
Friday, September 12, 2014

Casual Friday: Candy Striper

T-Shirt: Express (belonged to me in High School)
Scarf, Bag, Shoes: Vintage, thrifted
Short: DIY - Vintage thrifted Calvin Klein

Friday finally!  Whoohoo!  It's been a pretty laid back week for me, just catching up on sleep and getting back into the daily grind after returning home from vacation.  You know how that goes, right?  

Anyhow, as summer is coming to an end...hey, I know the pumpkin spice lattes are being chugged all over the place these days, but it's still technically summer and as much as I love a good PSL, I'm hanging on to this sunny season with the tightest grip possible.  After all, they say El Nino is coming our way and a long, freezing winter is ahead.  (I'm not buying into that hype quite yet, by the way).  Whatever the case may be, it's always a joy spending a wee part of our day by the lake.  The boys love skipping rocks and building tracks in the sand and I just love watching a good old fashion sunset.  I've said it before, summers are made of this kind of stuff.  

As for the outfit: I'm wearing shorts...yes shorts and all thrifted schtuff to boot (well kind of).  The top is mine from high school...9th grade I believe, which makes it just shy of 20 years old!  Gasp!   Thank you mom for saving a bag of clothes from my teenage years that are apparently still cool to wear today.  Who knew?  As for the jeans - I bleached them and sewed the little floral pockets onto them from an old shoulder patch a little while back.  (SEE HERE).  Gotta love those days where a fully secondhand outfit comes together as easy as cake.

So I'm kind of deeming a couple Fridays a month on le old blog as "Casual Fridays", sans dress-donning looks.  Truth - I don't wear dresses ALL the time.  Do you? 

I'm always on the hunt for inspiration in the casual pants/shorts looks department.  Feel free to leave a link below to your favorite casual look of your own.  I'd love to take a peek.

Happy weekend darlings!
Love Bunches, 


  1. I absolutely love this look! And its in such a beautiful setting with your beautiful family - perfect!

  2. I actually don't wear dresses hardly at all these days- skirts, shorts and pant. But I also really like seeing those in outfits on blogs, so you casual look is what I love. A favorite outfit from you in fact!

    This looks like you had such fun. For us, Summer is over. We had a snowstorm :(

  3. First of all I must mention : your family is magic ;)
    You look stunning wearing this top, the colours are fantastic <3

  4. Loving this laid back vibe marisa! Its actually been cold here lately so I've been donning jeans (or lets be honest, "jeggings" with a healthy dose of spandex content) alot lately. It actually snowed in Boulder yesterday, but its back in the high 70s today, and then 80s the next few days. I'm totally with you in holding onto summer as long as I can because brrrrrrr yesterday was awful! Have a great weekend!
    xo Hannah

  5. You look cute, cute, cute! I love this beach look and I totally forgot about that DIY that I should try. I'm all about savoring summer, and this is coming from someone with blazing summers, there's just something special about each season and I don't like to wish them away. Maybe that's showing my age- haha :)

  6. Love what you did to the shorts, oh my :D! I definitely don't wear dresses all the time either, not always practical, but variety is where it's at anyway :) Looking forward to more casual Friday posts!

    <3 Megan

  7. Hi, Marisa! How have you been? I can't believe you still have a t-shirt from high-school, wow!

    I always say I dislike it when summer comes to an end, but to be quite honest, I'm fed up with temperatures above 100F :/.

    Anyway, hope your week's off to a great start!


  8. I hardly recognized you not wearing a dress ;) you look adorable though! Nothing makes me happier than when I can still wear old items of clothing, makes me feel like I made a good decision way back when! Looks like a really fun day. As for casual outfits, mine are almost always casual, because even my office is casual!

    Here's one:
    can't wait to recreate that for Fall!

    ♥ perfectly Priya


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