
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Outfits: This Bird Has Flown

Dress & Bag: Target
Scarf, Brooch, Shoes: Vintage

Whoa hello, 

Fancy seeing palm trees and sundresses here today, right?  Anyhow, I figure I'd post some pics from my stay at Hilton Head, to usher in some sunshine and warm weather vibes on le blog as the air where I live is currently chilled and my arms are covered in a fleecy blanket and wooly sweater.  

Living here for a week every year certainly makes me a happy gal...can you see why?  Hello pretty bright colored houses, won't you be mine?  My only complaint - the humidity fogged up my camera lens and gave me blurry photos - oh well.  Anyhow, I'm the biggest baby about the cold.  Once it gets below 70 degrees, I'm moaning the blues, so one of these days I dream about making this little slice of heaven my dwelling place.  Yeah, fingers crossed.  Plus I love wearing sundresses.  Who doesn't?  

How about you?  Do you love or loathe dressing for this cold weather?  I mean sweaters are cool and all ...but sundresses.  

Until next time bunches,


  1. I'm a Florida girl so warmer weather and have to dress for it about 9-10 months out of the year. I really love when the temps drop to around the 70s-60s (the 2 maybe 3 weeks of it) so I can wear my cute cardies and colorful tights. Any cooler than that though and I'm a little frozen Popsicle.

    I always love your scarves, wish me luck with one. I'm going to be Rosie the riveter for camping on Halloween.

  2. Beautiful, Marisa! These colors are so saturated and gorgeous -- it's the perfect way to brighten up this fall day!

    xox Sammi

  3. I love cool weather and all the layers I can wear. I kind of loathe the heat which is why I'm looking at moving farther north. I do enjoy wearing a good sun dress in the summer though. This one is so adorable. I love the bird print and that awesome heart cutout. You look adorable!

    Jamie |

  4. These houses are really just wonderful! And so is your cute Summer outfit!
    Hey, thank you for your last comment! I actually missed you on my blog :) did you have a look at my wedding pictures? I would love to know your opinion about them!
    I hope the sun will be back where you are soon so that you can enjoy a few beautiful Fall days!
    Sending you lots of love!

  5. You- and this place- look so cheerful!

  6. how beautiful is that dress! and i definitely wouldn't mind living in a pretty house like that. and "I mean sweaters are cool and all ...but sundresses." is exactly how i feel, haha! xx

  7. Since I live in Georgia and humidity is basically the only weather we have (haha), I absolutely love freezing cold weather. Georgia's winter isn't dry at all, so that makes it less painful to breathe or be outside long, which I love about that. You can always pile on layers of snuggly warm clothes in the winter, but as for Summer in the south.. it consists of sweating, avoiding being outdoors or frying like a lobster haha. Anything ABOVE 75 and I complain about it lol!

  8. Oooh I love these colorful houses! I can see why you love going there every year, between them and the beach- heaven! You know I'm a warm weather gal too- I love the novelty of dressing for the cold, but after a few days I'm happy with sunshine again :) Love this dress and the fun cutout on the back!

  9. Wow I love where you are staying at! And your dress is lovely!

  10. This outfit rocks!
    Love how you styled your hair :)


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