
Friday, August 17, 2012

Brand New Day


Hello darlings!

This weekend finds me back in my hometown to finish up some planning for my sister's bridal shower next week and meet-up with a very lovely blogger friend of mine - but more on that some other time.  

A couple Friday's ago, when the hubs and I were volunteering at our town fair, we got a frightening phone call and learned that a couple of our close friends were in a car accident, hit by a Mac truck. After hearing that the car had flip over into a ditch, we really didn't know what to expect as we quickly drove to see them at the hospital.  So when we arrived it was the biggest relief to see them up and moving about with no cuts, scrapes, or anything much worse besides some aches and pains.  Saying the whole thing was scary would be an understatement and saying that it is a miracle that they survived it nothing more than true.

In celebration of life we all picked up and headed to Philly the very next day :)  A brand new day to live is the quite possibly the best gift ever.

Have a splendiferous weekend my friends.  Catch you soon!

Love Bunches, 


  1. So glad to hear your friends were safe, those sorts of moments really do make you appreciate every last little day <3 lovely outfit as per, I just love how you style cute socks with dresses! xxx

  2. !! i'm so excited!

    that is awesome/amazing that your friends are fine - i couldn't imagine hearing that or experiencing that. i'm sure they are shaken up though.

    this philly trip looks like perfection - the food looks AMAZING and your outfit is adorable as always. i'm in love with those polka dot socks, and you look great in shift dresses

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  3. Hi! I just found your blog, I was reading some of your posts and I'm loving it! Your blog is great :D
    Would you like to follow each other? I started and I would be so glad if you could follow me back! Btw, your dress is really pretty :)

    Wish you a lovely friday ♥

  4. WOW - thats good to hear that your friends are fine.. and every time you post pictures of that froyo my mouth waters!

  5. Oh my, your story of your friends being in a car accident just sent shivers from my head to my toes. So so good that they were not badly hurt. It is in deed a wake up call to enjoy one's time to the fullest.

    I love these pictures. You look so cute in that dress and hat. My particular favourite is the one where you are giving who I assume is your beloved husband a kiss on the cheek!

    Have a great weekend, my sweet on-line friend.

  6. I'm so glad your friends are OK! That must have been very scary.

    Looks like you had a lovely trip to Philly- I adoreeee that dress.

  7. What a positive post! =) Love the socks and hat =)

  8. I'm so glad to hear your friends were unharmed! Life is scary sometimes.

    Love your dress, it looks totally rawkin' on you! The playful socks are also totally awesome ahah!

  9. Oh, my! I'm glad your friends are fine after such an accident! And I agree life should be celebrated every single day :).

    Love this photos, especially the one of you and your hubby :p.

    Have a wonderful weekend! ;D

  10. Awww that's so good your friends are okay!! It's so so scary when people are in accidents, it could have been bad. I love these pictures you all look so happy here and that's so awesome. I love your dress, it's gorgeous!

  11. oh goodness, those socks with those shoes are too cute, I can't handle it!

    I really am so glad that your friends are ok x

  12. Glad that your friends are okay! I can't even imagine.

    You look lovely, as always. :)


  13. So so glad to hear that your friends turned out okay! That must have been heart wrenching! I'm even more glad that you celebrated in my city - Philly!

    On a side note to your side note - next time you're in Philly, email me girl! I'd love to do a meetup!

    Oh and your diet is just like mine - sushi, ice cream, and cake! ha!

  14. I am glad to hear that your friends were ok.. I saw like a small part of this post on my reading list, and was like must click through to find out if they were ok! And it seems there were! Hope Philly is good!

  15. Glad to hear that everything is alright :)
    You look so cute :)

  16. Wow! That could've easily been such a horrible tragic ending, they were really lucky! So many gorgeous photos from you again, all that food is making me hungry and once again you are rocking socks and Oxfords. Have a lovely weekend!! Xx

  17. i love these pictures ... and i love this cute sixties dress.

  18. Such a great post! Loving the vintage quality of the photos :) Love your blog, following you now!



  19. Hattitude Style Blog

    marisa that is so scary! it's always wonderful to get a reality check on how short life can be and to live it to the fullest! i'm so glad your friends are okay!
    when is your sisters wedding? is she the one in your photos? or is that your two friends who are okay now after the accident?
    of course i love love your vintage flower brooch. too cute.

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  20. So glad your friends are ok! Thats so scary. Love the picture of you and Al. :) You guys are the cutest!

  21. Hey girl! It was great meeting you today. Love the lighting in these pictures; your husband is a fab photographer! =)

  22. a brand new day to live is indeed the best gift ever. I'm so happy they are safe! That is very scary. These are beautiful photos, yet again. That chocolate dessert looks absolutely divine!!!

  23. Praise God your friends are ok! Thats amazing nothing happened to them!
    I just came across your blog and i'm loving your style! You're the cutest! Love the dress you're wearing in the pictures in this post.

    I have a new giveaway on my blog this week i'd love for you to check out!


  24. aww.. you guys are soo lovely =)
    so much fun and love !!
    you look so stylish and cute as well ^^

    visit my fashion blog sometimes =D
    hope we can be friend with following each other !

  25. Gosh, I can't even imagine how relieved you must've been to see your friends were okay, especially since it could've been the worst of the worst! So glad they were okay! Your day in Philly looks wonderful, all the good food and your adorable socks are very easy on the eyes. ;-) Super cute dress and shoes too.

  26. Oh my goodness that is terrifying! So glad your friends are okay!
    This whole post has me SO HUNGRY. First of all, that's the perfect looking fruity fro-yo! I haven't had a one in a whole two days haha. Also, that chocolate cake and what looks like some yummy wrap- sign me up to come to Philly with you guys too haha!
    Your little mod dress is too cute, the cut is fabulous and I feel like you could remix it with so many different colors!
    Happy Monday to you hope you're enjoying your hammock time ;)
    xo Hannah

  27. Oh my word, what a blessing that your friends are ok! That is one good way to realize your days are numbered- hate that it happened, but what a reminder to live each day as if you won't get another! BTW. I love the enamel flower brooch. It's so pretty!

  28. these pictures are soooo sweet!

  29. These pics scream celebrations of life! So good to hear your friends are ok. What a blessing!x

  30. Hooray for the bridal shower! The pictures look great, I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

  31. So good that your friends didn't get severely injured! It's so scary how life can change from one day to another.

  32. Your friends are miracles!
    My English is bad, but I can know your lovely heart for your friends!


  33. These are such cute pictures, my friend! Car accidents are so scary & unpredictable. I'm glad to hear that everyone was ok.

  34. awwww You two are so cute!!!!!!!!! I love your socks a lot by the way! Thank God that your friends were okay after such a major hit. One of my former youth pastors/leaders was hit by a mac truck and walked away and it sliced his car in half. It is a miracle when people survive such crazy things.


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