
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Outfits: Cozy Critter

Outfit Details:
Dress: Swapped via The Soubrette Brunette
Coat: Target
Scarf & Sweater: Thrifted Vintage
Necklace: Etsy
Ring: Miss Selfridge
Boots: Delias
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Squirrels, Bunnies, and Birds, Oh My!

Yes, that's correct - I am donning every one of these critters on my lil ol self thanks to Sammi and her extensive quirkily printed dress collection.  Goodness gracious, I will forever be drawn to animal infested prints like this one no matter how old I am...and I'm pretty sure that there are quite a few adults-kinds out there that would agree I'm way too old for this silliness...but do I care?  Not one bit, I'm a kid at heart.  

Anyhow, this is what I wore on my way to Philly last week as we prepared to celebrate Thanksgiving.  The snow was on the ground, the sweater, coat, and boots were on and I was completely cozy.  Speaking of Thanksgiving...mine was lovely...but more on that another day.  How was yours?  I don't know about you, but I'm perfectly stuffed to the gills with turkey, the trimmings, and pumpkin pie.
That's just about all for now.  This week is chock full of pretty things like cutting down a Christmas tree and our little ol band playing the annual town tree lighting.  Much to do to get ready for that...but for now, I think I'll just make myself a piping hot mug of some orange hot chocolate.

Wishing you one fine week!
Love Bunches, 


  1. That print is gorgeous, I do love a good quirky animal print too, and the colour is lovely against all that snow! brr must be chilly now, I wonder if/when we'll get snow in the UK this year! xx

  2. Aww Marisa, it looks adorable! I love how you styled that sweater over it! You're much better at remixing items for cold weather than I am! Also, I love that you and Ashley decided to post your remixes of this on the same day!

    xox Sammi

  3. I love the scarf on your head! I'm actually going to try this out immediately when I get home, its such a cute look and a good way to mix scarves in in other ways aside from around your neck!

    Miche from Buttons and Birdcages

  4. I really love this. The outfit, that critter print, how you wrapped your hair, the snow. . . You always capture such a nice mood, Marisa.

  5. THAT SKIRT!!! I love it. So much.

  6. i just love that headscarf on you! and the dress is the most adorable, how cute is that print! xx

  7. Wow, that scenery is spectacular. And I love your cozy outfit too. Now I feel like having a cup of hot chocolate too, although it is surprisingly (freakishly) warm here right now. I'm sure we'll make up for that later in the season. xo

  8. What perfect colors! And the scenery is just gorgeous! xx

  9. oh my, beautiful location. :) I love your outfit, just beautiful

  10. You look great! Such an adorable dress! :)

  11. You definitely look cozy. I love your cream sweater and what a cute print on the dress :)

  12. Animal prints are the best so it's a-okay to own a ton of them! I love the print on this dress and the color is gorgeous too. I think your cozy sweater is so cute layered over it.

  13. really pretty. i love the pattern on your dress! lovely :) xx

  14. From one adult kid to another- I don't think we'll ever outgrow the quirky prints ;) You have blown me away with 2 awesome Target coats this week and I want to go there RIGHT NOW to look for one! I think I need to get my hands on this dress at some point- that print is perfect. Lovely snowy photos too!

  15. Oh wow, its already snowing over there? Here its supposed to snow this weekend, but I am not really looking forward to it. You look great in this cozy outfit and I wish I had a sweater like that. It seems to be perfect for all kind of outfits :)
    Thanks so much for your last comment! They always mean a lot to me :)

  16. I adore that dress. I am a sucker for animals and quirky prints on clothing. You look so cute Marisa!

  17. You look so cosy and comfy <3 Only looking at you make me feel warmer <3

  18. You look so adorable and so strong! That print!

  19. You look breathtaking against all of the snow, Marisa. Winter is made for you.

  20. Love this comfy looking outfit and colour pairing. The coat and jumper look so warm. You look gorgeous! xx/Madison

  21. I just discovered your blog. Love it and love your outfits. <3 I'm excited to see more. :-)))


  22. So cute! Love that you are having snow. Such a cool winter outfit. It's hot here today I can't really wear more than a tank top and light skirt!

  23. omg, obsessed with your styling here. You look stunning, love. If you get a moment, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest. :)


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