
Tuesday, June 12, 2012


 Outfit Details: Top: Vintage in my Etsy // Scarf & Shoes: Thrifted // Sock: Topshop

What a blur this past week has turned out to be - not that that is a bad thing, I've really just been so extremely busy that the saying "time is of the essence" has been so completely true.  So Thursday night I baked a boatload of Nutella cupcakes with peanut butter frosting (recipe to come) so that they would last through the 3 rounds of company we've had over to our home this past weekend and let's just say they didn't disappoint!  Not only cupcakes but a chili throwdown was the event of the weekend and sadly I chickened out and didn't enter my vegetarian chili into the mix, but I do think it would have fared quite well now looking back - avocados and poblanos do make some magic together:)  Nonetheless, the 8 different chilies that were entered were scrumptious and each unique - now only if Bobby Flay would have shown up!

So my reward for making it through this weekend of playing hostess? - A nice relaxing day at the beach (aka lake) in our neighborhood with some good friends, a very long nature walk (see above)  and the biggest and best burrito later on that night...perfect! 

All this out and about and hostessing and so on has thinking of the song Marathon by Tennis, an oldie but goodie.  Not because I'm on a sailing voyage like the duo in the song (though that would be so much cooler), but because I feel like I've been running one...still, tis a loverly song to have stuck in my head.

Hope your week is getting off to one swell start too darlings!

Love bunches, 


  1. Sounds like you've been keeping pretty busy! I really adore this outfit too. You look great!

  2. Yum, chili and cupcakes! I probably wouldn't eat them together but both sound amazing!

    1. oh those nutella cupcakes sounds so delicous, i absolutely can imagine what a great and charming hostess you are!!!
      and this orange/white striped shirt is so cute!!! well also the socks, oh you always have so much love for the details darling!

  3. Wow, three rounds of company! You sound like a great hostess, spoiling guests with Nutella cupcakes:) What a fun top!

  4. Oh nutella cupcakes sound delicious.

    I love your socks, they are adorable!

  5. Stunning photography! & you look lovely :)

  6. yum, your food all sounds amazing, I want that cupcake recipe!! Lovely dress, and cute socks too <3 xx

  7. Awe, I wish I could be such a great hostess! I so suck at that! I stress out before the guest arrive and while the guests are here, haha. And I have a million ideas to make the house look pretty but I never implement them, boo.

    Love your blouse! And that place looks so relaxing! I want to have a picnic there one day :p.

    Have a great week, Marisa! ;D

  8. Your outfit is darling! And the week sounds like so much fun!

  9. I feel like the photos on your blog just keep getting better and better! Love the vintage top its so bright and unique! At least you got to wear it before it goes to a lovely new home! I feel you on the marathon, but the again, I can of feel like that whole juggling act EVERY week, so maybe thats just life! Can't wait for the yummu cupcake recipe, even if its just to oggle and not actually bake haha!
    xo Hannah

  10. Sounds like it was a fun time! Yes busy, but fun too! You should have thrown your veg chili into the challenge. I love veg chili and look forward to seeing you recipe!

    xo Loulou

  11. Ooo vegetarian chili... amazing :)

  12. wow sounds like a cool recipe I would love to try it! cute outfit my darling and did you change the name of your blog I can see a "The" in the heading now?
    xo Ilana

  13. Those cupcakes sound AH-mazing. I'm definitely going to have to make those when you share the recipe.

    Also, that shirt is adorable!


  14. Nutella cupcakes? Recipe please! And while you're at it, you might as well give me the recipe for that chili as well ;)
    Anyway, you look wonderful! That blouse is so beautiful :)

  15. nutella cupcakes, i LOVE them!

    love your dress.

  16. that top is perfection! so lovely, marisa :) and nutella cupcakes with peanut butter frosting? i think i'm gonna faint.. xx

  17. Such loveliness! I ADORE the top, the shoes, and socks- well the whole outfit! Well done! And love that you have a cupcake recipe because they are my favorite! -Jessica


  18. cupcakes and burrito! yummy :) you look really pretty, marisa. i love your top and socks. so refreshing :)) xx.

  19. I've never tried nutella before but I'm always hearing folks talk about it.

    This is one great/fun/groovy top!

    xoxo mama Wolf.

  20. Love tyour booties, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

  21. that top is all kinds of great! and your socks! ahhh....I am a big sock fan! haa

  22. Oh ! this outfit seems unusual on you and I looove it ! The top is amazing !!!

  23. nutelle cupcakes with PB frosting! UHM YUM! yes can't wait for that recipe. i would love to do a chili cookoff - or really any cookoff.

    these photos are lovely - the area is so pretty. i love your socks, and that top is so pretty - the orange is such a great color.

  24. I want to steal your shoes and your socks!!LOL. Lovely photos ^^.

  25. You have the absolute best taste in colors. I love the orange. Super cool!

  26. Wonderful boots! You are really just too cute for words. :)

  27. Your avocado chili sounds amazing! You sure seem like you'd be the perfect little hostess-mmmm nutella cupcakes! Loving this orange color on you too-looks so enchanting with your dark hair! I love it.

  28. Please send me a cupcake, please! I love this top it's so pretty on you. Your lake shots are beautiful. Your chilli sounds amazing. I love vegetarian chilli, it's been so long since I've had a good batch of it. Everyone neglects the vegetarians. You're always so busy. I have no idea how you find time to blog. You are a beast my lady.

  29. You are such a beauty! I love your outfits, there are the epitome of colourful, quirky style.
    Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. I really appreciate it :)
    xx Maria

  30. Such a stunning blog! I really love your style of photos. Its so nice to see an individual style, yours is so refreshing.

  31. i will not get over this marvelous outfit for i don't know how long. combining that shirt with that scarf on the head and those shoes are the best thing i've seen today.


  32. all that talk of food has made me peckish. I love your top and your adorable socks!!


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