
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

T is for Toadstool

 Outfit Details: Dress: Atomic Vintage // Scarf: Thrited // Belt: Vintage from Mother // Tights: Modcloth // Shoes: Seychelles

Why hello there darlings!

These are photos from a day the Mr. and I had all to ourselves.  Days like these are kind of few and far between, so we like to take advantage of every last second of them.  So as the sun was shining and the fall air was as warm and inviting as ever, we moseyed through the countryside taking up another opportunity to poke around this curious green door we found months back.  It's made an appearance on here once before, and from the information I gathered, we found out it was an old bomb shelter.  Since we first saw it, friends of ours actually got a chance to speak with the owners and take a peek inside.  Sadly, it did not lead to an underground dwelling like the one in "Blast from the Past" (anybody remember this movie?)  But still, it was interesting to just see photos of the cold, dark, & creepy interior.

On a completely different note - I wanted to tell you about a new blogger collective that I am a part of called Flock Together.  It consists of 9 vintage adoring, photography loving  gals (including me)  from across the country who will be swapping clothing with one another, remixing to their heart's content, taking on this personal style challenge while still being frugal.

Pop on by say hello and follow along on our adventuring if you do so fancy.

Until next time!
Love Bunches, 


  1. you and your mr. are super cool. that's an awesome dress! the flock together project sounds SO fun! can't wait to see more!

  2. That's really cool that you guys are all swapping clothes! What a fun idea! I love doing stuff like that
    These photos are so good!!! I love your printed dress and those polka dot tights are amazing. You and your hubby are adorable. What a lobely day

  3. That dress is kind of super amazing and I think I'm in love. It looks fabulous with the polka dot tights! The flock together project seems really cool--awesome idea!

  4. Wahhh those polkadot tights clash so beautifully with your dress, and red shoes to finish? Perfection! :-)

    Love the swapping idea, sounds like so much fun!

    Jem xXx

  5. Beautiful photos and I'm really impressed with your stunning dress! The print is a real wonder, I love the mushrooms peeping from the flowers and the lady bugs!Congratulations for your new project, I'm going to visit Flock Together soon!

  6. Such a lovely dress and gorgeous photos! xxx

  7. Awww, this looks like an amazing day, and such a great place to take photos. That is such a great outfit, lovely print on this dress and the spotty tights are fantastic! You guys are so cute xo

  8. That dress is a dream, Marisa, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    What a brilliant idea about the frock together group, ahhhhhhhhhh.

  9. Wow, wow, wow! Marisa, this outfit is too cute! That dress looks amazing on you and those shoes look like the perfect wedges- I want a pair! And I love how you finished it off with darling tights and a scarf :) Sounds like the perfect way to spend the day together- and yes, I do remember that movie! It came out when I was working at the video store a loooong time ago :) This new swapping group is SO awesome- I can't wait to see what you guys are up to!

  10. the print on that dress is simply amazing!! i'm so kicking myself for not getting a pair of tights like that when i had the chance. hope you are having a wonderful day, darling :)) xx

  11. Beautiful! Beautiful outfit and beautiful day as it looks like and beautiful pictures, as always! I love to spend a day with my finace walking around the nature and just enjoying being the two of us together. I hope we will have time for this next weekend :)

  12. I love just spending time with my husband. Seems to be that having that time is just so difficult to come by these days! Glad that you got to frolic and play and take gorgeous pictures to share, Marisa. LOVE your tights a lot!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  13. You are so cute, girl. I can't even handle it! You can rock a loud print like nobody's business. This looks amazing on you! Love it belted. And, of course, I love that green door!

  14. I love these tights so much! Your whole outfit is unique and funky; I'm really liking it. :)

    I'm glad that you got to spend some one on one time with the hubby. Looks like you had a fantastic day!

    I'm so happy that you are a part of Flock Together! So many stylish gals in one place - can't wait to see what you guys come up with!


  15. So gorgeous darling! I bet your husband was the proudest man around to have you on his arm :)This color is absolutely ravishing with your hair by the way, it really compliments you well!
    Glad you had the opportunity to have some time exploring with your other half, it sounds divine!

  16. You look amazing in all these prints, it's so cute and...well, lovely :D

  17. You have a such a sweet blog. Love the vintage style you show off. Checked out the flocked together blog too. Very nice idea. Do you like to follow each other on GFC and bloglovin? Let me know will love to follow back.

  18. You two really are the cutest!! It's lovely to really make these moments count :) and of course you're wearing such an amazing outfit (very jealous of your tights collection..) xxx

  19. I am utterly smitten by that gorgeous dress you're wearing Marissa. Days out together are so precious when you have a little one. It can be so easy to let them go by. The photos are lovely. Looks like you had a great time xxx

  20. The print on your dress is divine and I am absolutely in love with this location! How cool that you actually found out the history to it as well. So happy that you and the hubs got a nice day to yourselves too :) I need to buy tights from modcloth apparently because all of yours are amazing!
    Hope you're having a beautiful day!
    xo Hannah

  21. Love how the dress and tights go together!

  22. That dress is wonderful on you! How I adore the colours and print. And the cut. Very nice indeed, as are the photos and the story of your lovely day together!

  23. I luv your tights and my hubby & I haven't had one of those days in a long time ;-(


  24. I think that the clothes swap is a great idea- along with your outfit! I bet Katherine is part of this?! Anyhow, I stopped by from the blog hop, although I am already following your blog because I love it! -Jessica L


  25. Brilliant swapping concept. You really look lovely in printed/colourful dresses. I adore this outfit. xx/Madison

  26. that dress + those polka dot tights = amazing. love the combo!
    Oh, My

  27. This dress is a beautiful garden !

  28. Love the polka dot tights and your headscarf! The bomb shelter sounds really interesting, I think I'd be too scared to go in though haha.

  29. These patterns are so good together and your tights are so AMAZING. Also your man is adorable. And yeah, Blast From the Past is such a classic.

  30. Wow the first photo, it's stunning!! And your outfit is beautiful also! :)
    xx Viola

  31. what an AWESOME locationnnnnn. ohmygosh it's so cool. and the dress looks grat on you - i'm excited to see it on you! and i love it with those heels. that last photo of you two holding hands is so sweet!

    <3 katherine

  32. First off, I love your outfit! Your husband must be so proud to walk together in public with such a stylish and awesome gal like you, Marisa ;).

    A bomb shelter? Wow! I bet a lot of thoughts came to your mind as you were walking it, right? And, yes! I totally remember Blast from the Past, haha! :p

    Happy midweek, Marisa! ;D I'll definitely check out that other blog!


  33. I want your dress! it looks so cute on you! I love the whole outfit but the toadstall dress is wondeful - got my eye on something similar on ebay. Mr is just as stylish as you are. You're both great photographers too. xxxx

  34. the dress looks beautiful on you, marisa! and it looks like you spent a lovely day:) xx

  35. I found you via Chantilly and i am very happy - i love a good mix of patterns and you do it well- plus you are full of originality and personnality !

    Ariane xxx

  36. I saw you were in the new collective. That is awesome. I think you look lovely in this dress. The colors are great.

  37. The print on this dress is divine! It looks great with the polka dot tights. Also, THIS LOCATION. So lovely. And that is one well-dressed Mr.!

  38. This post is PERFECTION!! First of all, that dress is amazing and second of all... wow. I am in awe of these photos!! the lighting and the locate is goregous, how lucky you are to live near beautiful places like this. that old shelter looks so cool & I esp love the one of your dress and feet.. reminds me of alice and wonderland for some reason. glad you & your guy got a little alone time! : )

  39. I know I already commented on this but I just wanted to answer your sewing question, and if you're anything like me, you would never see a reply under the question on my blog haha! I was first very wary of hemming pleats, but it was actually super simple, way easier than a dress with a really full skirt. I just folded up the bottom like usual and sewed a straight stitch, nothing special, and I didn't iron the pleats or anything after. I actually really like the look because the pleats become slightly flared out on the bottom. I cannot wait to see the dress you found, so cool that its almost the same print in different colors! I hope you have an awesome weekend!
    xo Hannah

  40. Love this outfit! The polkadots are fantastic with the dress. Fantastic photos, too!

    1. wow i love fall when i see pictures like this;) the dress you are wearing is sooooo cute, what an adorable print and i love your shoes and tights with it! now i have to pop over flock together;)
      have a great weekend darling!
      love and kiss,mary

  41. Argh, that dress is much too cute, especially with the stockings and shoes


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