
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sponsor Spotlight: Hattie // Hattitude Style Blog

Hello there!

While I am off to a Keane concert tonight, my feature sponsor Hattie of Hattitude Style blog and  Hattitude Jewellery  is taking over the reins today.  Give her tons of love darlings and be sure to visit her loverly blog.  She really is quite a doll and really has a fun and killer sense of style and knack for creating the prettiest vintage inspired jewelry!  It's all yours Hattie....


Hello Shades of Monet readers! My name is Hattie and I'm so excited to be doing a blog posting for Marisa. I've been following her blog for awhile. She's so cute and whimiscal isn't she? 

 I am the owner and designer of Hattitude jewellery. I create one of a kind hand made jewellery using vintage recycled pieces. If you're a vintage lover, you'll have to check out my collections, click here. I started Hattitude when I was 15 years old. I am 24 now and am lucky enough to call myself my own boss. I also have a style blog, where I show my outfits and ways to style the jewellery from my store.

Dress: Vintage, Chez Thrift, Bolton, ON  
Tights: Urban outfitters Head 
scarf: mothers
 Necklace: one of my creations, Hattitude jewelry 
ring: Spanx, Vancouver, BC 
Belt: Thrifted 
Shoes: Shoepper

Four (because everyone does three) neat facts about me:

1. I've never broken a bone, not even a toe, or finger, nata, nothing, zing!

2. I had a double lung transplant 2 years ago, due to my chronic illness, cystic fibrosis, which I was born with. Click here to find out more about CF. Or click here to save a life.

3. My favourite book is Gone with the Wind. This is a must on every girl's book shelf. If you have not read this book, it's an injustice and you must go and read it! 

4. I am a music fanatic. I love indie pop, alternative, and a little bit of folk music thrown in for good luck. 

There is a little sneak peek into the window of my, Hattitude life. 
Feel free to follow me on Twitter, join my Facebook page or stop by my style blog and tell me a little about you! :) 

Hope everyone has a fabulous week, and Marisa hope you enjoyed your concert! 


  1. This outfit is so sweet. The tights were totally unexpected, but I definitely loved it. What awesome facts, never broken a bone, but had a lung transplant? That's so intense. And I've never read Gone With the Wind...maybe one day I should

  2. Gone with the Wind is my favorite book (and movie). My mom named me after it.

    Penniless Socialite

  3. So cute with that curly hair tucked up with a scarf! On my way over to Hattitude now.


  4. You're adorable, Hattie! And I really love your jewelry. My favorite piece is Last Train Home. Earthy yet metallic.

    And Marisa-- hope you enjoyed Keane! They're great :)

  5. very pretty! this look is so feminine, and those tights are amazing! i also have never broken a bone, and we have the same taste in music! :D

    daydream frenzy

    Shabby Apple $50 Giveaway


  6. Awe, what a cool style! Hopping over to see her blog!

    And, Marisa, please tell us about Keane's concert! :P


Leave a comment, introduce yourself, or just say Hello. You never cease to brighten my day:-)