
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Plane Spotter II

Outfit Details: Blouse: Forever 21 (very old) // Shorts: Thrifed & DIYed // Hat & Socks: UO // Necklace: Gift from mom // Shoes: Gift

This past weekend, the hubs and I hit the road for yet another trip to Philly, to catch a ball game with a good friend and do a little exploring on the side.  Our friend is a professional photographer, and a pretty stellar one at that, so naturally we took him by one of our favorite spots to take in the scenery and snap just a few pics.  I've written about this little spot before - better known as Plane Spotter's Place.  It's a wee nook right beyond the airport where you can sit on the waterside and watch the planes fly very low overhead.  Of course it's near and dear to my heart because it holds memories of summer's past, laying, talking, and dreaming on the hood of the car with the dapper fellow who later became my husband.

On a side note, obviously this outfit is a far cry from my normal vintage dress get-up - which I will admit is much more me.  But 90s degrees and 100% humidity call for shorts at times and so do ball games :)  

Thus concluded another successfully weekend in the city.  Oh yeah, and the Phillies won! - Ok, not that you probably care that much, but still :)  I'm not an athlete by an means, but I do like a good game every now and then.  

What fun have you been up to darlings?

Love Bunches, 


  1. I'm like you--I like a good game, but I don't get toooo into it. Which is probably strange to most since I live in the South and go to a football college and all... oh well! ;)

    These are such nice pictures. The one holding hands is just too cute! <3

    Thank you so much for following, too! <3<3 I'll definitely be back to visit ya. :D

  2. Hattitude Style Blog

    oh marisa that sounds so romantic to dream on the car roof with your future hubby!
    my future hubby asked me to go to a ball game for our anniversary (which is today!) I didn't think it was very romantic, so I suggested a picnic at a provincial park at the beach...much more my scene haha

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  3. Gorgeous photos, such a scenic place to take them! I really need to go and find more interesting places for mine I think :p xx

  4. These photos are so cute! Love it :D
    I've never been to a big sports match! I keep saying I'll get to one but I don't hang out with a very sporty bunch, so finding someone to go with is difficult! Glad to hear you had fun though :) Rhi xx

    The Wildest of Dreams

  5. Lovely pictures :) and I love those shoes. The holding hands is soo cute :) Ixxx

  6. These are such great photos! And it sounds like a fun time, too - I've been wanting to visit Philly for a while now, there just seems to be so many things to do there!

  7. Well darling even if this is not your usual style I love it <3 those shorts (are they the ones that you DIYed in the post below?) look awesome on you!

  8. You were in Philly!?!?!? I live in Philly sister! University City to be exact (45th and Spruce). I probably passed by you too - I work in the Navy Yard for Urban Outfitters! The weirdest part of all is that I know exactly where Plane Spotter's Place is!

  9. wow! loving the pics!!


  10. these are BEAUTIFUL! oh my goodness - i love this location. that last photo is especially beautiful. and i love these shorts even more on - they look awesome and i adore them with that green top. i think this still has a really vintage feel to it - especially with that tie. they are so beautiful.

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  11. cute outfit and lovely pictures!

  12. Go Phillies!

    I love these photos by the way, you look so lovely and I'm liking the casual look!


  13. amazing outfit,love the color of your top :D

  14. Wow with a capital double-U! (lol, I'm pretty sure that's the first time I've ever spelled that word out ... had to look it up!). These shots are stunning. Excellent photographer, in deed! I like your outfit. Different for you, but still very attractive on you.

    xo loulou

  15. I really love this outfit, that blouse is such an incredible colour on you. And those DIY shorts turned out beautiful!! These photos are so lovely, it's really great your friend was able to snap some shots for you two in such an awesome place.

  16. These photo's are so wonderfull, I adore your style!
    And the holding hands photo is very sweet, hihi!


  17. I love this outfit! Even if it's not your typical style. It's 100% pretty and perfect for the summertime.

  18. sigh - such gorgeous dreamy photos again, you always make shorts look so cute! xcx

  19. I love these photos! and I thought you were standing on a rooftop! :)

    Hurray for being veggie-twinsies! I'm pretty convinced I can do the veggie thing for a long time,except when there's seafood, but I dunno about my husband. He LOVES beef.

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  20. You look adorable in your shorts! I love these pics, especially the ones of your hands clasped - so sweet xo

  21. Looks like a beautiful spot, and you look great in tho shorts!

  22. These photos are so delightful! Sounds like a wonderful trip to Philly.

  23. Such gorgeous photos, and I love planes so that sounds like a dream
    Love your outfit, your shoes are lovelyy

  24. Your pictures are so dreamy(: I love the second one!

  25. Cool shots, Marisa! And you definitely rock those shorts! I'm too shy for shorts, which I hate ... Maybe that's why I can't get my legs to tan??? Hahaha.

    Have a great day and an even better weekend! Any cool plans on sight? :p


  26. oh, what a beautiful picture you and hubby holding hand :)) short or vintage dress you gorgeous as always :) i adore your shoes a lot, and i'm glad you had a great game time. have a nice weekend :)

  27. Those shorts turned out soooooooo cute!


  28. sweet photos and super cute lace up shoes xo
    would you like to follow each other?

    Win $300 to spend on boticca on my blog!

  29. that sounds like a lovely trip. and that is sweet, about that spot on memory lane. :) I love spots like that. and I agree, sometimes the weather requires a different attire the our usual garb.

  30. Holy moly me oh my! I love that top!!!! I. Must. Have. It!!!!

  31. Hi, Marisa!
    It's been a long time!
    You and Ctherine's summer dress are very very fantastic!!
    You are always lovely!!!


  32. Love your Top!!!! Sooo pretty!
    Your blog is cute and I have been subscribed for over 2 years now.
    If you like then follow me aswell :)
    Keep Well
    Love Max


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