
Friday, October 19, 2012

The Craft Room: Ruby Red Slippers

Since it's Friday and very rainy out today, I wanted to kick off the weekend with a very simple DIY involving these old patent leather flats of mine that have been beaten and bruised and sadly neglected in the back of my closet for a very long time now.  I believe the last I ever wore these darlings was right here in 2009....back when I was pregnant.  They have since gotten creased and have gone missing a buckle.  Not so cute anymore, right?

Anyhow, I'm a firm believer in recycling old pieces like this and giving them a new life.  My inspiration was Dorothy and her ruby red slippers of course.  So let's begin...this one is easy my friends and doesn't take much crafting skill, if you ask me.  

What you need:
Old shoes - I used my Chinese Laundry patent ballet flats.
Scrap material - This apple print material that came from this dress was perfect!
A small craft brush (or a paint brush if you prefer)
Glitter - I used the Martha Stewart brand in Garnet
Mod Podge
A bowl
Scissors & a glue gun (for the bows)

Step 1: Mix your glitter & mod podge together.  Make sure you add enough glitter for plenty of sparkle.  Since Mod Podge is a little stinky, I like to work near an open window.  I also start by holding my shoes & painting them over the big bowl.  Glitter tends to get everywhere, so this keeps it more contained.

Step 2: Dab the paint on and brush it in long strokes in the same direction to make sure your coverage is nice and even.  Let this dry.  You can now go back and touch up any spots that need more glitter.

 Step 3: Make your bows.  If you're not familiar with how to make a small bow like this CLICK HERE for directions from one of my previous DIYs.

Step 4: Glue the bows on with a glue gun and you are finished!!!  

Now click your heels together three times and say, "There's no place like home".  Fitting because I'm leaving to go back to my hometown this weekend for a couple days :)

Have a gorgeous weekend darlings!  

Love Bunches,


  1. Oh my goodness, those are adorable! I love the bow. Perfection!

  2. Adorable! That material matches perfectly. Have a wonderful weekend back in Kansas, Dorothy :)

  3. These are so cute! I love how easy it is to update an old pair of shoes. I have a pair of flats that could benefit from this diy!

  4. these are so cute! i have a pair of flats that is completely falling apart, i think i'll try this!

  5. Wow this is amazing! You've really given a new lease of life to these shoes :D Have a lovely time back in your hometown :) xx

  6. I have always wanted to do this with some old shoes!!! I want some sparkly red flats and that seems really easy to do! A wonderful DIY!

  7. Very fun! Whenever I wear red shoes I feel like Dorothy, but this is the real thing.

  8. Your slippers are so so cute!!

  9. This is the cutest idea! I'm going to remember this next time I'm about to get rid of a pair of flats. I can't wait to see these in an outfit. Oh, I forgot to mention that I got the blazer, it's lovely and I can't wait to wear it!

  10. So cute! And I like those flannel lined jeans! :) Wishing you a fabulous weekend!! xoxo

  11. Stop it, these are absolutely adorable!!!!! I LOVE it!!!!! Pinning this right now.

    Sorry I've been not visiting for so long. I've missed you and your blog. I've been so insanely busy, so much going on!!! I hope you are doing well, friend.


  12. These shoes are so absolutely adorable! I have to try this out as soon as I find some old shoes... unfortunatly I threw more or less all of my old ones away when I moved last year.
    Have a great weekend Marisa!

  13. these look adorable! I might have to do this, though I do have a habit of getting glitter everywhere for months.

  14. Oh my, they look so cute! Great job!

    P.S: I want to invite you to join my giveaway. You can win a $20 gift card for jewelry from plus a secret price.

  15. Oh, Marisa, I love the make-over! They look cuter and brand new! ;)

    Do you have some plans in your hometown? And I must say I totally loved to see the photos of you with the baby bump! ;D

    Tight hugs!

  16. You made them look so cute! And they are so you :)

  17. awww, marisa! this is just so cute <3 perfect for halloween party. it's remind me of dorothy shoes from wizard of oz! have a nice weekend! :) xx.

  18. Hey Marisa very nice diy ! I love to recycle things too its such a good idea to create something very secial ! Love the little bows ! Have a fabby weekend ! XX

  19. okay... it is VERY ironic that you posted this. One because my favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz. Seriously. I have Dorothy's ruby red slippers tatooed on my hip. Second, after all my car troubles recently, I finally got a new car this week. What did I name her? Ruby! Weird, huh?

  20. Ohhhhhh you have really jazzed those shoes up! They look cute

  21. LOVE! I did this with multi-colored glitter and it was a hot beautiful glitter mess.

  22. Super cute DIY - love how they turned out!

  23. They turned out so cool! I love the fabric you made the bows with :) xo

  24. Adorable! Thanks for the step by step tips!

  25. Best DIY ever! These are so cute! Love your blog xx

    Twenties Girl Style

  26. Those look awesome. I've trying to find the perfect pair of red shoes for the longest time. I may be better off just making them it seems.

  27. What a great job! Looks so cute!! Sweet!!!

  28. love these, another brilliant use of mod podge :)


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