
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Traveling Pumpkin

Outfit Details: Dress/Bag/Scarf : Vintage // Sweater: Target // Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell

Hello hello!

It's nice to be back from the weekend darlings.  The last couple days have been quite a blur and I kind of felt as if I were running from one thing to the next, so at this very moment it is quite nice to slow down and sit here and just type.  I most certainly can't complain though.  Though I've never been a huge fan of being overly busy (blame it on the introvert in me), still every last moment that passed by this weekend was a sweet one.  Swordfish with pumpkin ravioli, a bonfire, a wedding, a visit and Sunday pasta dinner at my family's house oh and yes, those pumpkin carrot cupcakes that I have been raving about nonstop.  I've made 3 separate batches in one week just because I love them so much!

So during my pitstop back to my parent's house, the little fam and I stopped off at a local park to kill some time before my parents got off work.  We came across a beautiful pup with the sweetest owner who chatted with us like we were old friends.  I just love friendly people like that!  Wondering about the trick-or-treat pumpkin?  No it's not my new accessory, my son carries his trains around in it...everywhere!  This started following last year's halloween and it kind of just stuck.  He calls it his "pum pum" and it travels the world with us.

So tell me darlings, do you have that one thing that goes everywhere with you?  

Love Bunches, 


  1. I am telling you, Marisa, I think Keane has the fashion thingy in him because of you. Carrying pumpkins all year round is going to be hit soon, I can feel it, haha! :P

    And your sweater is keeping awe-ing! SO incredibly cute!!! :D

    And yes, swordfish and pumpkin sounds really good ... Even now at 7:09am, hehe. Speaking of pumpkins, I'm trying Eggo's pumpkin waffles right now, they're good :p.

    Have a great one, sweet friend! ;D

  2. I adore your fox top so very much, Marisa. It goes so well with the forest pic. Brilliant as ever.

  3. All the colors of these photos, LOVE! You're so cute!
    xx Viola

  4. These photos are incredible! Everything fits together perfectly. I'm incredibly jealous of that sweater too <3

  5. I used to have a doll named "dolly" that I took evvvverywhere with me. She sits on my bookshelf now! I absolutely looove this outfit, that sweater is so adorable and the colours are amazing on you. Sounds like you had some really great food this weekend, I am jealous of the swordfish and pumpkin ravioli!! YUM!

  6. It sounds like such a lovely weekend, being sociable with family is the best, and that dog is so cute, glad his owner was nice! You make such lovely foods for Autumn!! And of course, your outfit is just lovely xxx

  7. Wow, this is so cute! The park is so beautiful! And your outfit is one of these look-at-it-at-get-happy outfits :) I love it!


  8. This outfit is so adorable! I'm especially loving that vintage bag - the florals are perfect!

    Glad that you had a busy but fun weekend!


  9. Pum Pum -- are you trying to kill me with cuteness? God. And I love this outfit from the tights to the collar to the fox. LOVE IT. ANd I have the perfect thing to add to your package now (inspired by this post). I need to get C to take photos of me in the sweater and then it's off to Drums, PA. xo

  10. Great sweater. If I find it, I might have to buy it :)

  11. That sweater is adorable. And yes, I was wondering about that pumpkin! One thing that goes with me everywhere (well, not to work of course but anywhere that involves overnight travel!) is my teddy bear. His name is Fred and he always sleeps on the pillow by my head. My boyfriend tolerates him :)

  12. My cell phone! My cell phone comes EVERY where I go. It's sad but I even sleep with it by my side because it is my alarm clock. At least your little one's accessory is cuter than mine!

  13. His pum-pum - this is so so cute! Your look is so fantastic!
    Hmm so what goes with me everywhere. Of course my cell phone but when I have a sleepover somewhere else my teddy comes with me! I know, I´m 25, but I don´t care, I love my teddybear and I´m not ashamed of it! =)

  14. Love it, you are so cute!

  15. Ahhh, your jumper is so amazing! In fact your whole outfit is awesome.

  16. I can't tell you how much I love this outfit Marissa. The dress, the collar, the sweater the shoes. It's all too much!! And your son is a cutie pie pum pum x

  17. Hot pink and turquoise are my favourite colours together, SUCH a good combo. Even better that there's a fox motif thrown in teh mix here ;) !


  18. beautiful blog:) this outfit is adorable, you have a really fun sense of style!

  19. Hattitude Style Blog

    ha marisa i love yourlittle boy. that is TOO cute about his little pom pom.
    how old is the little fella now?
    my boyfriend has little nephews, 5 and 3, they call me hattie pattie and they're SO cute. i adore them.
    i also adore this fox sweater of yours. i need to go fall shopping!

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  20. I love your sweater so much! All of your pictures are just lovely.

  21. Ah, he is so cute with his pumpkin!

    I love your fox sweater too :)

  22. Aww baby boy and his pum pum <3. That child is beautiful. It's no wonder with a mama such as the foxy woman pictured in this post. Btw .. I do love that foxx sweater.

  23. Adorable! Not everyone can pull of a cute sweater like you can. There's busy, then there's good busy. It certainly sounds like you had the good kind of busy.


  24. your little one is so adorable! It's looking autumnal in your part of the world, I'm rather looking forward to cosy evenings. And I'd love a Sunday pasta meal - over here people have a roast every weekend, it's very boring. I love all the blue and green in this post! You look great x

  25. pumpkin ravioli!? bonfires!! and those cupcakes!! ahhh it all sounds wonderful! You look adorable and so does your son with his pum-pum. that really is super cute! I love trains!

  26. Hey Babe! Thanks for the comment on my blog! I also love colours and im experimenting alot!
    I also love my new shoes! They are a bit stiff - trying to wear them in abit.
    Ive started following you and would love it if you could follow me aswell.

    This look on you is very cute and super colourful! Love the sweater! Very unique!

  27. Once again with the color mixing mastery! You must have a vintage scarf in every color :) This sweater is so sweet, is it from target this year? Your son is totally going to start a fashion statement with that! I would carry one around year round if it was filled with candy, thats for sure. I am also loving the dress underneath peaking through it looks likes such a soft pretty color and has the cutest collar! Hope you're having a wonderful day!
    xo Hannah

  28. Ok that's it, you are the very cutest on the whole web! That outfit is darling just like you :)

    I don't like being overly busy with social things neither, so that I have time to focus on work (my therapist would call me on this one!).

    I guess my one item would be my camera. It goes EVERYWHERE with me, at all times!

    Virginie xo

  29. Your sweater is so cute!!!
    That is a good idea to use the pumpkin to carry trains in. Gotta love those trains! I tell my boys that if we leave the house they can take one toy and depending on where we are going they either have to leave it in the car or they can take it with us. They have had the rule for a long time so they don't argue with it. We've lost toys in the past which is why the rule came about. I take my phone with me everywhere, but I don't think that is really what you meant.
    That is really great when people are able to chat who are strangers. That is really fun to learn about people.

  30. This is one of the best sweaters in the entire world.

  31. ahhh that sweater is so so amazing! i love your bright, happy style. it makes me want to rob your closet blind ;)

  32. This sweater is AMAZING. I have a thing for foxes, but can't seem to find a fox sweater that isn't crazy expensive. And that is too adorable that your son carries that with him everywhere!

  33. Can I just tell you how much I simply adore you? You look so gorgeous, I completely adore your sweater SO much and EEEEE little man's face!!!!!! I will squeeze him up if I ever have the chance of meeting y'all hehe :). "Pum Pum"..sooooo cute!! oh my goodness. How adorable can you family get??! I think the one thing (well not necessarily a "thing"!) I bring with me everywhere would be Niyah. She's a girl's best accessory ;) lol!

  34. Oh my gosh..the story about your son and his 'traveling pumpkin' melted my heart! The pum pum totally got me at the end! ahhhh <3

  35. That sweater is SO cute! Since I've been on my 2nd hand challenge I've had to ignore the clothing section of Target- but that will be changing soon! :) Your dress looks adorable too, I love that collar and pocket peeking out! Well, the one thing that goes EVERYWHERE with me is not very cute or cuddly but is chapstick. I have it in every bag and every room. Boring, I know, and not as sweet as Pum Pum :)

  36. i love this so much - i loved the photo already with the sweater i made for the new project. i really love the colors and seeing your son with his pumpkin accessory. i love how kids get attached to things like that - i was weird and never had anything like that as a kid. you both are so adorable.

    ps. all those 'college'-y photos were taken at HACC - i've been going there more lately to take photos

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  37. Marisa! Sweetie! Long time no see! I was reading Hannah's remix post with your foxy sweater and it reminded me how long it has been. I hope all is well with you and am happy to see you looking as gorgeous as ever xo

  38. I'm all about foxes lately!

    I cannot believe it's from Target and I've never laid eyes on it before!
    It's so darling!

    I am loving the head scarf you paired with it!
    So sweet!


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