
Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Dress, Bag, Shoes: Vintage // Thrifted
Hat: Target
Sweater: Gift from Mother // Old Navy
Socks: UO

Oh hello there darlings, 

How nice it is to be back again and catching up with you all.  This past weekend was spent in pure blissful relaxation with our families in Philly and my hometown of Camp Hill and it was a tad bittersweet as I know this was the last weekend that I am allowed to venture out of town before the baby arrives per my doctor's orders.  So the Mr. and I took full advantage of our time away and really unplugged - which is quite a lovely thing to do every so often.  

At this stage in the game, I keep having to pinch myself as a reminder that our baby boy will be here sooner than what we feel.  This whole pregnancy really has flown by fast - it's hard to believe that here I stand at 35 weeks - it really just seems like a blink, wink, and nod...or perhaps one dance of the foxtrot.  Nonetheless, I am anxious as can be but at the same time am taking every little moment that I can to savor the little things like the gorgeous weather, afternoons by the lake, evenings on the garden, and baking up anything that my heart desires.  

That's about all for now - as I've been away I look forward to catching up with so many of your loverly spaces. 

Talk soon!
Love Bunches,  


  1. Your dress looks so cute! Woah, it really flew by didn't it?! Can't wait to see pictures of your little guy!


  2. I absolutely love this look, you are looking gorgeous as ever. You pull off pregnancy quite flawlessly. Love the fox sweater with this pretty dress, such a great combination.
    Can't believe your little guy is coming so soon! So exciting :)

  3. the fox sweater is adorable! and it really feels like the time has gone by so quickly, such exciting times for you all! xx

  4. So cute! I love the dress's ruffles peeking out over the fox sweater, and the socks and hat are adorable! :)

    xox Sammi

  5. Aw, I bet you're so excited to be so close to meeting your new little one! I bet your son is excited to be a big brother too :)
    And I'm glad you got some time to unplug-as much as I love blogging it's nice to take a break once in a while too and rest!
    What a darling, darling dress- I love the collar!

  6. You've got to be the most stylish pregnant woman ever.

  7. Eek- that's so soon! It really has seem to flown by :) Your town/neck of the woods seems so charming, you always have the best spots for photos. I'm glad you enjoyed your last weekend getaway and are taking advantage of your pre-baby time. You look so beautiful and I love seeing your personal style still shine through pregnancy- you are the cutest!!

  8. This outfit is such an inspiration. Love the sweater with the dress layering.
    You look beautiful <3

    The Hearabouts

  9. I just died when I saw your jumper. You do maternity wear better than anyone I can think of! Gorgeous xx

  10. You look stunning and those pictures are the trainstation are awesome! I can't believe either how fast the time was passing! I remember how you posted that you are pregnant and now its already time for the little boy to arrive! Crazy! But also wonderful :)
    Good to hear that you had some good time with your family. Now I wish you all the best for the last days with your belly :)

  11. Oh wow, that is getting so close!

    I love that you are wearing mostly your regular clothes even this close. Such a fun look with the fox sweater too!

  12. yay, your foxy jumper and amazing socks are just to die for <3

  13. Aw Marisa, you look adorable as ever. I am in LOVE with that bag, and I am so excited for you to meet your little boy!! It really seems like it has flown by, but it's nice that the wait is almost over. Hope you are having a wonderful week! :)


  14. I'm so excited for you!
    And I love them fancy socks.


  15. oh gosh, you are just a doll in those white socks! i also am jealous of the fact that you are able to wear that cute fox sweater this time of the year, i am having to live without layers.. and that is something that is not my favorite!

    lindsey louise

  16. Oh wow, look at your belly! Very impressive! And you look so cute! Your sweater is adorable. Loooovely outfit! xx

  17. You always look so adorable. Love the combination of the dress with the socks and hat!


  18. You look so cute pregnant. Every single outfit I see on here looks adorable on you. I love the pairing of this sweater over the dress. :) Enjoy the moments of quiet because when baby is here there won't be anymore of that. Have an amazing rest of your week.

  19. Every time I see this fox sweater, I just fall more and more in love with it. It looks darling with this dress underneath! I can't believe how close you are, I'm so excited for you :)

  20. I am so excited for you and your boys, dear lady. You look wonderful in your foxy sweater. I love your socks.

  21. 2nd pregnancies are really fast compared to the first. It feels like you are sitting there waiting forever to have your first, but when you have a little distraction running around you and needing you all the time, you have barely any time to dwell on how long it takes to have a second. . so it breezes by! I'm glad you see it that way too!
    You're adorable.


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