
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Oh Deer! - A Thread Share Post

 Outfit Details: Sweater: Swapped with Amanda, sold here // Hat: Handmade Gift // Dress & Shoes: Thrifted // Tights: Modcloth

Well hello there darlings!

It seems so long since I've come around these parts, but as you can imagine my sister's wedding down in SC had me quite busy as a bumblebee and I wouldn't have had it any other way.  The whole event was far too dreamy for words and quite the magical day it was with the perfect beachy, blue sky backdrop.  I promise down the road, there will be photos but first...

The very lovely Amanda of The Salvaged Strawberry and I decided that the second Thursday of each month, would be dedicated to thread-sharing (aka swapping) with one another as we both believe in wearing secondhand not to mention, we are both curvy gals so styling one another's wardrobe would be a fun little task to take on.  

Of course I was tickled pink when I opened up her package and laid my eyes on this cozy deer knit sweater. could I not be in love?  Anyhoo - this is how she styled it.  It's said that great minds think alike - and apparently that's exactly what we were doing when we threw it over a plaid dress.  

You can read more about the gal behind The Salvaged Strawberry and see more on how she styled this sweater by hopping over this way.  Better yet, if you fancy snagging this little beauty up for yourself, the sweater is happily nestled in Amanda's Etsy shop right here.

Wishing you a fantabulous Thursday darlings!  If you are on the northern east coast like me,  bundle up, start the fire, and stay warm!

Love Bunches,


  1. You look beautiful! I can't believe how similar our outfits are! I love it! I really love those tights, Marissa!! Wishing you an amazing day, friend!

  2. This sweater is absolutely AMAZING, I love deer sweaters and this one is the best I've seen. I love it with the red plaid, such a perfect combination. It's always so fun to swap and style things from friends or other bloggers

  3. I think this is the best sweater ever, I love how you've styled it, and you have more great tights on <3 <3 xxx

  4. Oh dear that sweater is amazing ! Great combo with those wonderful tights !!! XX

  5. that's an awesome idea! I love that jumper. It's soooo totally you!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  6. rock that sweater, girl! also, the hat looks great on you.


  7. i'm dying to see these wedding pictures! and i'm loving how you remixed that cute sweater. something about deer with plaid makes sense. and that surprise detail with the tights was awesome! you inspired me to branch out into colored tights- i'm wearing a mustard pair right now ;)

  8. What a beautiful sweater!! And really neat idea you have :) I love how you've paired it with those peacock tights.

  9. The sweater is my absoloute favooorite!

  10. Oh, what a cute jumper... I want it!! Like, seriously.

  11. the sweater is absolutely adorable, but me as the fabulous tights hunter i go absolutely madly for those peacock beauties!!!! to fabulous! what a great look!

  12. ooh, what a sweet little sweater! how cute that you guys are doing a clothing swap! i did that with miki and jenna last year, and it was a blast. so glad you could get away for awhile in sc!!

  13. Gorgeous swap, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    I want to sawp with you girls, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    I adore the sweater so much.
    Your whole look is so adorable, Marisa and the quality of your pics magic.

  14. What an adorable sweater; I really like your swap idea, such fun.


  15. You two are so adorable! Not sure which version of your outfits is better. You have the best tights obviously. You always look great and nearly everything you wear is thrifted or handmade, which makes you amazing xx

  16. I love that you all swap together. Those tights are brilliant, what a marvellous outfit! -xx Enjoy your weekend dear./Madison

  17. Oh, I love how you styled it! Very...English Landgirl to me for reason. I quite adore you in that hat too!

  18. What a fun series this will be to see unfold! You both started off with excellent stylings of this cute sweater. I so love your tights! Looking forward to seeing pictures of your sister's wedding.

  19. That is the cutest sweater! Love your way of styling it, what a cool swap idea!


  20. That sweater is the best sweater.


  21. I cant decide what I like best: the hat, the sweater or the tights. Great outfit :)

  22. this is such a cute sweater - and i LOVE it on you! you styled it so well and it's perfect for the scenery you are in

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  23. <3 <3 this is m< favorite outfit, girl, you look beautiful :)

  24. The outfit is gorgeous and the photos are just beyond beautiful!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  25. that sweater looks so cozy! and you are looking beautiful in a wonderful setting! xx

  26. You have such a beautiful smile and I adore the view from where you're standing. Gorgeous backdrop! I love seeing how you two both styled up the sweater with such different color palettes. :)


  27. Nawww lovely jumper!!

  28. A deer sweater with plaid?! It's amazing! I love how both of you wore it in similar ways but definitely put your own unique spin on it! Yours are so beautiful, I love it with the red and your backdrop is stunning, this makes me be kind of okay with the fact that its about to get wintry!
    Happy Friday!
    xo Hannah

  29. Awe, what a wonderful sweater! And I really like how you've paired it, you always nail it, Marisa! ;D

    Can't wait to see photos of your sister's wedding!

    Have a fun a warm weekend!

  30. Love that you both thought the same when styling this cute sweater! I absolutely love the sweater and it looks so great with that cute little hat and lovely peacock tights!

  31. Love love love the photos and the autumnal atmosphere! :) This is the first time I am on your blog and will definitely be coming back! Thanks for a great blog!


  32. Such a fun series! Both of you have such great style, I'm excited to see what you do each month! Love that you both wore the sweater over a plaid dress with tights :) What a fun sweater and great styling! Hope you have a great weekend!

  33. You look amazing! love your sweater and tights!
    Following you on GFC!

    Kisses, Lucy:)

  34. Oooh ! Beautiful autumn mood ! This sweater is amazing, and the clashing blue of the tights is awesome for the harmony of the look !

  35. You really rock that sweater! I love the touch of out-of-the-ordinary about this whole outfit!

  36. Such a fab jumper!
    I adore the mix of Autumn colours :) Those tights are just stunning xox

  37. This sweater is amazing! And of course you could pull it off with plaid and printed blue tights. Your color mixing is beautiful. And I cannot wait to see photos from her wedding and the beach -- especially if they are half as pretty as the engagement shots you did. Such a pretty little family you have.

  38. Fun idea! And I do love the sweater :)


  39. SUCH an adorable look - I love those tights! And of course, your thread share idea is positively adorable! you both styled it so cute <3

  40. This sweater is TOO cute! What a great idea, I love how you both layered it over plaid dresses. I can't believe how adorable it looks with plaid. I love seeing how much the blogging community loves swapping clothes :)

  41. Hattitude Style Blog

    that sweater is the best! i love love love it. so unique. If I ever came across one like that I would surely swoon!
    Marisa such inspiration from your blog! it gives me such ideas for tomorrow's outfit!

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  42. I just love the second shot of you so much!!!


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