
Monday, December 23, 2013

Outfits: American Picker

Outfit Details:
Dress: Miss Selfridge (2011)
Beret & Flannel Shirt: Vintage, thrifted
Purse: Vintage from grandmother
Tights & Shoes (sale): Modcloth
Gloves (Betsey Johnson) & Socks: Gift from mother
Just another splendiful afternoon spent antiquing through the hometown and sipping lattes...nothing too far out of the ordinary when I go home for a visit. Rummaging through old relics no matter where I am always makes me think of the show, American Pickers...which I will nerdishly admit that I am kind of obsessed with, however that's not why I entitled this post like that. The real reason is because living out of a suitcase has me puzzle-piecing together random articles of clothing..which kind of left me feeling like a bit of a rag picker, not that there's anything wrong with that.

Anyhow, I'm babbling.  I'll stop.  Today I am I baking up a batch up my grandmother's traditional Pfefferkuchen (think gingerbread covered in a rich chocolate gananche).  Holy moly it's so good and is the taste of Christmas Eve according to me.  So that's it.  I've got to split.  The sugar and spices are calling my name.  Wishing you a Merry Christmas Eve Eve darlings.

Love Bunches, 


  1. Merry Christmas Eve Eve to you too! I love this outfit, often times living out of a suitcase makes for the most creative outfits! I love the edginess mixed in with the white dress.

    Also, most of the photos in this post are private on flickr so they arent showing up, but I really love this outfit!

  2. Um, that fancy grandma gingerbread sounds AMAZING. I'm jealous. Also, I looove your shoes, and the fact that they match your tights! And the swingy-ness of your white dress! The way you combined darker and lighter colors! *happy flailing*

  3. That's a great plaid! Merry Christmas to you as well!

  4. those shoes!! you are always such a cutie. and these pictures are gorgeous!

  5. Looove the grungey feel to this look with that plaid. This is such a sweet flowy dress, it looks perfect on you! It's always so fun to go home for the holidays, have an amazing Christmas!!

  6. You look adorable! Love the plaid and the cheetah purse.

  7. Something about plaid is just so lovely and wintery-perfect!

  8. I keep wanting to wear a flannel shirt like a jacket over a white dress - just like this! It's just such a cute mix of girly and rugged and I love it. You look adorable!

  9. mmm those cookies you're making sound wonderful! Merry Christmas to you, dear lady. xo

  10. Those shoes are perfection. Love this setting, too.

  11. this is the prettiest outfit:-) such a lovely mix of different colours and patterns. hope you're having the happiest christmas time! xx

  12. merry christmas eve, marisa!! enjoy that pfefferkuchen (and that dress is amazing!!) xxo

  13. Fabulous outfit! You look gorgeous!

    Merry Christmas!

    XO Imke

  14. Ohh this is so pretty, Marisa. I love that delicate dress with the flannel over it, and THOSE SHOES!!! You look beautiful :) and omgosh that dessert sounds amaaazing. Hope your holiday was wonderful!

    xox Sammi

  15. I lovelovelove this outfit! Those tights and shoes in that burnt orange colour, just perfection.


  16. I love these layers so much Marisa! What a perfect winter outfit! I also love how it's simultaneously dressed up and casual with the plaid shirt. Too cute!!! Hope you had a great holiday!

  17. I love that one shot of you laughing, it seems, with your hand up against the grating of the fence. It is so nice! One to frame!
    I can't even say that thing that you said your grandmother made that you got a recipe of from.

  18. How are you the cutest thing ever? I love this look, even if you think it makes you look like a bag lady lol. I love your glasses, where are they from? I have a similar pair from Fysh :)


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