the idea of going to a beach house and cooking a huge dinner rather than having a caterer. This is dreamy!

  5. amazing photos! I love your outfit! and the last one of your sister and sweetie with the reflection, I love it!

  6. this looks like such a nice evening.. your sister looked beautiful! you two are definitely sisters, you look so much alike!

  7. how beautiful!!! i love that picture of you in front of the house. your vintage dress is just perfect, the whole beach scene just makes me want to give up everything and run away to the coast.

  8. This is gorgeous<3 I love the last picture.

  9. These photos are so amazing!!! What a wonderful and romantic location, both you and your sister look stunning! I bet this was such a wonderful time for you guys as a family

  10. Yes! And we begin to see pictures! What a beautiful rehearsal indeed. You described it beautifully - Monet. Both you and your sister looked absolutely fabulous!

  11. Beautiful! Really really beautiful! I love the pictures with the sunset and I love your dress and the pictures from the wedding-couple and everything :)

  12. She looked so, so pretty and happy! And your outfit was lovely, too!

  13. These are gorgeous photos! Your sister looks so beautiful :) And I love your lavender tights!

  14. Those pics are so cute! Love them:)

    Kisses, Lucy:)

  15. Your sister is sooooo cute! I love her floral hair crown! She looks beautiful!

  16. That looks like such a beautiful evening, you're so lucky. It looks like it's going to be a lovely wedding. You look so pretty, I love the detail on your dress and the t bar shoes. Gorgeous all round! I'm very jealous of that sun and warmth though!

  17. Breathtaking photos, I feel I am ther with you.
    The last one is soooooooooooo romantic, ahhhhhhhhhhh

  18. such lovely photos! would you like to follow each other? let me know!

  19. love these pictures, so beautifully enchanting! xx

  20. Wow the lighting in these is SO dreamy, I love them! The picture of your son is so adorable, and I am in love with the lavender accents your styled this dress with! Also, thank you for your ever so sweet comment and shared story on my blog the other day! That is SO coo that the blouse was actually going to be for an exhibit and was the designer's daughter!!! Sometimes my shop gives me nightmares and other days its one of my favorite things ever! I am glad to have someone to bounce stories off of that is having similar experiences!!!
    Hope you're having a wonderful day!
    xo Hannah

  21. Wow, your sister is so beautiful! Gorgeous photos. I love the first one of you. Stunning. The colors are perfect.

  22. Your blog is beautiful, now following!

    xo Jenny

  23. oooh your sister is so beautiful like a fairytale princess, i love this picture of that dream couple on the beach! and gosh your dress is cute!
    love and kiss,mary

  24. Lookin' cute! Love the photo with your feet and the litlle boy.

  25. congratulations to your sister!!!
    you two look so much alike :)

    anyway, missed tons of your post and will definitely start to catching up now

    The Sweetest Escape 

  26. What besutiful photos, such wonderful memories too I'm sure.

  27. So beautiful! I can only imagine how amazing the ceremony was. Love your dress, you and your sis both look absolutely lovely! What an amazing location!!

  28. Awww such beautiful photos and such a sweet atmosphere! It seems so full of love and happiness. Congrats to your sister!!! So sweet
    You look lovely and beautiful as always!

  29. Awe, it was a beach wedding! Nice! Can't wait to see what the actual ceremony was like! You look adorable in this outfit and kudos to your mom for giving you such pretty shoes ;).

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend! ;D

  30. I love your signature hairbow and this first photo is breathtaking! I hope you had a great time at the wedding :)



    Southern (California) Belle

  31. What beautiful pictures! Those are going to be such great memory reminders as the years go by! Glad that you had such a lovely time with your family. :)


  32. Truly beautiful pictures! :)



  33. so beautiful, I would have thought it were the actual wedding it is just so lovely! how perfect w/ the sun setting, your outfit it adorable and your sister looks stunning in that adorable little white dress. Looks like such a lovely, intimate wedding.

  34. so beautiful, I would have thought it were the actual wedding it is just so lovely! how perfect w/ the sun setting, your outfit it adorable and your sister looks stunning in that adorable little white dress. Looks like such a lovely, intimate wedding.

  35. Simply so pretty!!!
    I love little kid feet. It is a shame they get so big and ugly as we get older haha. I stare at my sons' feet but I know that one day I'll be grossed out by their feet. HAHA. is that weird??
    I love weddings.

  36. This post took my breath away. Everything is so beautiful and clearly full of so much love!


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