
Monday, April 29, 2013

Susie Bird

Dress: Vintage via The Braided Bandit Vintage
Hat, Earrings, Bag: Vintage // Thrifted
Tights: Modcloth
Shoes: Seychelles

After a very full week of running around like a wild banshee, this gal is ready to take some serious downtime. My impromptu trip to Philly was a success, 9 floral hair pieces (crowns and clips) were carefully crafted for my friend's bridal party (me included), and speaking of the wedding itself - it was quite a delightful celebration filled with love, laughter, and plenty of dancing - but now I am quite tuckered, so bring on the R&R!   On the agenda this week: finally getting my hands dirty and planting some veggies in my community garden plot, painting the baby's nursery (hint hint to the Mr.) and our wee little band playing a show on Friday night.  

As for what I am wearing - well, I found this sweet little number of a dress over at my fellow Flock Together gal Hannah's shop, The Braided Bandit Vintage.  Right away I knew it had to be mine because not only did the little leopard print collar tickle my fancy, but it reminded me of my grandmother who was the biggest leopard enthusiast I ever knew.  Yes that's right, Susie, loved her leopard prints - she had dresses, blouses, bags, jewelry, scarves, I think even shoes adorned in leopard.  She had leopard all around the house as well - throws, pillows, sheets, you name it!  All her life she had such a bold and elegant sense of style - and she always appreciated mine which is why I do believe we were kindred spirits.  Anyhow, she passed away two years ago and with that I felt like a piece of my heart went with her...but not to be sad, I know she is always close to me.  In a funny way, every time I slip on this little dress, I can hear her so sweetly say in her boisterous German accent, "Oh I LOVE that dress Marisa".  Above is a photo of her in one of her many leopard printed pieces circa the 1960s. 

That's all for now!  Have one fantabulous week darlings!

Love Bunches, 


  1. Sounds like a lovely week ahead. Love the dress, the leopard print collar and cuffs are so sweet.

  2. Looking lovely! That bag is fabulous.

  3. Wonderful dress and beautiful pictures! I hope you will find some time to relax and a lot of sunshine for the gardening days :)

    Happy Monday!

  4. You have the cutest maternity clothes (which seem like one can wear when not pregnant too, like this dress)! I also really like how this reminds you of your grandmother. It is good to have those reminders sometimes. Lovely.

  5. oh Marisa, that dress is darling on you! And though I am not as bold as your Susie to wear full-on leopard, I do love subtle additions like in your collar!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  6. so cute! i love your maternity style!

  7. Awww your Grandma sounds like she was an awesome lady and I can definitely see the resemblance.
    Girl you look absolutely wonderful!! This dress looks lovely on you, the leopard print detail is so pretty on you!! And I love that little hat and those heels, so wonderful all together :)

  8. I always love when the clothes we wear remind us of someone of something important for us :) thank you for sharing those precious memories of your grandma, darling <3 and I might also say, pregnancy makes you look radiant. I love your baby bump!

  9. that is such a sweet tale, it's ovely to be reminded of loved ones like that <3 <3 glad you had such a lovely time in Philly! I think you've definitely deserved some R&R now!xx

  10. You look cute as a button! I remember when she added that dress and it sold in 5 minutes - glad you were the one who nabbed it up - looks darling on you! And I love that it is an homage to your gram. xoxo

  11. I was so excited to click on over as soon as I saw the little preview on instagram! The dress looks ADORABLE on you and it makes me so happy that it can remind you of your beautiful Oma as well! I have to admit I have been anxiously awaiting getting to see the dress on you! :)
    I hope you get to relax a bit and best of luck on your little veggie garden! Also- I would love to see the floral crowns you made!
    xo Hannah

  12. it's adorable how the print reminds you of your grandmother, you both look good in leopard print! for my grandparents the thing was cows, though i don't know if they were that enthusiastic about them, or if people just bought things with cows and cow print on them because they had a farm, haha! xx

  13. Aw, grandmother are/used to be so stylish <3 :) it's amazing you wrote about her here ;)

    you look wonderful! so stunning, your dress & beret are perfect!

  14. You look so pretty, Marisa! I love Hannah's vintage!
    That's so sweet about your grandmother. I have a little necklace that used to belong to my Oma. It's sad, I never really knew her so it's nice to have something to remind me of her.


  15. You look gorgeous! That dress is so pretty, you styled it very nice :D

  16. OMG, your grandmother was really pretty just like you. and she's so stylish too, i love her in the leopard print :)
    btw, marisa, you look super glowing. i love your outfit. and the handbag just a perfect touch! :) xx.

  17. These photos are gorgeous, and this outfit is great. You have the prettiest profile! :)

    xox Sammi

  18. My mom used to be a huge leopard print fan! She was (is) totally nuts!
    I love your outfit. Super cute! I'm always amazed about how you put your outfits together. Many blogger wear cute dresses or shoes or something but you're always prefect head to toe! xx

  19. what a cool grandma! Leopard print in the 60s. She must have been way ahead of her time

  20. Your grandmother sounds like she was one fashionable woman! I love leopard print and I think it looks so stunning on you. I love that you got this from Hannah's shop too. I hope you get lots of rest girlie, I'm sure you need it after all those crazy events!



    Southern (California) Belle

  21. oh, i love that picture of your grandmother! i love viewing old photographs of my grandparents and seeing what exactly they wore. you look so darling here, i love the collar!

    lindsey louise

  22. What a lovely remembrance of your grandmother. She sounds like she was a very special person. As are you. You might be the cutest lady with child I've ever seen. xo

  23. Oh, what a great way to remember your grandmother! That's funny how she loved leopard so much, it did look fantastic on her though so I can see why she did! :D This is a darling little dress, and I love the cuffs and tie on the back also-what fun details. Hoping you get some rest from your busy time!

  24. I love a good bit of leopard print! I have a dress very similar but mine is very short so I barely ever wear it, which is such a shame xo


  25. I didn't know your grandmother was German - so cool!
    And your little baby bump is really sweet, too.

    Have a great week,

  26. Absolutely gorgeous setting. I love how the bag blends in.

  27. I really really love that bag! wow! it looks great! xxx

  28. you look a lot like your Grandmother (who by the way, has an excellent name the same as me!) I really love your hat, it suits you so well and the dress is great!

  29. So lovely! You are a babe rocking that dress, it's perfect maternity wear! Love it! Aww good luck with everything Marisa! xxx

  30. Such a sweetly inspired post! I actually saw this dress in Hannah's shop once and loved it, so I was surprised to see it again! It looks great on you and I'm sure was very perfect in your pregnancy. Your grandma sounds absolutely fabulous, especially to have always known leopard print was in style :)

    perfectly priya


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