
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Pie in the Sky

Dress & (Headband-free gift): Modcloth
Cardi & Tights: Target
Brooch: Antique Mall
Shoes: Miss L Fire

Weekend Greetings Darlings, 

As you may know from reading along, last weekend I hosted my very first dinner party which included  cooking, baking, and appetizer making for 30 of our very good friends.  Yes, it was quite a crowd and quite an evening!  Many of our friends cooked and baked up yummies for our tummies as well so I was very fortunate to have plenty of food for this lively bunch.  As for what I made, bacon-wrapped dates stuffed with blue cheese, brie in pastry with candied walnuts and currants, and english cucumber topped with smoked salmon, dill cream cheese, and a caper were the hors d'oeuvres that kicked the evening off.  Others contributed empanadas, a plethora of dips, and a nice little meat and cheese spread.  We most definitely did not go hungry and truth be told, most of us were quite stuffed before the sit down dinner even began.  

Being Italian, I whipped up a batch of homemade sauce with meatballs and hot sausage and gemelli pasta to satisfy everyone's taste-buds for dinner and let's not forget about the crusty bread with rosemary olive oil to munch on in between helpings.  Are you hungry yet?  I sure am I as sit here and type this all out.  Anyhow, the best part of the evening was definitely the stories told around the table...I swear we laughed all night.  Having moved to this new town last year, I feel very blessed to have the support of good friends like this in my life.  

Oh yeah, and this is what I wore :-)
Love Bunches, 


  1. oh Marisa! this outfit is wonderful Cakes on a dress!! perfection.. and those beautiful shoes are like the cherry on the already perfect cake (ha)!
    well done you on the hosting, it sounds like you did a brilliant job, in true Italian form too! well done you. Oh and if im ever in the US please can i come round for dinner?! haha! im starving after reading that xxxx

  2. wow the food sounds incredible, just the hors d'oeuvres make my mouth water! and of course you look lovely, the print on that dress is amazing xxx

  3. The second I opened up your page this outfit took my breath away. I am so in love with that dress and how you styled it! Complete perfection. I'm glad to hear your dinner party went well! I'm sure with 30 people it was a little crazy but it sounds like all was successful. Oh, and it may be 9am here but I'm totally craving meatballs haha! Can't take the Italian out of the girl!



    Southern (California) Belle

  4. This dress is SO cute! It reminds me of something that should be on Pushing Daises - oh man, now I want to watch those seasons again. Also, your shoes are so perfect!

    Oh man, your dinner party sounds WONDERFUL. All those foods sound so delicious!

    Have a great weekend, hon!


  5. This is basically the PERFECT dress for you : ) I love it!

  6. Awesome outfit! The combination is amazing!

  7. so so cute! that dress is perfect on you! love all the polka dots too. you are such a cutie. and you've successfully gotten me craving italian food. :) keep warm! Xx

  8. oh, marisa, you make me hungry! i bet your foods are yummy. kitchen not my favorite area, always failed, lol :D you look very pretty and cute, i love your dress and headband. the lacey stocking make your look super sweet. and also i love your husband shoes! :) have a nice week end! :)

  9. OMG! I want that dress in my life!!!
    It is sooo fantastic and makes me a little hungry, but still :D

  10. this is so cute! congratulations on the dinner party, it sounds delish!

  11. What a wonderful time that sounds like it was! You've only lived there a year and already have 30 friends to invite to dinner? That just means you're as wonderful in real life as you are on-line. And, of course, you were impeccably dressed too. xo

  12. you just look sooo adorable! i love this outfit :)

    The DayLee Journal"

  13. I love this cardigan! So good to get some color during this grey season! The tights are also super cute!
    The dinner party sounds great! Are you going to post some of the things you prepared for your guests? :)
    Have a great weekend!


  14. bacon wrapped dates!?!?!? that sounds so good...can't believe I haven't heard of that before.
    love all the tiny dots in your outfit!

  15. This outfit is so so adorable! Im on love with your dress and that cardigan! how long ago did you get it? I love target. And I love how modcloth always sends the darling headbands! Your dinner party sounds so fun. All that food sounds to die for! You're quite the chef.

  16. That meal is making my mouth water; speaking of, so is that cutie of a dress!glad everything went well.

  17. Oh man I am so in love with your pie print dress! It looks like it belongs right in Pushing Daisies! Your yellow dotted cardigan is adorable with it. Your dinner party sounds like it was a great, yummy success too.

  18. You look so, so adorable! Love how you put this outfit together, it suits you so well!


  19. OMG !!! This dress ! I love it ! It's amazing ! And the cardigan is lovely too !

  20. Too cute!! I love this outfit on you. :)

  21. So cute look!! And these photos are amazing and breathtaking!

  22. That dress is unbelievably cute! I also love your styling with all those prints. Wearing something like that would definately brighten up my day, I hope it brightened yours!
    Kate x

  23. This dress is sooo adorable!! I absolutely love the print, and your cardigan is perfect with it. You look so gorgeous! I love the headscarf, it's so cute.
    Sounds like an awesome dinner, all that stuff sounds delicious!

  24. Look at you and your cooking skills! That all sounds positively delish and I'm glad you all had such a splendid time. What a perfect dress for such an affair! I love all the polka dot mixing too. You always look so fun :)

  25. I could imagine you being an amazing hostess. I am sure you worked very hard and had a great time. I hope it wasn't too stressful to cook for that many people! You go girl! You're beautiful. One of the best outfits.

  26. OMG! That dress is *insert all imaginable synonyms to awesome*!!!! :D And you rock it, girl! I think I'd wear it every single day, haha.

    And wow! Hosting a gathering for 30 friends! :O I don't even have 30 friends, hahaha! I'm glad to know it was a success ;).

    Have an excellent week, sweet Marisa! ;D

    Tight hugs!

  27. Oh my goodness, this dress is amazing. It just screams "Marisa!" I so wish I could come to a dinner party of yours! You sound like a wonderful hostess :)

  28. I am in love with this dress. It was clearly made for you! Also a 30 person dinner party? That sounds amazing and wonderful and delicious. I love pot luck style dinners with friends. It's simply the best time. And your treats sound amazing.

  29. Ah, you are so adorable! I love this pie dress. Wow, 30 people for a dinner party!? You amazing lady. Also, all the food you made sounds delicious!

  30. This all sounds like my most favourite food! Everything sounds utterly delicious. And well done for cooking for 30 and not feeling too stressed. sounds like you kept the main simple but very tastey! I adore your dress too! and those tights are very cute.
    I'm going to have to go an eat something now..... xxxx

  31. Marisa, you have got me drooling all over my laptop. That sounds scrumptious! AND your dress looks scrumptious too! And super adorable!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

    the shop of worldly delights

  32. That dress is absolutely amazing, in fact everything about this outfit is adorable. The bow in your hair, and on on your shoes, the cheerful yellow cardigan. You look gorgeous xo

  33. Sounds like a lovely evening! And I absolutely adore your dress!

  34. love your dress, the print is adorable! and the dinner party sounds too good! xx

  35. I've been eyeing all of your cute outfits in Modcloth's Style Gallery, and *finally* noticed your link! I was too excited!

    I love love love this dress!! Would you consider sharing the brand of it, as it's out of stock on modcloth??



  36. I am soo hungry just reading this! I wish you could come cook for me ^_^

    I have those tights too! Don't they make anything that much more adorable?!


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