
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Outfits: Cookies and Cream

Outfit Details:
Dress: Vintage // For sale here
Hat: UO
Tights: Modcloth
Bag: Vintage, belonged to Grandmother
Boots: Vintage

Well I'm certainly snowed in these days.  How about you?  It seems like hot cocoa is permanently attached to my chilled hands and that under the covers is really the only place I want to be.  Yes, I'm the biggest baby in the cold and it's so very often that I like to daydream about living in a warm climate...all year round.  One day, one day.

Anyhow, if anything, the snow certainly is good for Netflix show marathons and writing Christmas cards while indulging in plenty of piping hot sweet potato soup and topping the evening off with the copious amount of baked goods that were whipped up out of sheer boredom...bananas foster frosted cupcakes, cranberry orange cheese bread, shall I continue?  Better yet, today is the cookie bake at my son's preschool so looks like more confections are on the horizon.  Here's to a frosting & sprinkled covered day...speaking of which my tights totally remind me of cookies and cream, you see what I mean?

So I'll leave it at just that.  Wishing you one sweet day darlings, snow or not.  We are a week out from Christmas and that is definitely something to cheer about.

Love bunches, 


  1. Nice post! I have a give away on my blog, would be great if you check it ou! xx

  2. your polkadot stockings are wayyy to cute!
    and I love your hat. it gives your outfit the perfect finishing touch :)
    well I hope you can visit Indonesia one day!

    just pure adorable
    and that is one pretty top! looking forward to see the tutorial :)

    The Sweetest Escape 
    Christmas Giveaway $40 Romwe Voucher

  3. So jealous of the snow! That dress is so pretty :) x

  4. I love the pattern play with the polka dot tights and the dress - so cute! And your Grandmother's bag is gorgeous!!! Luckily we're not snowed in here in Georgia but that could change! GA's weather is sporadic like that...Stay warm!!

  5. This dress is so gorgeous, love all the colours in it! And those tights are fantastic, I have such a weakness for polka dot tights. I hate the cold too, at least the snow makes for a very pretty and Christmassy backdrop?

  6. Such a beautiful print !

    XO Imke

  7. adorable (as always!) love those tights. snow always makes me want (need) to bake too!

  8. It hardly ever snows where I live much to my daughter's disappointment. At least you get to get to dress up all cosy in sumptuous velvet dresses. You look fab as always. I love the way you mix patterns xxx

  9. You look awesome, but I don't have anything more specific to say about the outfit. However, I feel compelled to quote this line because I like it so much: "It seems like hot cocoa is permanently attached to my chilled hands and that under the covers is really the only place I want to be." *happy sigh* I've sent a ton of Christmas cards this season!

  10. Great dress, and so agree about the tights!
    I'm the exact same way with the cold - but I still go stir crazy, so part of me just wants to be so lazy and stay at home with my puppy on my lap but the other part of me gets so frustrated because I WANT to go outside... just not in this weather! Haha.


  11. That dress is incredible, Marisa!

    Love, Amy

  12. I'm right there with you, Marisa! I'm the biggest baby when it comes to snow. But at least you have the cutest dress + tights.

  13. You are making my mouth water. Stop it.

    We had a few warmer days but tomorrow is supposed to be super cold. :(

    You look cute in the cold though :)

  14. We got our first snow on Saturday in the form of a storm that lasted from morning to night, with snow falling madly the whole time. It was quite gorgeous, but caused many people to miss following through with plans to go out and celebrate, including us. Now it's gotten warm and all the white stuff has turned to messy slush. Yesterday I gave in and trudged over to the Crocs store and bought the first practical-over-beauty boots I've had since I was a kid!

    As always your photos are gorgeous, as are you. xo

  15. wonderful wonderful tights! and your outfit is amazing!! your dress is so unique! your blog is adorable, i am so happy i stumbled across it. Anddd I am your newest follower! hey-o! hope you can swing by mine sometime!

    xo, Kelsey Belle | Happie Reading Blog

  16. i'm kind of missing snow, haha! you look beautiful in that cute lil' dress and the tights are adorable too! all that baking sounds wonderfully delicious, i should do something myself:-) xx

  17. That second picture of you is really adorable. And dear god, I love that dress. I actually have a similar one in orange:

  18. Sooooooo much snow. I can't even believe it. Netflix has been my friend too.

    This dress is so perfect! And that bag, oh my word, I swoon!

    Hope that you have a wonderful holiday season!


  19. I love your tights! And the dark purple of your dress looks so good on you. I can't even imagine what it's like to be snowed in... it was close to 80 degrees for me this week and has finally "cooled down" to a mere 65 haha. The snow in your pictures looks so lovely. And the cupcakes and cheese bread sound delicious!

  20. In your place, did it snow yet?
    The tights of the waterdrop pattern are cute.


  21. I just stumbled upon your blog thanks to the recommendations page on Bloglovin' and I'm glad I did!

    I love the pattern and color of this dress.

  22. I love the background for these pictures. It's so wintry and pretty! Your outfit has some awesome print mixing too. It's amazing the prints polka dot tights can pair with!

  23. pretty! i love your dress and tights. look so comfy :) have fun with your time, marisa. yay, christmas is getting colser. hope you had a great time baking cookies on your son's preschool :) xx

  24. Love the colors & pattern on this dress, and the tights are so perfect with it! As is the hat :) Have fun baking dear!

    <3 Megan

  25. I think we need to swap homes, lol. I love the snow. We miss it terribly. I grew up in Texas, which means it was--H-O-T. Later on, we moved to the North for my husband's job for about three years before moving to North Carolina, and I have to say that I really miss the white fluffy stuff. I hope that when my husband finishes his degree, he will be offered a job in the North East so we can get out of the heat. Ha! ;)
    Loving the patterns of your outfit!!


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