
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sunset Lake

Outfit Details: Dress (sale) & tights: Modcloth // Scarf: Vintage // Brooch: Antique Mall // Shoes (old) : Dolce Vita

Hello darlings, 

How have you been?  It really feels like September is as busy ever and has kind of swept in like a whirlwind.  My favorite thing this month so far has been the little quiet moments the fam and I have been able to grab down by the lake where we live before the weather really turns cold.  Twirling around and watching the sun go down is a very nice contrast to the hustle and bustle that at times fills the every day.  We actually came down here to eat dinner (my neighborhood has it's own little restaurant that sits on the lake) and it was kind of the best place to unwind.  I feel pretty blah and behind in everything right now - so these next couple days will be devoted to catching up.  Catching up with emails, catching up with my Etsy shop, catching up with mundane tasks, and catching up with you!  

That's about all for now.  It's rainy and windy as all get out - up to 60 mph gusts (yeah, that actually really scares me) so I am content to cozy  up inside with my cup of tea and a pile of laundry.  Hey, I never said my life is glamorous - ha!  

Talk soon darlings!
Love bunches, 


  1. Your tights are adorable. I love all of the colors in this outfit. Super fun!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  2. That outfit is adorable. I totally missed that dress on sale! Also, love the pin.

  3. These photos are so unbelievably beautiful. This looks like the most perfect way to spend an evening love!! I love that dress, the colours are sooo great on you, and those tights are so much fun! September has been going by scary fast

  4. Gorgeous outfit, I am loving these tights! The sunset looks beautiful too, really stunning. How I would love to be able to have dinner right there! xx

  5. Collars and sunsets! What a win! xoxox

  6. These pictures are so beautiful and that dress is wonderful! Glad that September is going so well. :)


  7. Ouu those are the sweetest tights ever! LOVE the pattern!


  8. You are so adorable! I love your dress, it's very fall-ish. those tights are just darling too.

  9. Love your Leggings!!!!! Supppper funky!!!


  10. That dress is super sweet, I especially luv the Peter Pan collar <3


  11. Those tights! That sunset! It looks wonderful. And your little guy is just adorable.

  12. These photos are so lovely. I need to head to a lake by me at sunset, and why don't I do that when I live in the land of 10,000 lakes? I just don't know. :) Sounds like your time is being well spent, and hooray for that, girlfriend.

  13. i love this dress... i saw it in the sale and wanted to get it!! i got the melon dress instead, that had a similar shape/ cut. it looks so, so cute on you! love ya. x

  14. Always so cute, unique, interesting, colorful... I love your posts :)

  15. These are jaw-droppingly beautiful pictures! The one of your son and husband should be framed. And those tights? Don't get me started on their degree of awesomeness.

  16. This dress is 100% perfect. I love the fit and the colors. And I'm really into any post with that cute little kid of yours.

  17. Oo lala, these photos are stunning! I absolutely adore how the tones in your outfit match those in the sunset :) Everything about this is so unique and wonderful, your style always makes me swoon!

  18. Your life looks glamourous, even if you don't think it is. :) LOVE that dress!

    P.S. I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Details on my blog. :)

  19. Lovely dress! I love your headband too! These photos are beautiful! I love the sunset in the background, so pretty.


  20. adorable ! this dress is lovelyyyyyyyyyyyyy....................




  21. What a pretty, pretty dress. September really has been a whirlwind! I can't believe it's more than halfway over already. Eating dinner down by the water sounds lovely though!

  22. These are such beautiful colours in your outfit. Those tights are my favourite! The photos are stunning. xx

  23. awww, you let him go in with his pants rolled down! That's brave! I would have made my boys cuff up their pants as far as possible so they wouldn't get water everywhere! Hehe. These are really beautiful shots and I love your tights.

  24. aww I love sunset photos... such wonderful ambiance.

  25. I love seeing such beautiful photos of you and your gorgeous little family. These photos made me happy- I literally smiled while reading so much.

    You look absolutely lovely, I adore all of the colors in your outfit and this truly inspires me for fall! I can't wait for the weather to get cooler here :) xo!

  26. I've seen this dress on Modcloth so many times and have always been in love with it, it looks wonderful on you! And I love the tights with it- such a fun touch. I don't know about you, but cozy-ing up inside sounds lovely!

  27. These pictures are awesome! I really like them! =) The colours are so so beautiful! You look great! Living at such a beautiful lake must be awesome!

  28. this dress is perfect - and so totally you! it looks great and i love it with these tights. these photos of you and your family in the sunset are so adorable. and that little restaurant on the lake sounds great - i really can't wait to go out to eat with my family & friends this weekend now!

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  29. I really envy your little moments. Every time I read one of your posts, it seems like it is of you taking a moment to ENJOY THAT MOMENT. You know how great that is? Not many people can stop, be still, and enjoy.

  30. Oh my goodness this outfit makes me so happy! I love that dress with that bright collar; it looks like a twirling dress. Great fun!


    swaney e

  31. I'm always so jealous of your Lake photos now I hear there's a cute little restaurant on it? We need to do an exchange, you come visit Oxford and I'll come and prance around where you live. I love the cute pattern clashes with your dress and tights

  32. This is the coolest outfit in the history of outfit posts. I absolutely love everything about it, the yellow and orange of the dress look so good together, I really wish I had shopped that sale! And those tights! My heart is melting! Oh my goodness and you even have a kitty pin! Your plaid boys even look adorable and the backdrop is gorgeous! I wish we had a nice body of water here to relax by.. we have creeks but its just not the same as a nice lake! Thanks for sharing little snippets of your beautiful fam Marisa I seriously feel like I know you guys!
    Lastly, the blogger spotlight is SO COOL! I have never seen a more cute/ organized way of doing it and love how it turned out. I will definitely have to check out the other gals as well!
    Hope you're having a beautiful night!
    xo Hannah

  33. maybe not glamorous but so how I like my life too! haha cute photos! such a cute, sweet family!

  34. Oh, hope it's not raining any more! Although I could really use some rain right now. It it still really hot over here, but I won't complain :p.

    This outfit is perfection! Love the dress and tights! So playful! :D

    And I can't wait to see photos of your Christmas tree and your grandma's ornaments! When I was about 12, my dad got into one of his "clearing clutter moods" and accidentally threw away all of my grandma's Christmas ornaments. I cried then and I feel like crying every time I think about it. She passed when I was 4, so that stash of little ornaments was pretty much all I had left from her.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend, beautiful Marisa! ;D

  35. I am so in love with this outfit: the colors, the collar, and the tights! And your pics are beautiful! -Jessica L

  36. I adore the peter pan collar on that dress. Must find one like it. AHH!

    Stacey Kay
    Parlor City Vintage

  37. This dress is beautiful ! And the pictures are amazing !

  38. Oh my goodness Marisa, this outfit is SO darling! I need a pair of fun tights like this! You are so lucky to be getting some fall temps to enjoy those sunsets. I'm so ready for a cool down! I'm not letting this *still* hot weather stop from enjoying some pumpkin beers and (iced) pumpkin coffee though :) Love everything about this look!


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