
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Water, Snow, and Ice.

Dress & Tights: Modcloth
Hat & Brooch: Vintage
Top: Gap
Shoes: UO

With the weather skipping about somewhere in the single digits, I'm finding it to be such a chore these days to get off my couch and go outside.  Like many of you, I am just not cut out for weather this awfully frigid.  So I survive from day to day covered with warm fleecy blankets and a hot cocoa in my hand.  Not the worse thing, eh?  Unfortunately the cold weather and massive amounts of power consumption on our little side of the mountain has caused numerous blackouts during the nighttime hours where we are left not only in the dark, but with no heat or electricity of any kind for that matter.  So we light the candles and throw on the layers and just cuddle a bit closer.  Though I'm not welcoming any more outages, I am welcoming more time to turn off the tv, close the computer and just do some good old fashion hanging out - whether it be with friends or with family.  Sometimes I think it's just best to simplify and have less.

Now on the one day this week where the weather actually hit the 20s, I did manage to get out of the house, go to the craft store, buy some groceries...and yes, dress-up!  After being cooped up in the house all week in my yoga pants and hoodie with so much ice and snow and power outages - all I wanted to do was put on a dress and frolic around!  Can you blame me?

Fingers crossed that spring will get here soon!  

Keep warm and toasty darlings!

Love Bunches, 


  1. Ah I couldn't do it! Cali is the life for me ;) Although I would like to see some SNOW... LOVE this color combo girl!


  2. How adorable do you look!? I love that dress

  3. Beautiful outfit!
    I am surprised that you have so many black outs!? Is that something normal where you live? I hope it is not getting too cold then!? I totally know what you mean by saying that it may be bst to simplify and have less. When I lived in Ghana I did not have electricty for 6 months... and I did somehow enjoy it! Life is sometimes getting exhausting because of all the possibilities we have and then I also wish to simplify and to cocentrate on the basics... but its hard!


  4. You are as cute as a pug in a rug! Love that dress on you - and would have never thought to pair it with stripes or gray - but the combo looks so lovely. I sometimes wish you could come over and put outfits together for me. :) We are going to hit 15 below Thursday so I haven't been going out much either. :) Cheers to staying bundled and hibernating with loved ones. p.s. can't wait to show you the dress, too! xo

  5. I hear you, I am not cut out for the cold either, it's -28 today and with wind chill that feels like -40. Definitely going to be wearing my warm clothes and driving.
    Your layers here are so gorgeous, I love the print mixing. This dress is such a lovely piece! You're so bright and colourful, I love it!

  6. that dress is just the cutest and I love how you add a hat :)
    I'm sorry to hear about the blackouts! but I'm glad to hear you find something good out of it
    I guess blackouts are the best excuse to light a candle and talk!

    The Sweetest Escape 

  7. This is so cute! Love your pattern mixing skills, m'dear!

    <3 Megan

  8. i love that dress! i've been eyeing it on modcloth forever... it looks wonderful on you! sounds like you've been having a cozy winter so far. xxo

  9. This is adorable Marisa! I really adore your style. I love the vintage daisy pin, I have a slight obsession with bright 60s enamel pins..I have a collection and love to add a piece every now and then. What a delightful outfit, I love your style!!

    ~Alyssa xoxo

  10. The combination of patterns is so cute!

    Have a lovely day,

  11. This dress is SO SO cute! Is it little mini trees? The color combination is amazing, I am thinking about re-doing my room in reds and mints :) I have a really similar outfit planned for next week with a striped shirt underneath a collared dress so I am definitely keeping that pin collar trick in mind! Stay warm!!!
    xo Hannah

  12. No heat? What? That is not only miserable but dangerous in this kind of weather. Stay warm sister!

  13. I'm madly jealous at you combination-skills. This dress and the shirt go perfect together and the outfit looks great on you aswell!

  14. This dress is darling! I love the print. I know what you mean about single digits and staying cooped up inside all day! That has definitely been my life the last little bit. I'm trying hard to brave the snow and cold outdoors for photos but honestly if I didn't have to go to work in the mornings I wouldn't be wearing anything photo-worthy!

  15. I can't believe how cold it is over there! You really can't tell here, you look happy and warm :). This outfit is so cute! That print is to die for, much like you last post. I think I could wear everything in your closet and be happy as can be ♥



    Southern (California) Belle

  16. You always have the best prints!!! :D This dress is beautiful!
    p.s. Love ur about me story!!! Wanna know moreee :D

  17. Have you lost weight? You always look great, but you're looking especially skinny!! Keep doing what ever you're doing and stay warm!

  18. Marisa, I've been living under a blanket for weeks now! :) You look darling in this dress. I love the print on it! How sweet.
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

    the shop of worldly delights

  19. That dress is too cute!! =]

    Yellow Blog [blog design]
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  20. The weather has been terrible has it not? Walking to class has been a nightmare. Hopefully is warms up soon!

    I'm loving your dress, especially with the sweet daisy brooch!


  21. It's very interesting to hear about the blackouts you guys are having. I remember experiencing them during bad storms as a child, and the sense of calm while we were forced to just hang out in candlelight is a fond memory. Funny how something that sup not so good can bring about such good feelings of closeness. That said, you sure looked cute after the extended period in track pants and hoodies.

  22. Hey Marisa how nice is that outfit !!! I'm also not made for this cold, rarely tempted to wear something other than yoga pants and hoodies and warm socks... Hope for spring to arrive soon :) Have a fab day ! XX Tani

  23. What a beautiful combination ! You don't stop enchanting me ! The hat makes the look perfect !

  24. Love the combination as always!! You should have your own styling show or something, I would love to be styled by you :)



  25. Oh Marisa you are so cute! You make all these prints and colours just pop! Oh, blackouts! Perfect excuse to play in candlelight! I hope spring comes soon though! :) Take care kitten! :) Zoë x

  26. love the hat and your dress - awesome outfit! :)

  27. I love the combination of colouring, so interesting. Hope you stay warm dear! xx

  28. omg! looove this colorful outfit!
    it's so in contrast with the snow and you look just amazing!

  29. You look good with the inside of the forest very much.
    The broach of the flower is cute!


  30. I love, love, love your layers here- that dress is the cutest! You making living in frigid cold look fun and whimsical :) Stay warm, my friend!! P.S. you have so many great things in your shop!! I want to go on a spending spree.....

  31. What an amazing outfit, Marisa!!! :D I think this one's in among my top 5 of Marisa's outfits, seriously.

    I'm so sorry to hear there have been blackouts with such cold weather :(. Geez, I'm always cold, even in spring. It's so crazy that we live in the same country and here it's been around the 80sF all week.

  32. awww go get cozy! How cute!
    I really love your outfit!! Cute!


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