
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Outfits: Hopes, Fears, and Yellow Umbrellas

Hat: UO
Necklace: F21
Bag: Old Navy
Shoes: Modcloth

Oh hi darlings!

I don't know about you, but summer has seemed to visit us one last time before we hit autumn full force here in PA.  I love fall, but I am definitely not complaining as I am a warm weather kind of gal through and through.  I must admit, there's something quite pleasing about about hay-riding through a pumpkin patch and picking apples in 70 degree weather with the sun cheerily shining down on us.

Anyhow with the weather being as warm as it was, I thought what better week than to break out this umbrella doused cutie of dress from Mata Traders - without tights to boot!  And I'm not gonna lie - these photos are from months back, but the outfit and sentiment are the same.   So there you have it.

Other than that, my gal pals and I hit a local open mic night and preformed.  It was our second time doing so, and this time around we were much less nervous and really kind of nailed it if I do say so myself.  I just had to share because I am that excited about it - you know, being a shy kind of introvert and all - doing something like that is a huge ordeal for me.   I even performed an original number by myself - uke, vocals, and lil ol me.  Cheers to conquering fears!  

With that, I wish you a wonderful Wednesday.  Any big fears you've conquered lately?  Do feel free to share.

Love Bunches, 


  1. Aww that photo of you holding your little one up by the arms is adorable! We've been enjoying the summerish weather on the other side of PA, too. Fall is definitely starting to set in now, though.

  2. Hooray for conquering fears! I'm not sure I'm conquered any recently, but maybe soon if I ever get a real job and move away from here.

    Anyway, this dress is the cutest ever. That umbrella print is the best! I love the red, blue, and yellow color combination in this outfit.

    Jamie |

  3. I'm with you as far as wanting the warm weather to stay around as long as it would like to! We need the umbrellas on your cute dress today, but it is still warm out. Yay. xo

  4. I love that you performed with your uke!

    Oh, I am always so impressed by how remixable your Mata pieces are. Here it works great as a top!

  5. Love the boater hat! Very cute!

    Congrats on your performance - yay for being brave! :D

    Idealism never goes out of fashion

  6. That dress is so pretty. I love the umbrella print.

  7. I love this sweet dress, and I always love that you include your family/what you're doing in your outfit posts! These pictures are lovely. The open mic night sounds awesome! Good for you girl. We have a Talent Show tonight at work, but I must confess I am NOT performing, because we have so many talented musicians in my office and I am not one of them. So, no contributions in the spirit of conquering big fears from me.

    ♥ perfectly Priya

  8. That umbrella print is to die for! And, I'm from PA too :)

    -Lauren Blair

  9. I love this dress so much and how you made a whole outfit of primary colors! That is SO awesome that you did open mic night! It can be such a rush to break out of the ol comfort zone like that, but not so easy for us shy types :) I am super impressed. I imagine you have the best singing voice and I definitely think there should be a video sometime!

    1. Hahaha, I wish Lisa! I have just an average singing voice, but thanks to all of the quirky indie gal singers out there, I can fake it pretty well ;-) It would really require me stepping way out of my comfort zone to actually post it on here, hehe.

  10. Good for you for getting up there and putting yourself out there! I'm sure it was great! I've started taking my four month old out and about by myself more and more - mostly to Target, ha! It's a small step but a big one for this first time mama :-) -♥- Rachel (For the Birds)

  11. You have an adorable family! I'm also pretty introverted so I know what a big deal it was to get up there and perform, so good for you! I love your outfit, those little umbrellas are the cutest!

    xo, Serli

  12. What are your favorite things to play on your uke? I'm slowly teaching myself to play (I haven't a musical bone in me) and doing mostly folk songs as well as oldies I've known forever (Beatles is featuring heavily at the moment as they are super easy and my daughter loves her Yellow Submarine dollhouse!)

  13. Your clothes all have THE cutest prints! And I'm new to PA within the last maybe 2 months, and you're definitely right about fall being here! (Was today not perfect or what!?) :-)
    Cute outfit, and beautiful family!
    Xo Amanda |


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