
Friday, May 4, 2012

When in Pittsburgh

When in Pitt.
Outfit Details: Dress & Hat: UO (Old, remixed) // Blazer: Vintage, Thrifted // Purse: Vintage // Shoes: Poetic License -




When in Pittsburgh - well I wish I could tell you that I ventured into the city and did tons of cool site seeing but not the case.  The hubs and I were out there on business and so most of the days and nights were tied up with meetings, which is not nearly as cool.  However it was a nice trip and even nicer that my parents were out there as well, so I got some good old fashioned hang time (and good eating) in with the family that made the long trip all worth while.  

I was sooo sooo tired the whole trip - going 48 hours with no sleep is no fun, so pardon the gargantuan, somewhat obnoxious size of my sunglasses.  I really needed something to shut as much light out as possible.  I think I would have wore those suckers inside if it would have been a perfectly appropriate thing to do...haha.  

Anyhow, I have some sweet little tidbits planned for this space including a DIY that several of your have asked me to I'm rather excited.

Happy Friday Darlings!
Love Bunches,


  1. every part of this outfit is awesome! the florals of that blazer are divine, especially with the pattern of your dress (which i love.) and those shoes... man, do i covet those shoes. your gargantuan sunglasses do not bother me in the least bit :) and i'm glad you at least got to see your family on such a tiring trip! xxox

  2. omg - i need that jacket in my life! what a find!


  3. Looking lovely as usual! I love that blazer and those shoes especially! Glad you had a fun trip and hope you got to catch up on some sleep!


  4. That floral blazer you found is just amazing! I have been on the lookout for one too as its the perfect little jacket for this unpredictable spring weather!
    Can I just say, you are the sweetest! Your comments are always so nice and instantly put me in a better mood! I wish we lived closer in real life!
    Hope you have a great Friday, and thank goodness its almost the weekend!
    xo Hannah

  5. I fell in love with your blazer! Amazing :)

  6. Your floral blazer is SO lovely! Can't believe you thrifted it! x

  7. Love your feminine and colourful outfit! Especially those cute shoes!

    xoxo ~Natasha Fatah~
    ~Natasha Fatah~

  8. DIYs would be fun! I love seeing posts like that.
    I adore those green shoes!!!

  9. We are all enamored by your blazer and your sweet, uplifting way. I really can't wait when I find a floral blazer of my own.... Or floral anything really. I do not think I own one piece of floral anything! lol Please let me know if you find anything online that is as wonderful and flowery as your blazer.

  10. marisa that thrifted jacket is to die for! i love pattern on pattern so this outfit makes me swoon at the knees

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  11. Aww, even if you didn't get to sightsee much it still sounds like a great trip! You look adorable as usual in this outfit, and those shoes are wonderful!

  12. Nice to see you back! This outfit is so adorable! The bag and shoes are perfect.


  13. Ahh I would die if I went 48 hours without sleep! You are a super woman, especially looking so amazing while so tired. I am loving this dress, it's so lovely and looks so great print mixed with the blazer.
    Have a great weekend!!

  14. Holy smokes batman! Marisa you look soooo cute in this getup I swear you suit your bright cute style so beautifully! I love it! :) I hope you caught up on your sleep! :) Enjoy your weekend! xxx

  15. Aweee, I love the dress, the coat and the shoes! I would so love to get lost in your wardrobe one day; you have so many amazingly awesome pieces!

    Hope you can get some sleep this weekend! ;) Happy Friday to you, too, sweet Marisa! ;D

  16. Soes and blazer...adorable :) The rest of the outfit is lovely too, as usual dear :)

  17. You look absolutely adorable! I looove the collar and the floral blazer.
    I'm a new follower! :)

  18. love this look dear great to see you with bare legs is the weather warmer in Pittsburgh?
    XX Ilana

  19. Well darling, you actually look amazing as always and not tired at all :) I also like the outfit, how those beautiful prints look good together.

    Life is a romantic poem

  20. so glad that you had a fun family time beside the meetings :) i love your style as always, marisa. your shoes is super cute, look so classic and warm. and you look great in your dress and flowery blazer. have a nice weekend :))

  21. ooh, i love your outfit! you look beautiful in that dress:) also the blazer is perfect, and so is the hat! x

  22. great pictures! Awesome blog hun! Come and let's follow each other! Stay in touch ;) besos!

  23. Love that dress! And to be honest, there's not a ton of sight-seeing to do in Pittsburgh. Most of its beauty is just seeing the bridges and hills around the city. Glad you had time with your family. :)

  24. I loooove this blazer, it's beautiful! And great teamed with this dress :) it's lovely you spent some time with your fam inbetween all the working! xx

  25. i want that dress! and those shoes! ah! love them! and 48 hours with no sleep sounds terrible - i would be so grumpy and tired. i wouldn't be able to take cute photos like this

  26. I love the dress! It's the shortest hem I've seen on you in awhile with bare legs and I love it. So wonderful and I hope you had fun in Pittsburgh even if it was mostly business. I've only ever been for shows, but it's always fun and pretty. Can't wait to see your DIY!

  27. Ohhh i hope you really enjoyed your sleep after beeing up for such a long time sweetheart ! But anyhow those pics are gorgeous ! And i like your shoes !!! My fave colour is green :) Have a wonderful week !!! XX

  28. Marisa- I can't tell you how much I adore this outfit! Thrifting is so awesome :) That blazer looks like something you would see in stores now & it fits you perfectly. Such a darling dress & shoes too. Hope you have had some time to catch up on sleep!

  29. That blazer, holy spimoli, it's perfection!!!! I am beyond in love, beyond. Buzz Lightyear style. And those shoes! Le sigh...they are so unique and so adorable! I realize I have far to many practical shoes in my wardrobe-I need to reintroduce crazy fun ones!

  30. great pictures, you really have a great eye for styling!!

    xo Daisy


  31. Hello, I had another blog and followed you, and I rule, and now I have another :) And I'm following you again, and I love your blog. :) Follow my blog back? Thank you beautiful!

  32. This whole outfit is fantastic. You look so lovely. I really want those shoes.

  33. That is the most perfect blazer ever. Ever! It looks wonderful on you x

  34. Love love love this outfit: all of it! You look super pretty :)

  35. OMG ! These shoes are so lovely !!! Green shoes ?! Is it a dream ?!?!
    The floral jacket is amazing too !!!

  36. I love the jacket, where did u get it?


    1. Thanks The! I actually picked it up at a thrift store close to where I live. It's a 1990s Gap blazer. xx

  37. oooh the floral jacket is really a treasure but i also love your green shoes madly!!! i thought first they were from irregular choice because they used to have the most fabulous shoes in the world but now i have to check out this brand too ;)
    love and kiss,mary

  38. ooooooh those LEGS!!!! smoking! and not a cankle in sight ;)

    1. Hahahaha....yes, well I try! When are you getting back to blogging? I don't have an update from you since January!


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