
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Call Me Cupid - A Thread Share Post

Dress: Swapped with Amanda
Hat & Brooch: Vintage
Blouse: Vintage (in shop here)
Sweater: Gift from Mom
Tights: Topshop
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell

Happy Valentine's all you Sweethearts out there!

Just as promised, I'm back all decked out in hearts and pink and all that other Valentine's themed jazz for this love-full week.  Actually - not really.  What I mean is that I didn't' intend to walk out of the house dressed like one of Cupid's street, kind of actually like Mrs. Claus when I threw on Amanda's lovely little pinky-red vintage shift dress but truth be told, I'm totally fine with that :-)

Miss Salvaged Strawberry herself, sent this perfectly mod beauty of a dress over my way for our monthly Thread Share.  Being so cold as it was - (isn't that the complaint these days?) - I didn't shy away from wearing layer upon layer even if it bulked this 5'2 petite gal up like a linebacker (I exaggerate).  I was cozy and warm and that's truly all that matters these days, right?

Yet again, Amanda and I styled the dress up so similarly - funny how that always seems to happen?!  Red and black and patterned tights were the name of the game for us.   Take a leap over here to see more from her remix.

So before signing off - I wish you one loverly loverly heart filled day.  My internet presence has been a little sparse this week as I prepare to take a team of teenagers to compete in a drama competition this weekend, but I do hope to catch up with you all soon!  As for tonight - the Mr. and I will be celebrating over dinner with one another - though I do believe that love should be celebrated in small ways each and every day :-).  Cheers to just that!

Love bunches darlings,


  1. Thanks so much for your comment, it means a lot!
    Your outfit is stunning, I like how you combined the items! And happy Valentine’s!

    Have a great day,

  2. I absolutely love this look!!! The red dress is so perfect with the heart print tights, such a lovely valentines look! You look so cute bundled up with that coat too. Have a happy valentines day! And you definitely need to try out the red velvet cupcakes, so delicious ;)

  3. You gals are so adorable! OH my goodness, the COLLAR on that dress is SO pretty! Can't believe someone hasn't gobbled that up out of the shop yet! I hope you and your fam have the sweetest valentines day!

  4. You are so holiday-appropriate with the red and hearts and lace and cuteness!

  5. You look so cute! I love the heart tights and your hat! :D

  6. I love these posts so much, what a perfect dress for the day! Adorable, as always, Marisa. Happy Valentine's Day! :)

  7. "bulked you up like a linebacker" haha that really made me laugh because you never look anything but dainty and adorable!! i LOVE the dress w/ the cute retro coat over & the heart tights of course are perfect for the occasion. hope you & hubs enjoy your dinner : )

  8. oh, how cute! i love looking at how you both styled the same dress. i love the location of your photographs (so much snow.. gah i am in envy!). i love you hat here too!

    lindsey louise

  9. Honestly, can your style get any more perfect?
    Isabella xo

  10. I just adore heart tights always, and the coat looks amazing with this outfit. Love the vintage, yet modern vibe! Have a lovely weekend. :)

  11. the cutest outfit <3 I really love that hat! And of the course the tights, I can never pull off patterned ones! xxx

  12. Such a cute outfit! I love the tights :D

  13. Love this ensemble! Those tights are too adorable <3

  14. What a perfect Valentine's Day outfit! I love the collared top under the dress and of course those tights are cute as can be. What a fun/crazy way to spend the weekend!

  15. OMG ! You look so lovely ! :D
    Love everything about this outfit . :D

    xo ,
    Ana Catalarrana

  16. you look really sweet, and i especially love the hat! hope you had a lovely wee valentine's day! xx

  17. Marisa those tights!! I've never seen something so adorable!! You look too cute in this pretty vintage coat with that big peter pan collar! And not the least bit bulky or line-backer-esque. Love your hat too :)

  18. I love how you styled this dress. What a beautiful sweater that is. Your mom has good taste! Hope you had a good dinner on the day of love, and I hope it goes well with the teens this weekend.

  19. Adorable as usual! I am really liking those shoes! Hope that you had a fabulous time at the drama competition and on your date night out. :)


  20. Sorry I didn't reply to your comment sooner. I am never sure what the etiquette is - do I reply on my own blog or on yours?

    Anyway there is kind of a sweet story about how I found out about my synesthaesia. My boyfriend was telling me about it when we first met because he was fascinated by it and I was like 'oh it's like how everyone has colours they link to words' and he was like 'aaaaah! You have synesthaesia! Let me glomp you because I think it is teh coolest' or something like that. :) Anyway I had never realised it wasnt normal because it is stuff in my head so I thought other people see colours in their mind in the same way. Hope that was interesting for you.

    Also - I do love those heart print tights!

  21. Those tights and the sweater look so great on you!
    Its such a vintage chic look (:
    Love your blog Marisa!

    Have a superchic day xx
    Kisses from LA,


  22. Happy belated Valentine's Day, Marisa! Hope you and the Mr. had a nice one! <3 Love this elegant outfit and I'm definitely in love with those tights!


  23. Aw this is so much fun! I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!! This inspires me to try and go find my heart print, I know they're around here somewhere...

    Enjoy your weekend!


  24. this is too cute I am in love with those tights! hope u r well
    xo Ilana My Modern Vintage

  25. beautiful outfit and photos! that cardigan is fabulous! amazing valentines day post!

  26. Love those tights, eek!! And I absolutely love the dress you sent, thank you so much! I just posted about it :) Hope the sweater keeps you warm & happy deary!

    <3 Megan

  27. oh what a wonderful post darling! those heart printed tights are to fall in love for and gosh how cute is the white collar and your hat! simply love that valentine outfit darling marisa!

  28. This is an amazing look for the Valentine's day ! Thoses tights are perfect !

  29. Marisa, you are so sweet! I really LOVE the dress and how you wore it, especially with those darling darling tights!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  30. hi, marisa. i came here just to say happy birthday to your gorgeous son! :))

  31. oh wow this look is stunning =)

  32. Congrats about your sun's birthday! :)
    You have an adorable blog <3 and your collection of tights looks amazing as far as I can see!

  33. You have such a great smile, and I am sure I've said that before but you have such a glow of God about you, girl!!!


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