
Thursday, July 19, 2012

July Sponsor Spotlight

Hi Darlings, 

Today will find me at the beach taking advantage of my last couple days in Hilton Head ... but before it's back to the daily grind, I wanted to take a moment and introduce a few of my July sponsors to you.  I'm really loving how diverse this lovely little group of ladies is, and how just plain ol awesome their blogs are - so without further ado...

The Muffington Post

I am Mary-Morgan from The Muffington Post. I am a hairdresser and makeup artist. I love to bake yummy vegan sweets, thrift and make pretty things. I love all things pink, lots of vintage, and happy things.

Blog // Twitter // Pinterest // Instagram // Tumblr


Brooke vs. the World

Brooke vs. the World (aka Brooke Schoenman) spends her free time traipsing around former Soviet countries like Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine before returning to Sydney where she further explores the life of an American expat in Australia. Brooke's travel life started back in 2007, and she is still traveling and blogging about her adventures on her website, as well as on popular travel sites across the web. With no plans for stopping anytime soon, she hopes to spread the love of travel and inspire women everywhere to get up and go -- even if that means going it alone.

 Blog // Twitter // Facebook // Newsletter - Female Travel Underground


Lala Faux Bois

Hello, friends of Marisa! I'm Lisa, the blogger behind lala faux bois, all about my obsessions with traveling, vintage, and making stuff. I have dreams of seeing the world, but most the time you can find me petting my kitties or thrifting my heart out.  

Blog // Twitter // Instagram

Just one more thing....Only one day left to enter The Braided Bandit Vintage $40 Giftcard Giveaway - which is really in other words scoring a piece of beautiful vintage clothing from Hannah's shop for free.  Enter here or click the sidebar to the left.  The winner will be announced tomorrow:)

Catch ya real soon!


  1. Aww what a great group of ladies...loving Marisa's green sunnies. So cute.

    xo erica

  2. fun! thanks for swapping blogs and introducing me to yours!!!


  3. Will have to check these lovely ladies out! Have a great weekend Marissa xo


Leave a comment, introduce yourself, or just say Hello. You never cease to brighten my day:-)