
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Holiday oh Holiday

Dress: Dear Creatures (sale)
Hat: Modcloth-gift
Coat: Target
Bag: Vintage
Shoes: Poetic License via Zulily

Hello, is anybody still out there?  It's been quite some time since I've checked into my little corner of the Net.  Kind of like a holiday, right?  Anyhow it was absolutely necessary for me to step away for a bit after November proved to be a busy bee month for my little fam.  With it, came my littlest guy Clayton's, two worries, he is fine and such a trooper he was!  Now that he is fully recovered and back to the swing of things, so am I.  What a relief!

So this past weekend was spent in Philly for Thanksgiving.  Apricot glazed turkey, apple, cranberry cornbread stuffing, bourbon sweet potato casserole, loaded mash potatoes, cabernet orange cranberry relish, and salted caramel apple pie were just a few of things on the table.  Pretty fabulous in my book, I do say.  And has tradition has it, the hubbles and I spent the following day downtown stuffing ourselves with macarons and spending way too much time in Anthropolgie and our favorite thrift shops.  I'm not gonna lie - I hate malls and black Friday shopping but I LOVE downtown this time of year.  So yes, I was a very happy camper and I did indeed snag some pretty fantastic deals.  Nuff said.

How about you?  How did you spend your Thanksgiving and black Friday (if you are here in the states like me)?  

Now I'm off to greet the day and start catching up with you lovely darlings once again.

Love Bunches, 


  1. Yaaaaay! Welcome back, Marisa! I'm so glad your little guy is doing well! Your Thanksgiving meal sounds so amazing, everything has a fancy modern spin on it- can I join you next year ;) I love the photo of you in Anthro- it looks so peaceful in there, which I'm sure was just the magic of photography, haha. I think holidays in big cities are so magical!

  2. Um, your Thanksgiving meal sounds incredible and totally blows mine out of the water (although it was short so we were home for a nice family nap by mid-afternoon!). Question: your socks! Where do you get 'em? I am hunting for some nice over-the-knee sweater-type socks and don't even know where to start.

  3. So glad to see you back hun. Hugs to little Clayton xxx

  4. It is the great weekend!
    so cute photos!

    t is good that your little guy feel better.


  5. What a great mural! Good to hear Clayton is OK and that all is well! Great set of photos, you really do find the coolest photo-taking spots!

    We had thanksgiving in October here (weirdo Canadians, I know) so this weekend was spent avoiding online shopping, lots of willpower there, and lots of school work haha.

  6. Great to see you, clearly out and having fun! Your Thanksgiving feast sounds amazing. Glad to hear your little guy is doing well but sorry to hear he needed surgery. xo

  7. Aw I'm glad Clayton is okay! It's definitely acceptable to step back from blogging when something like that is going on. I'm glad you're back though!
    I love this outfit! This dress is so pretty on you and I really like the classic tan coat paired with it. So cute!

    Jamie |

  8. I've been a bit MIA as well lately, life tends to get busy during the holidays! I love macarons!!! My favorite dessert by far :). Sounds like you had a lovely holiday. Yay for some good Black Friday deals! I also bought quite a few things from the sales going on, mostly in clothing and cosmetics. And all online, I'm one of those claustrophobic-hate-being-in-crowds people. Love your outfit! I love Dear Creatures and your shoes are an absolute dream.

    xo, Serli

  9. So glad to hear that your boy's surgeries went alright and he's recovering well. So glad you and your family were able to relax and enjoy the festivities of last weekend too!

    I do like this outfit- a subtle but very holiday-ready color story!

  10. Oh Marisa, I am so sorry to read about your boys surgeries! I was wondering why I didnt hear from you in so long. I hope you all doing good now and relax after your busy month of November! I love your coat and the mosaic in the background is so pretty!!!
    Sending you lots of love!

  11. glad to see you're back and to hear you had a lovely thanksgiving, and even gladder that clayton is alright! also, i do love that first photo of you:-) xxx

  12. You look so adorable - that dress is so cute! Glad to hear that all is well with you and that you had a happy holiday and that your little guy is doing okay! <3



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