
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Outfits: Play Date

Top (Dress) Swap from Dus of The Cuddly Cacti
Denim Jacket: Target
Skirt, Sandals, Brooch: Vintage, thrifted
Floral Crown: DIY

Family photo time!  Don't mind me...these little moments with my band of men are what life is made of at the moment and I wouldn't change a thing.  An evening at the playground in our neighborhood was in order after a round of errands was made.  It's always a good thing to end the day on a sweet note.  So we ran and we jumped and we played...and you bet we had fun!  On a side note - Thank you to Dus of Cuddly Cacti for sending this embroidered dress...well, top the way I wore it... my way to borrow.  Um, talk about a perfect, easy and breezy summer piece.  

So tell me, what are some of your favorite moments of this summer so far?

Love Bunches, 


  1. You can pull off so many fun looks! I love the flowers in your hair! :)

  2. Oh, look at you three sweet people! You've just reminded me that I have a daisy brooch very much like yours, which I haven't busted out yet this season. What's the matter with me?! As you've proven here, it definitely deserves a showing.

  3. I loved borrowing that dress from Dus, the embroidery is so perfectly summery! Love it as a top here too! You and your band of men are darling, looks like the perfect summer evening at the park!

  4. I love all your vintage thrift pieces, so beautiful pieces and great found. I also adore your little once, My 5 years twin boys has been asking me if I want to have them a guest post as I r=promised them:). I used to have them some of my posts in the last year .. I cant handle as much as I could this year to dress them up and myself lol. You're look and doing amazing:)

  5. I love how you wore it as a top, you look just gorgeous & the combo w/ that pretty turquoise skirt is perfect. also, i am totally jealous you can wear a jean jacket, it's far too hot here AND your little man in that first pic is too cute w/ his head popping up from the play set - I'd almost think he was in a backdrop picture. My are they getting big!

  6. Hello pretty lady, I love those matching colors of your skirt, the little ones jumper and the playground :) You look so pretty with this flower crown and it looks like you guys had the perfect afternoon :)
    Lots of love and thank you for your last sweet comment!

  7. That embroidery on the top is so sweet, Love it!

  8. Love this whole outfit! I especially love the bright colours in the shirt/dress!
    And the pictures of your sons are sooo precious!


  9. You look adorable; that Mitla Moda piece just fits your colorful style.

  10. I really love that top :) Looks like such a fun day, lovely girl!! Hope you are well!


  11. I love embroidered dresses/tops and it's so cute paired with the green skirt. Also, that denim jacket couldn't look more perfect on you! What a fun play date- enjoy soaking up these summer days! Your little men look so much alike, such cuties!

  12. My favorite moments of this summer are connected to the driving license :). I finally decided to enroll for a driving course after maany years of delay and passed the first aid course already which is part of the requirements. Now studying for the theory exam ;)..

    I really like your blouse btw! The motives remind me of the motives on vintage hand made Hungarian folk dresses-

  13. This post is adorable in so many ways! Love how your family all have style too :) Great blouse for sure!

    <3 Megan

  14. These photos are absolutely gorgeous! Your little guys are so sweet, and I love your outfit, especially the flower crown.

    So far, my favorite part of summer is taking time to enjoy the sunshine (that is, walking instead of driving, going to the beach, and making the most of the freedom of flip flops) And, of course, eating ice cream :)

  15. I seriously am in love with your floral crown... I think it's just perfect and I like that it's orange/yellow colored. You are as cute as one can possibly be... what a beautiful little family you have my dear!

  16. Monster butt! I own that onesie! I can't wait until my baby is big enough to wear it!

  17. Aw, I always smile when I see you in that skirt as I have one just like it :) Beautiful photos of you and your family, your boys are so darling! I love that flower pin you added to your jacket as well, it is beautiful!

  18. love the pretty embroidery and your floral crown! what a lovely Summer evening.

    ♥ perfectly Priya


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