
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday and Other Bits

Outfit Details: Dress: Vintage (from shop) // Scarf: yard sale // Necklace: Antique Mall // Shoes: UO

Right now: I am watching Snow White and the Huntsman.   Ok, so it wasn't so bad after all - I actually liked it, but oh Kristen Stewart - you will forever be a vampire named Bella in my head.

Right now: I am feasting on a pumpkin carrot cake muffin that I made the other day, but in actuality I call it a pumpkin puffin (pie + muffin) because the center is so sinfully moist that it reminds me of pumpkin pie filling.  Holy yum.

Right now: I am not donning this dress but rather my favorite yoga pants and a hoodie and not worrying about getting dressed and out the door because hooray hooray it's Saturday.  Instead I will enjoy my muffin and cup of mint chocolate oolong and perhaps mosey on down by the lake with my son in one hand and a book in the other once I feel like getting up from this comfy couch.

These are the moments Saturdays are made of.

Oh yeah, since photos on here don't necessarily happen in real time, I spent a splendid Monday afternoon the other week in this cozy little lakeside - forest lined nook that we stumbled upon on our way home from the market.  It was the perfect summery sort of day and all I wanted to do was frolic and admire the lily pads.  The End.

Wishing you another magical kind of Saturday.
Love Bunches,


  1. What a lovely location! I have yet to see the snow White movie but I hope to very soon! I love the bottom part of your dress!

    1. omg i love this shades of green of your dress! absolutely beautiful! that very first picture is beyond beauty!
      wish you a wonderful weekend darling marisa!
      love and kiss,mary

  2. i love lazy saturdays - i'm enjoying apple cider, playing games, and being lazy too! it's great really. i love this green dress - the color is so fun. i'm a fan of green myself. and i wanted to see snow white and the huntsman just out of curiousty

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  3. you make such amazing muffins, the combinations always have me dreaming!! lovely dress too, a very fun print! Have a lovely weekend x x

  4. First picture is amazing, everything is so beautiful . location, your outfit, scarf in your hair... I don't know, there is something in you that makes me smile (in a good way, of course) every time that I see you :)

  5. It looks like a lovely spot in deed, as does the sofa you were relaxing on as you wrote your post! Not to mention the puffin. Yum.

  6. You Saturday sounds wonderful. Will a pumpkin puffin recipe be forthcoming? It sounds delish.

  7. great dress :) love the color and patterns


  8. You are just one lovely lady! I love everything about this...the cut of the dress is so unique and special and fits you so beautifully! I absolutely adore lily pads. They are one of my favorite things to see (there aren't many around where I live) and everything about them are magical! I need to take a trip to a pond soon now...:)

  9. Sounds like the perfect Saturday! I am in bed enjoying a Sunday of smoothies and blog-catch up! You look adorable! Bet you would look adorable in your yoga pants and hoodie too! :) All the best darling! Zoë xxx

  10. I love how you wear this summer light dress with black tights !

  11. okay.....I still want to see Snow White and the Huntsman. I love movies like that. I love the Twilight movies but am not a fan of Kristin Stewart. But I do want to see this movie.
    second....Pumpkin PUFFIN!!??!?!? I want one!! that's like a perfect thing in my book!!
    and Saturdays are great...well I work Saturdays from 9-1 so Sundays are my Saturdays and those are great so I know what you mean. I remain in my comfy clothes all day long as well :)

  12. That sounds like the best Saturday plans! You look adorable! Green is a good color on you!

  13. cute outfit! love the last photo- so whimsical :)

  14. always so lovely :) i love the green dress and yellow shoes together. pumpkin carrot cake muffin!!!!?? best thing ever?

  15. it all sounds and looks so perfect! We don't have pumpkin pie over hear but I really must try and make it, it's always sounded so tempting! xxx

  16. gorgeous photos, as usual. MMM and a pumpkin carrot cake muffin sounds really good!

  17. Haha, I like the word puffin :p! And I love the pattern and color in this dress!

    Happy Monday, Marisa! ;D

  18. Love the print and the heels are so cute. I would like to be eating a pumpkin puffin right now :)

  19. I laughed when I read the part about Kristen Stewart--all my husband and I wanted to do the whole movie was yell out, "Bella!" at awkward moments throughout the film for the whole theater to laugh at (or get annoyed at).

    Fun blog :) -- I'll have to keep checking back!

  20. Your neighborhood with the lake is so lovely! It's such an amazing backdrop for photos! I love those yellow shoes and, of course, the overall look! And where would one, such as myself, get mint chocolate oolong tea from?! I'm dying to know! -Jessica L



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