
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Beachy Keane

Outfit Details: Dress: Vintage - The Attic People (remixed)//Floral Crown: DIY//Necklace: Etsy//Shoes: Modcloth (Gift, remixed)





Hello there darlings, 
Nope I am not on vacation, this is just your average Saturday spent hanging around in my neighborhood.    Now that spring has finally sprung, I guess it's safe to say that bare legs and beach afternoons are going to be the spice of life from here on out...well, at least after all the more important stuff like running errands and doing chores gets done.  (How's that for reality?)  On this day, the fam and I were running out and about grocery shopping like it was going out of fashion because we came home from Pittsburgh to a house full of bare cupboards.  Upon driving back into our neighborhood my son, Keane, so adamantly sing-sung the word, "play" over and naturally on to the beach and playground area we did drive.  Though my neighborhood is quietly nestled on the side of a mountain, it also boasts a gorgeous lake and cute little beach area...sans the waves that is, but nonetheless, it's the perfect place to let our little guy run around and get some good old fashioned fresh air.  So that is that...sunshine on my shoulders makes me quite a happy girl.

Love Bunches,


  1. such wonderful photos,the first one is my favourite!

  2. following you too :D:D!! By the way! These pictures are soooo good!

  3. Love the pattern of your dress, it is absolutely adorable. Also, I love these pictures on the beach with the little guy. So precious! :)


  4. lovely photos! i'm a tad jealous of your nice weather! x

  5. such a cute dress and beautiful photos. i wish it was as sunny where i am!


    helen @

  6. aww, adore you little guy! he's so cute, i love the curl on his head. you're so lucky :)) and as always, you're look so cute too, marisa! your dress is perfect for sunny day. and the crown is a smart touch of your whole outfit. glad that you had a great time with your little family :)

  7. Gorgeous--you look like you just stepped out of the 1960's!

  8. I am so incredibly jealous of where you live. Mountains AND a lake?! You sure are spoiled! Your dress and floral crown are so amazing for this day, so perfect! And the little man is looking especially cute :)

  9. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog :)

    This is your neighbourhood?? Jealous!!
    Your son is very cute, and I love the photo of your shoes in the sand.

  10. Hattitude Style Blog

    marisa! this 70's jivin' dress is gorgeous. love the necklace cameo as well!

    yes I have cystic fibrosis and had a double lung transplant 2 years ago! i've come a long way! it's a hard road to travel, but it sure gives you spirit and a zest for life!

    p.s. i want those shoes. i agree we need to trade wardrobes for a bit! haha

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  11. Ohh you lucky little devils! There is a blue sky outside but try going out in bare legs and I may just freeze! If there is sunshine tomorrow I may just go for it though as we are going for a walk to find strawberries! I am hankering for some sweet strawberries! You look gorgeous and the picture of you and your son there is just toooo cute! I love where you live, it is def. on our America-road-trip-list! ;) It looks just as beautiful as Scotland but warmer! haha! :) Enjoy your week sweetheart! :) Zoë xxx

  12. What an adorable dress and adorable little boy!

  13. you live near a BEACH?! ah yes, a visit is in order. i love the water! and you look great as always :)

  14. So pretty Marisa! Your Attic People dress is amazing! Growing up on the Jersey shore, I totally miss the beach here in landlocked Colorado! I must do some more lake exploring this year! My favorite is that last photo of you and your little guy!

  15. you are so gorgeous (got a gorgeous heart, too :) you look like you belong in an episode of mad men. i MUST know where you got those socks!

    1. Back at you sweet lady! I got those socks from Topshop - 2 summer's ago (and on sale!) :)

  16. The dress has such a sunny print.

  17. I love the color, shape and print on this. Also Keane is the cutest boy in the world. I am so in love with his hair and I'm so jealous that you live near the water.

  18. Awe, if spring hadn't sprung, you would have made it sprung with this dress, Marisa! SO freaking adorable! I want to hug you and again, spend hours inside your wardrobe (I started writing "closet", but you know, I decided to switch to wardrobe instead, haha).

    I love your son's name! I love Keane, the band, awe ... Now every time I see your child, he's going to remind me of Keane's concert in Buenos Aires, one of my favorite concerts of my life :p.

    Happy midweek to you and your family! ;D

  19. These photos are so lovely, I love the fact that Keane's in them too :) she's such a cute little boy. Also, you look great and that dress is too cute for words! It has the most delicate and fun print I've ever seen.

    Life is a romantic poem

  20. What a gorgeous gorgeous little place, I am so jealous! Also your dress is a beauty, it looks lovely on you, especially with the cute headband :) xx

  21. oh wow this is really in your neighbourhood? wow lucky you!!! you and your little man look soooo cute, i agree with midwest muse he is the cutest boy in the world and his hair is adorable;) and i love love love your cute dress, colour, print and shope are sweet as candy!

  22. Oh, what a pretty dress! I'm so jealous that's your neighborhood :) It's so beautiful!

  23. awww you look so adorable in that dress! you don't look like you're a mommy already at all. but your little boy is sooo cute =)

    xo, Carla

  24. oh you both look adorable!!!! and your dress, the colors look fab on your skin tone.

  25. I am so jealous of where you live! I love the 60's smock with the turqoise ankle socks - fab! I hope you don't mind but I've posted about your fabulous outfits over on my blog xxx

  26. Thank you for your lovely comment. I will definitely try using rum next time I bake banana bread, sounds delicious!

  27. that dress is beautiful! you lucky, lucky bird, you.x

  28. Lucy just sent me in your direction, you're so darn colourful and cute I just had to have a look! x

  29. loveeee the dress, you and your little boy look like you belong in a 1960s catalogue! xxx

  30. Hello!! I've just found your lovely blog via Lucy at Tales of Tje Faraway Tree and become a follower!. I LOVE your style!! Tat dress is just beautiful! i will enjoy catching up on your previous posts and reading more, Marina xx

  31. Oh, this is very cute :)

    / Avy

  32. Oh my, these photos are beautiful and you look stunning!

  33. I love your shoe/sock combo. So cute!

  34. I love your dress and the pictures are so beautiful :)

  35. beautiful pics darling your little boy is adorable just like you! hope you are having a lovely week!
    XX Ilana

  36. What a lovely boy !! I love this dress ! It seems very comfy and the floral print is beautiful !

  37. Love all of these pictures! You are lovely, and your little guy is adorable! I love this dress on you. It's so sunny and happy. I hope you have a great weekend, love! xo

  38. Such a sweet post! And your outfit is so lovely! Your little one looks like tons of fun :)

    daydream frenzy

    Swimsuit Giftcard Giveaway

  39. God I'm so in love with these pictures!


  40. D'aww, you both look adorable together! Eee and your shoes are to die for! Some serious amounts of jealousy for those beauties xox

  41. Your area sounds so cute! Mountains, a lake with a beach? Ahh, so perfect haha! Seriously loving this dress too. Hope you have a lovely week!

  42. Cute, cute, cute!! I love how summery this dress is but I checked out your remix and you made it super cute for winter too! I'm also reallllly jealous of where you live, it looks like the perfect place to spend long, peaceful summer days.


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