
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The In-Betweeners

The Details:
Sweater & Blouse: Vintage, thrifted
Hat & Tights: Target
Skirt: Gap
Brooch: Swap - My Avonlea Vintage, Etsy
Boots: Michael Kors via Marshall's

So this is November.  I do believe that the autumn sunset is one of the prettiest sunsets there is.  On days off, the little fam and I usually spend the afternoon getting coffee, thrifting to our hearts' content, picking up goodies from the grocery, and perhaps topping it all off with a little stroll by the lake for some fresh air, weather permitted.  Yes, we are pretty simple like that.  

Both boys love the outdoors.  Keane loves to run, run, run and imagine up planes, trains, and cars stories for days and as for Clayt - well he slept in his carriage the entire time because fresh air sends him into a peaceful slumber.  Days like this make me wish that the in-between fall weather that is full of warm sunshine but still slightly crisp would stick around much longer than it actually does.  You know, when you can cozy up in an old sweater but still walk outside and be completely snug as bug without piling on a heavy winter coat.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

How about you?  Are you excited for old man winter to come creeping in with his frigid air and shimmery white frosting, or do you just adore the autumn sun and fiery leaves like I do?  

Wishing you one fine week darlings!
Love Bunches, 


  1. I really like your sweater!

    XO Imke

  2. Gorgeous photos. Autumn looks lovely in your neck of the woods. And no, I am by no means looking forward to old man winter. Here's hoping he decides to take it easy this year.

  3. Simply beautiful. The pictures, your outfit, the fam AND those boots! -Steph A Geek In Glasses

  4. Simply beautiful. The photos, your outfit, the Fam AND those boots! -Steph A geek In glasses

  5. Amazing. I love the little collar, it is so sweet. What a fun location for photos too.

  6. I wish we were still enjoying weather like this!! It's absolutely freezing here now. That in between time is so my favourite time of the year, so glad you and yours are enjoying it!
    Love this layered look, that sweater looks so cozy. I really love this skirt too, pockets!!! Yay!

  7. Floral collars and kiddos! An excellent photo combination :) I'm enjoying fall, but I'm pretty excited for December to get here so I can freak out about Christmas!

  8. You look so adorable - that skirt is so great and the boots are so perfect!


  9. I'm loving autumn too- long walks, surrounded by golden or red leaves, perfect! Love your get up too <3 that green jumper is perfect!xxx

  10. Autumn all the way. But winter is has already made visits several times here with snow...

    Oh, you look so pretty in that color. You and your boys enjoy the sweater weather!

  11. Oh, that last photo is so lovely! The color of that sweater is great, and I'm obsessed with those boots!! The weather looks so fantastic over there.

  12. Oh Marisa, what gorgeous photos. You look so adorable. And like you, I am savoring the fall for as long as it lasts :)

    xox Sammi

  13. I love your sweater here and those pictures are just wonderful! Your boys are so cute and they always look so happy! I somehow love winter because its in winter that I spend most time with my family and friends (christmas, birthday, new years eve...) but then I don't like it when its grey for weeks and I don't see the sun. Hopefully its just not gonna be like that this year ;)

    Lots of love!

  14. Your outfit is so cute! I just love the color of your sweater and the print on the top you layered underneath it. Such a perfect combination.

  15. WOW! Stunning location and set of photographs, just gorgeous. Liked your outfit too :)


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