
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Outfits: Valley {Forge} Girl

Outfit Details:
Coat: Target
Dress & Socks: UO
Hat, Bag, Shoes: Vintage, all thrifted 
Scarf: Taylor House, Etsy

Happy New Year darlings!

Welcome to my very first post of 2014 and another cold winter weekend to go along with it. Probably like many of your towns, mine has hit negative  So not my thing, but nothing like hitting the road for some weekend trips to break up the long winter months.  

This day found the Mr. and I driving through our old stomping grounds at Valley Forge National Park, near the college we attended.  Gotta love taking a mosey down memory lane.  We used to watch the sunrise here and listen to Van Morrison and Jeff Buckley.  Feels like yesterday...but that was 11 years ago! 

So with another New Year my, goal is to simply get myself and my little fam outside more.  For some reason, this past year found us inside a lot...could be that having a newborn on my hands found me more tired than usual...yes that is an understatement!  Not that it's a bad thing...reading books, building castles, and indoor play is fun but I recently read somewhere that many of the best childhood memories that people have are the ones that took place outdoors.  True or not, I really just love the idea of creating more memories with my 3 boys under the bright sunshine and wide open sky.  So bring on more days at the lake, more nature walks, more ball playing and yes maybe even some sledding.  

Cheers to one sweet and lovely 2014!

Love Bunches, 


  1. Happy New Year my friend. Here's to a really good 2014! Great shots and while I really like the whole outfit, that lime green hat is the bomb. (Does anyone use that term anymore?! lol) xo

  2. Hi, has anyone ever told you you look a lil like Lacy Chabert (party of five)? She's cute! I love your outfits:) happy New year!

  3. Such pretty scenery! And I love the colors of your outfit, especially the beanie and scarf. Great colors on you. I wish I could dress all bundled up like this but the weather here is rarely dropping below the 70s lately.

  4. Happy new year, dear! The title of this post made me giggle, because it's so deliciously incongruous! I love that last picture with the huge arch. I also really like the bright florals under a neutral coat!

  5. P.S. I'm irrationally excited that you got a Pin It button, because I've been wanting to pin your pictures for ages!

  6. Happy New Years to you and your sweet family! Your hat & scarf combo make me think of a cute strawberry :)


  7. Happy New Year, Marisa! Absolutely beautiful photos, I love your outfit.

    Hope you are able to achieve all your resolutions and goals this year and that it's a beautiful one also.

    Mostly Lisa

  8. Isn't that weather just so crazy cold?! Also, I really love that dress - so pretty on you!


  9. beautiful photos, happy new year!

  10. lovely outfit! I volunteered at the front desk of VF last summer, I love finding fellow Pennsylvanian bloggers...lets be friends?!

  11. Stay warm, Marisa ! It's brrrreeeezing at my end into the negatives as well :( How lovely are the colors in this outfit? And your hair is getting very long! <3

  12. Beautiful. It looks cold there! Love the print and colours and your coat is so classy.

  13. I love your dress. It looks so perfectly shiny!


  14. I Don't miss Winter, but I miss Winter clothes...sometimes! It's so much fun to layer and wrap up!
    In this heat, it's quite challenging...I gotta find cool ways to dress in this Sydney summer weather.
    You look great as usual!

  15. That last picture is so gorgeous! I love the lighting in it.
    You look so cute all bundled up in your classic jacket and cute hat. Such a pretty dress too!

  16. Marisa, I haven't been to your blog for so long and just scrolled through all the wonderful posts I missed. I had a little end-of-the-year down and thought even about closing my blog because I was so frustated about everything. Today I posted again for the first time and I feel so good starting blogging again :) I love your camel coatand that pretty flower dress! Wonderful pictures! Also loved the post where you've been in this sort of brigde-cave! Great pictures!
    All the best for 2014!!!

    Lots of love!

  17. Hehe, I love seeing photo posts of places I've been to and blogged about! It's fun to see a different spin on a place :)


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