
Friday, July 20, 2012

AM's at the Bakery

Outfit Details: Top (Romper) & Hat: UO // Skirt: Vintage // Necklace: Antique Mall // Bag & Shoes: Thrifted

A week in Hilton Head just isn't complete without catching a spot of pastry from Signe's Bakery.  Today I feasted on marzipan and cheese pastry, but I also had my eyes on these lavender biscotti's - mmm, perhaps next time.  Anyhow, today's pop in is going to be a quick one, because I must gobble up every last minute here on "the island" before we head back home tomorrow.  I wish you all the sweetest sunshine-filled weekend possible!  

Talk soon!
Love Bunches, 

One more tidbit...from all the qualifying entries for the The Braided Bandit Vintage Giveaway - the winner is:

Congrats Sarah, we'll be in contact with you soon:)


  1. Love your ice cream bag, so cute! The pastry looks delicious too...yum.

  2. I really love your unique sense of style and how you can pull of such bold colours and patterns. The ice cream bag is just adorable!


  3. This place looks like it has delicious goods ! Yummy, I love baked goods :)
    Your skirt is SO awesome, love the colours on it. So pretty with this top too, perfectly summery
    Have a great weekend!

  4. I have never seen one of those pastries but they sound and look interesting. I don't even know what marzipan looks like (other than the one from homestar runner).

  5. ah! this romper and the skirt go wonderfully together. just perfect. and this bakery is so cute - i love that you took your ice cream purse for the occasion. i've never been to hilton head, but it is the halfway point between PA and florida, so we may hit it up if we need me to take the other dog. i'll have to hit this up if we go.

    <3 katherine
    current giveaway on of corgis & cocktails

  6. I luv that floral top so cute! Omg that pastry looks amazing, I want <3


  7. Your son is the cutest. His little curls :) and Mmmm pastries!! The best! I love cherries and cream pastries myself. Have fun on your last day! & be safe coming home doll. Xoxo Mary-Morgan

  8. how cute is your sons hair??! wowie and you are looking perfect for a bakery morning appointment hee hee. hope youre having a marvellous time!xx

  9. Such a cute outfit! I love that you used a romper as a top; I need to try that! I also really love that ice cream bag.

    Oh my goodness, when you post pictures of your family; your son is SO adorable.


  10. Awe, Keane is so adorable!!! And so is your outfit :).

    Keep having fun there, you deserve it! :D


  11. I'm sure someone has already told you you and Lacey Chabart look a lot alike!

  12. Your blog is such a inspiration to me :)

  13. Looks like you're having a wonderful time! Your little boy is darling ... You must love him to bits.


    1. oh gosh your little man is so supercute, i love those curls ;) and you are the most fabulous and colourful mummy;) a perfect day with cake and the beloved ones ;)

  14. That dress and your smile goes so well. I like the t-shirt underneath, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Such a handsome boy you have.
    Enjoy your weekend, my gorgeous Marisa.

  15. gorgeous! I love the idea of layering the playsuit like that. Have a gorgeous weekend xx

  16. such lovely pictures, and your outfit's cute! the ice cream bag is so adorable:) xx

  17. Lovely photos! Your little guy is just the sweetest boy ever-such cute little curls! Love the colors you used here too- so fun for summer. And of course, I'm definitely hungry now!

  18. I absolutely love your icecream bag! You have such a great sense of style and that key lime pastry...I'm just drooling looking at it. ;)

  19. Mmmm sounds so yummy! You look so gorgeous as always, and the photos are just so lovely. I love your purse and I adore how you match! So glad to hear you had a wonderful time lady!

  20. i love all food lavender - get the biscotti next time and take pics! :)

  21. hay, marisa! how's your weekend? :) you look pretty and cute as always. i love you skirt! and what a lovely time with your family. your son is beautiful :))

  22. girl, i really love your sandals. colourful. cute and they look quite comfy!

  23. Hello my lovely,
    I've just started following your blog and wanted to tell you how much i've enjoyed scrolling through the pages! Your little family are very adorable and I really really love your style!

    Leona x

  24. marzipan and cheese pastry and lavender biscottis sound delicious. OH my, I think I may have drooled on my keyboard. And keylime bread pudding sounds like my ideal heaven.

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  25. That skirt is amazing! The whole outfit is so creative. Love your blog!

  26. I need to go to Hilton Head! You look lovely and I'm not surprised you want to savour every last minute there! Can't belive you thrifted that bag BTW! xxx

  27. Hattitude Style Blog
    marissa this is pattern overload. it makes my head swoon (in the BEST possible way ever) so much! i lvoe love love love this outfit. the purse, the skirt, and the shirt. you nailed this outfit!

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  28. Wow nice post! Btw, it's my first time visiting your blog, and it's a nice blog.
    I'm blogger from Indonesia and like your blog <3
    Wanna follow each other? ;)

    my blog

  29. Oh my goodness, I have missing out on so much blog goodness! I think my Bloglovin has close to 200 entries to catch up on. Your outfit is too cute, I love how you have been pairing dresses and rompers with other skirts, & I always admire that boater hat!
    When saw the bakery sign saying key lime bread pudding a swooned - two of my favorites combined in one?! Sorry that your vacation is over and hopefully you have an easy time getting back into the swing of things!
    I haven't heard from the giveaway winner Sarah yet, but will reach out to her later today with some more info!
    Thanks Marisa! Have a wonderful day!
    xo Hannah

  30. Holy poop. I love that skirt. Soooooo beautiful and adorable boater hat...I think I've bought like 3 thinking "hmmm this time - this time this one will look good!" And never happens. Haha

  31. Your little one is such a cutie - just like his momma!

  32. Key lime bread pudding sounds delish! I love your colorful style so much! I like the idea of rompers as tops because I have a couple cute printed ones that are just too short for work. That skirt is the perfect find!


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