
Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Totally Awesome Blog Hop

totally awesome bloghop

Oh hello there darlings!

Fancy seeing you at this hour of the night.

Welcome to the Totally Awesome Blog Hop. This will be an ongoing effort brought to you by three really cool ladies along with myself, hopefully resulting in the biggest community link-love fest evar!

The hop will be linked between four sites, ensuring everyone's links get seen and clicked. We want our audiences to get to know each other! Our goal is community building between like-minded folks, and this is a place for people to meet, make friends, and expand their following!

Participation is super simple-

#1 Follow your four hostesses- they are the first four links.

Chantilly of ChantillySongs
Marisa of The Shades of Monet Chronicles
Roxy of Grrfiesty
Chloe of The Lazy Explorers

(We promise you will love these blogs, and they are all totally worth getting to know!!)

#2 Link your blog/ website

#3 Visit other sites, follow, and comment

#4 Grab a button & post it on your blog

#5 Post about it on twitter, facebook, and all your social media sites

Have fun most of all... spread the love, feel the love, and shout a big hooray because the weekend is finally upon us :)

We love you, and thank you!

Chat real soon!
Love Bunches,

Blog hop


  1. Hello from the NJ Shore! Thanks bunches for hosting! :)

  2. Hi Marisa! Thanks bunches for hosting! :)
    Happy October!

  3. This is a great idea! However, I have to admit that I do not yet get how to do this things with the buttons...

  4. What a fun idea. Thanks for hosting sweetie xxxx

  5. Brilliant idea. Following you in Blogloving too, now.
    Have a lovely weekend, Marisa

  6. So awesome!!! I love blog hops!! :3

  7. I've just joined :p!

    Hope you have a wonderful long weekend, Marisa! ;D

  8. The blog hop is such a great idea. I just love finding new blogs to read. Your style is so unique and fabulous. You have a wonderful blog and I'm now following on Bloglovin.

    xo Jenny

  9. oh yay, thank you all for the fabulous hop! xxx


Leave a comment, introduce yourself, or just say Hello. You never cease to brighten my day:-)