
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hello 27.

Dress: Asos (on sale)
Hat, Blazer, Shoes: Vintage-Thrifted
Brooch: Gift from mom

I'm finally back from the Fine Arts Festival I adjudicated at and took my drama teams to last week. Now I can happily say that my small team made it on to the national level of competition. Hooray!  Now onto Orlando, Florida we will go come August.  Looks like I may just be seeing Mickey Mouse after all this year :-)

I'm currently in my 27th week of pregnancy.  My how time flies!  To be completely truthful, I am really starting to feel like a Macy's Day Parade float.  I have to keep reminding myself that at this time during my last pregnancy, I was already 20 + pounds ahead of where I am now, so the Doc says I am managing quite well this time around.  However it is a little strange though to look down and no longer see your feet...hehe.  

That's just about all for now darlings.  I have much catching up to do with you!  See you around!

Love Bunches, 


  1. Haha! Don't worry, you do not look like a Macy's Day parade float! ;D cute brooch.

  2. the competition sounds exciting, good luck with that when its time comes:-) and you look amazing, i love the dress! xx

  3. You are looking soooo great! I love this dress! Totally love it!
    This competition sounds very intresting! What exactly is it about? I didn't now that you are into arts... very interesting :)!!!
    Persian New Year was really fun, but even better was the Indian spring festival on sunday, where I've been wearing an Indian sari ;) (see last post)
    I love to be an international student and get all those cultural insights :)

    Happy sunny day!

  4. You look so wonderful!! i love the layering and the colours in this outfit. That dress is such a beautiful piece. You do not look like a macy's day float! I think you look amazing :)

  5. Wow! You look amazing though! Love the hat!
    And it sounds like you had a great time at the festival! Yay! xx

  6. Wow, congratulations for your team!! That is so very exciting and you must be one proud coach :) Makes me miss going to competitions and such! These photos are simply lovely. You dress so well it's almost difficult to tell that you're pregnant! You look like the same darling Marisa with all of your wonderful details-like that fox pin! I love :) Beautiful location as well. Have I mentioned everything yet? Haha, have a happy day lady!

  7. Well, you definitely don't look like a float. I promise! I can't believe that your 27 weeks. Time definitely flies by!

  8. Congrats to you and your team! How fun - I love Orlando!

    I'm just loving your dress - it is just so cute! And you are getting so far along. Yay! Can't wait to meet your new little one. :)


  9. You look beautiful. Not ungainly in the slightest. Pregnancy obviously suits you xxx

  10. you look super pretty, marisa. i wish when i had my pregnancy someday, i'm gonna as stylish as you :))

  11. i love that blazer, marisa!! i've wanted one like that for a long time. you look beautiful in your 27 week glory :)

  12. How nice to see you looking so well and happy as you grow such a precious bundle of joy! xo

  13. Congratulations on your team making it to nationals!!! I think you look GREAT! The floral dress is gorgeous and I am always in love with your green hat! It makes me sad its thrifted since I can't easily go and pick up one of my own haha! So happy for a good doc report too, happy week 27!
    xo Hannah

  14. congrats! You still look as stylish as ever, definitely blooming in that dress ;) xx

  15. Wow, that's awesome, congratulations on making it to the Nationals, that must be so exciting! I have to say, you are absolutely the most adorable pregnant lady, I hope I look as good as you when I am carrying a baby around, haha :D LOVE this dress, and the jacket you paired it with makes it that much more awesome. So gorgeous, Marisa :)


  16. You look so wonderful and you can hardly tell you're pregnant. You wear the perfect shaped dresses for it. And congrats on making it to the next level.

  17. you are looking so cute! ah, i want to look as darling as you when i am pregnant with a little baby! the jacket and the dress together is probably the best combination ever!

    lindsey louise

  18. You're a modern-day Mary Poppins! Great color blending, and I love that hat.

  19. love this dress you look beautiful. Being pregnant definitely looks amazing on you!
    XO Ilana @ My Modern Vintage

  20. I'd seen someone else put a patterned shirt under a patterned dress and I really love that look. Hope all is going well. You look great, I love the velvety jacket... ooh and well done with the arts festival! Yay! you're going to Florida! xx

  21. You look so beautiful! That brooch is perfect!
    You have a wonderful blog!New follower <3

    The Hearabouts

  22. You are so good at dressing stylishly for your pregnancy, Marisa! I feel like so many pregnant women just hide behind big clothes and sweats, but you've got it all figured out. I love this dress and I've always been in love with this blazer. I'm impressed, but I didn't really expect anything less from you!

  23. I love the green hat on you! Emerald is my favorite color (:

  24. Hi!
    Your dress is very lovely..!


  25. wow 20 pounds less than that time the first time around sounds amazing to me! and i think you look just gorgeous! I love your dress layered w/ the blazer and hat here and of course swoon over that gorgeous forest! do you really live near that beautiful place? funny how you commented on the sunshine on my PR vacation posts and i'm always envious of your layers and pine trees since we have all sunshine over in Phx : )

  26. each week that the arrival of the little one comes closer you look more beautiful marisa!!! i love that burgundy and emerald combo with your jacket and hat! it reminds a bit of alice in wonderland;)

  27. Awwww! How cute are you! I love this whole outfit and the little brooch is too clever.
    nothing but a pigeon

  28. You have the loveliest hats!


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