
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Autumnal Equinox

 Outfit Details: Dress: Vintage // Scarf & Shoes (sale): Modcloth // Socks: UO

Happy first day of Fall darlings!

Here's to a gorgeous season full of brightly colored leaves, pumpkin pies, apple ciders, and cozy bonfires.  Not much more to say than just that.  My weekend is chock full - a bonfire, making pumpkin-carrot cupcakes, a wedding, and a trip back to the hometown.  There's lots to do so I got to run.  Hope your weekend is just as beautiful!

Love Bunches, 


  1. Pumpkin carrot cakes? Ah. Sounds delicious. Happy first day of Fall!

  2. Yay for fall! I love wearing tights, sweaters, and jeans. Can't WAIT to break them all out!
    Ps - I miss hearing from you hunny! Hope you are doing well these days : ) Have a great weekend!

  3. This outfit is so pretty and colorful. I love how you wore that scarf too. Have fun this weekend, sounds super busy!



    Southern (California) Belle

    Enter to win my Benefit cosmetics giveaway!

  4. That is such a gorgeous piece!! Also love the whole outfit how you put it together :) Happy Fall :))) Ixx

  5. your weekend sounds great!! Happy first day of fall!!! and pumpkin carrot cupcakes!? omg!

  6. that dress is the most adorable! you just look like the most perfect retro lady ever. and i'm still swooning over those pumpkin-carrot cupcakes... xo!

  7. I love Autumn, you and your amazing cupcakes eh? Gorgeous outfit, the scarf in your hair looks fab xx

  8. Oh what wonderful plans you have.

  9. I love your turban and those cute white socks, adorable :)

  10. This makes me think of Moonrise Kingdom! So so so cute! Those socks rock.


  11. Ahh I am so excited for this season! And that shade of blue looks lovely on you :)


  12. Told a bunch of people it was the autumn equinox...they all just replied with you nerd...

    Anyways I like the lacy knee high socks... sexy and cute

  13. Hello to my sweet and colourful friend! Happy fall. And I have fallen for those cute shoes.


  14. hopefully your packed weekend was sweet and fun!
    love that dress
    it's so you :)

    The Sweetest Escape 

  15. i love this outfit on you! that collar!! and those shoes are awesome. Xx

  16. Those shoes! How darling are they?! Cannot wait for Autumn ^_^ x

  17. I love those shoes and I still love those socks :)! Your're looking great! I hope your weekend was as good as the plans sounded to be!


  18. OMG what a cute post! You look soooo cute! I love it!

    I also wanted to say thanks so much for the very sweet comments you left on my blog it means alot to me.
    Without readers like you my blog would be anything.
    Thnx again and keep posting!!!


  19. your weekend sounds fun! Hope you had time to fit everything in. I love your shoes and the collar on that dress. such beautiful detail.

  20. Those socks are so fun! Love your dress too, another adorable look! Hope your crazy weekend was fun, fun, fun! I was pretty lazy this weekend, had a busy week to recover from. We went bowling with friends last night, but other than that haven't left the house OR changed out of pj's :)

  21. You are the prettiest mamma around (really). x

  22. I am sooo excited for fall, it's definitely the best time of the year, hands down. I love this dress on you, so great with the pretty headscarf and knee high socks. You are soo adorable

  23. Those socks are so lovely!
    Great outfit!

    Best wishes <3,
    Colour Me Classic

  24. This dress is amazing; always love your photos. Have fall to you, my dear! :)

  25. Those shoes and socks are adorable! Hope you had a wonderful weekend, and happy Monday :)

  26. Aren't you so excited about fall!?!? I sure am! Your outfit is stellar too - I don't mean this in a bad way but you kind of look like your off to do housework with your bandana. Again, it's not a bad look. I SWEAR!

  27. Cheers to fall! I love your scarf, I haven't tried wearing one like that and I totally need to, especially in Robs car with the top down. This weekend I just wore a snow hat tied under my head and sunnies and looked very "Amelia Earhart" haha. Also loving the dress and knee high combo, its been my uniform lately! Hope your muffins turned out good!
    xo Hannah

  28. If it weren't because I go to the grocery store and I'm already seeing pumpkin-spiced products and fresh pumpkins, I wouldn't know it;s fall, haha. It's over 90F right now!

    And I looove this dress! Blue is one of my favorite colors and the white collar makes the dress even prettier :p.

    Hope your week's off to a great start, sweet Marisa! ;D

  29. I don't know how you manage to pull EVERYTHING off! I loved this dress when you posted it the group, but I could never pull it off this well. And the headscarf is just gorgeous!

  30. i really need to re try knee highs. you just wear them so well - i want them to work on me too! i love this outfit - it's got a vintage school girl feel to it and i love 'school girl' looks. your weekend sounds full of fun - hope the wedding was awesome!!!

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails // current giveaway

  31. Cute shoes!!!!!
    Love the socks.


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