
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Big Three-O

Dress: Asos Maternity (Sale)
Hat, Necklace & Bag: Vintage // Thrifted
Blouse & Tights: Target
Shoes: DIY (here)

Oh hello there darlings!

I'm on my 30th week of pregnancy and I can see now that this is the homestretch.  It's honestly hard to believe.  To tell you the truth, I'm so excited but extremely nervous at the same time.  I've been through the whole labor thing before and came out like a champ,  but nonetheless,  I have the tendency to be a "nervous nelly" and worry my pretty little head off about everything that surrounds giving birth...does that make sense?  In the very back pocket in my mind though I know that everything will be ok, just as it always is. 

This week I am craving veggies - carrots and roasted beets mainly.  My tummy has really popped out now and getting up and down from the couch is something I tend to need extra help with...hehe.  

Other than that, I'm out of town again - this time in Philly, but only for a couple days.  When I return, one of my very good friends is getting married and I am in the wedding.  Busy is not a word good enough to describe our lives right now - but that is quite alright.  May will bring a much more restful month and plenty of flowers to go along with that.

So I bid you adieu for now, but hope to catch up with you very soon!  Have one loverly week my friends!

Love Bunches, 


  1. you look so beautiful, marisa! i'm a nervous nelly too, but the best cure is keeping busy and it sounds like you've got that part down! :) hope you have a wonderful time in philly!

  2. Sounds like it was nice to have a little trip to relax on before life gets even more crazy! Hope you find some good moments to chill. Also, I LOVE those little red shoes. They look so delightfully summery.

  3. Oh my goodness, your lil' man will be here very soon! How exciting! You look beautiful and I love how your colorful personality shines with your pregnancy wardrobe :)

  4. Each day you look more and more adorable. Love that necklace! Have a wonderful time!!

    The Hearabouts

  5. Yay! I got a side shot finally! Love that baby bump! I wish I could sing your little one a song or read him a story! I must must must send out your package. I am going to try and get that out tomorrow to you! Love that necklace, too. I think it might be avon - I love old avon jewelry - so pretty and lasts FOREVER. Wishing you a great week, love - happy 30 weeks!

  6. How can you still look so adorable at 30 weeks? I think I'd just sit around in sweatpants at this point! Love the dress!

  7. Oh, you look wonderful. Still stylish, even if you can't get off the couch without help!

  8. awww Marisa, you are so cute and adorable. Look at that bump! Veggies are good things to crave :)

  9. Oh my, you're a beautiful sight, How exciting that you're in a wedding coming up! So much fun.

  10. Wow, I can't believe you're already 30 weeks! Maybe because it's not me, but your pregnancy seems to be flying by :). I think you look so lovely here. That dress really is the cutest. I'm sure everything will be fine. I tend to be a nervous nelly too, but it's usually all for nothing.



    Southern (California) Belle

  11. Have a lovely week too- it sounds busy but in the best way!

  12. You just look so amazing Marisa! I love this blue outfit and I have the impression you get more pretty with every week of pregancy :)
    Have wonderful time in Philly!!!


  13. Congratulations on being in another wedding! What an honor that is, right?
    You are beautiful! I am so glad to hear you only have up to hopefully 10 weeks left in your pregnancy!

  14. You look just cute a d a button! I love the striped dress and I feel like you've been layering chambray so prettily lately, I think I need to get a more fitted one so it doesn't look so frumpy when I try it! Anyway, the striped dress is adorable and I just love how it matches the hubby's striped tie!
    Have fun in Philly!
    xo hannah

  15. You look amazing. You make the maternity glow real!

  16. Well, don't the two of you just look adorable?! I love that dress so much!


  17. you look super stunning :) this dress is wonderful!

  18. you look darling my dear your outfit is beautiful
    xo Ilana @ My Modern Vintage

  19. Hattitude Style Blog

    oo i like the new header! I can't believe you are in the home stretch of pregnancy! good for you marisa! Can't wait to "meet" the little guy. As always you are flawlessly dressed. I love it.

    Talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  20. Oh, my God, Marisa! You look oh-so-beautiful!!! :D You're a gorgeous mom-to be! And I can't even imagine all the feelings and things that must go inside a pregnant woman's head! I bet I'd be very anxious if I ever got there, hehe.

    Can't wait to see your outfit for the wedding; although one thing is for sure: you'll definitely nail it! ;P

    Have a wonderful weekend! ;D



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