
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Little Sprout

Hello there world,

As you may have noticed - I've gone a bit missing for the last couple or so days and now I can finally say - our little sprout is officially here!!!

Clayton Philip (otherwise known as Clayt) was born at 2:27 PM on the summer solstice weighing in at 8.9 oz and 20 inches long.  :-)  He is as sweet and as affectionate as can be and as for the whole labor and delivery - well, it was the most beautiful thing I could ever have imagined.  I may just go into that later though.  

Mama has bounced back super quickly - really, I feel better than I ever have in the past couple last night this little fam of four went to the community garden to plant some more goodies in our plot and just get some good ol fashioned fresh air.  Keane of course has taken on the big brother role in all it's glory and just loves kissing our newest tiny member all the time and helping me care for him like the proudest big brother in the world.  Though we are a tad bit sleep deprived - we are in total bliss just loving our two little guys up right now.

Thanks so much for all your sweet comments and wishes in my previous post and on Instagram.  You all are so very sweet and really make this gal feel like a million bucks :-)

Talk soon & love bunches, 


  1. Awwwww Clayt is a cutie pie!!! Congrats dear Marisa, all the very best for you & your lovely family!!! Guess you're the luckiest gal on earth atm :) xxxx Tani

  2. congratulations, and clayton philip is such a lovely name! these photos are the sweetest! xx

  3. YAY!! Congrats to your fam! I was JUST thinking about you and was hoping there would be an update over here :) You look so great and happy and I'm so happy for your family!

  4. Wow, Congratulations, Marisa! I'm so happy for you!


  5. Ahh, congrats again, Marisa!! This is so sweet. As expected, he's adorable. It's so cute that Keane is loving being a big brother! And you look AMAZING for just having a baby!

    Thanks so much for sharing this! :)

  6. Ahhhh Congrats!!! He's beautiful, and I love that name :D
    That's awesome you're feeling so good so quickly! You look absolutely gorgeous, and you have such an adorable little family. Love this dress :)

  7. You're looking awesome for having just had the cutest little man ever! Your family is so cute! I'm glad everything went well with your delivery and the little man is ok.

  8. Congrats again dear, he will be quite tall, yes? The most adorable photos and I love your colourful outfit + that brooch. xx

  9. Congrats! You look amazing for just having a baby.

  10. Muy bonito el vestido!!Guapos niƱos!

  11. oh i could cry!! you all look so happy and your big boys face in that last shot melts my heart! congratulations xxxx

  12. Oh my gosh, sich happy news! Congratulations to you and your adorable family, darling :) and of course, "welcome to the world, Clayt!". Lots of love <3

  13. Great job, girl! Congrats on your family of FOUR!

  14. Congrats on your lovely new fella. Good on you guys for getting out and about so soon with your wonderful family.

    Julie Q
    (I'm a bit of a lurkey turkey - but wanted to say Hi)

  15. You are radiant and both your boys are beautiful. I am so happy for you guys. You must be over the moon! xo

  16. Congrats, mama! Please give baby Clayt a big hug and kiss from me! I am overjoyed for you and your family. Sending you so much LOVE! Hooray! <3

  17. EEEEEEEEEP! Look at him, he is just so precious and adorable! Congratulations! It looks like Keane loves him! Glad that you are feeling well too!


  18. Awe! It's great to see you back here so soon all radiant and posing with the new member of the family!!! :D Congrats again! I'm really happy for you!

  19. Yay! I was so happy so see the pictures on instagram! He is so cute and all of you look so happy and this makes me sooo happy :) You are looking awesome! I am impressed how you can look so great after having given birth ;)
    Thanks for your sweet comment!

    Lots of love!

  20. I'm so, so happy! He is the cutest little man and I can't wait to see more pictures of your family in the future. Yay!!

    Have a great day,

  21. Congratulations! He is such a cutie, and you look amazing. Glad you are both doing well. Cannot get over how precious he is xo

  22. Congratulations Dear!:D - Can I ask You to like my facebook page?:)

  23. Aww congratulations! He's adorable and you look wonderful too!

  24. Eeeeee Marisa he is absolutely PERFECT and looks so much like his big brother! I'm so happy to hear that you're feeling well and I'm sure you're all just as giddy as can be to have another little guy in your midst. Seriously, congratulations-you have an absolutely stunning family :)

  25. Hey there beautiful lady!

    Just put a badge of your blog on mine- slowly getting to know how those things works after almost a year ;)
    Would you mind telling me how you got this instagram thing you have on your blog?
    Happy Tuesday with your wonderful little family!

  26. Hattitude Style Blog

    oh my heavens marissa keane is growing up so fast! and a new little baby. he is SO adorable! i love love love this photos! you look wonderful!

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  27. Oh congratulations to you and your whole family! Clayton is ADORABLE! And how sweet is big brother in these.

  28. Aww how sweet!! Welcome to the World little Clayton :) He's darling! I'm so so happy for you! Hope you've been spending tons of time with your precious little family!

  29. Sorry for the overload on comments and I realize I'm a bit late in saying but congratulations! So glad everything went smoothy for you all! Keane and Clayton just go so well together, he's gonna be a great big brother!

    perfectly priya

  30. Congratulations on your new little family member!
    You are baby is very pretty!



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