
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Gatsby Gal

Pullover: Modcloth
Headscarf: Thrifted
Blouse: Vintage 
Skirt: Gap
Belt: Vintage from Grandfather
Tights: Modcloth
Boots: Marshall's

Holidays spent in the Philly always include a day of shopping around Rittenhouse Square.  I'm actually not much a shopper - or perhaps not much of a mall rat would be a better word for it (I loathe malls!), but there is something about city shopping that always gets me bubbling up with excitement and has me feeling quite energized.  With that being said, this part of Philly has the best Anthropologie I've ever been too - 4 stories, in an old building that looks like it was once a church or bank or something elegant like that.  Yep, it's hard to yank me out of that place.  Add in some other favorites like Lush, UO, etc. etc. and a trip to the patisserie to grab some french macarons and a hot chocolate and I could quite happily call it a very good day.

So with all that being said, here's wishing you a very good day darlings!

Love Bunches,


  1. i love the gatsby jumper! been wanting to get myself one, and you look lovely in it! xx

  2. I heart that you're holding a Lush bag-- I LOVE THEM!!! Are you excited for The Great Gatsby film to come out this year?!?!

  3. Oh how darling! I love everything about this-the boots especially caught my eye with your cute socks peeking out! Also, I need to be tying more scarves in my hair-you always look so great sporting them!

  4. I love that your tights and headband match! So cute!

  5. Oh my, what a jumper! I am so excited for that film to come out! love the colours here and the penultimate photo is just

  6. You're always so gorgeous!! Amazing photos and look!

  7. Your outfit is adorable! I love the matching bow and tights and that sweatshirt is so fun:) and a 4 level anthro in a beautiful building?! Sounds like heaven to me!!

  8. Sounds like a pretty lovely day!! I hate malls when they're super busy, I tend to hit them up on weird days and odd hours and find them much more enjoyable.
    This outfit is so awesome, I love the sweater and that skirt is great, it looks so cozy!

  9. Yes, there are some dangerous shopping destinations here!
    Can you believe I've never read or seen the Great Gatsby? I tried too once and got bored! : / I feel like a bad writer in saying that, haha, but it's true!

  10. I love it! I am so pumped to see the movie:) Also, ive been dying to try french macaroons. They're so cute and colorful. :)

  11. Oh, Marisa, this makes me so happy. How do I not own a Gatsby sweater? This is just too cute, especially with the boots. And that sounds like such a lovely day!

  12. Ahhh!! I MUST HAVE THAT SWEATER! It looks fabulous on you!
    Can it please be May already so I can pretend to kiss Leonardo in the theatre?!

    Shannon @ Fabulously Vintage

  13. You look so lovely, darling - like you stepped out of the pages of a glossy fashion magazine...How do you do it? Your creative ensembles are always so inspiring to me! Have a great week! xo

  14. I found your blog via Flock Together and I love it - you're so pretty and colorful! I can't wait for the Great Gatsby movie... it's one of my favorite books so it'll be fun to see it on the big screen. And I'm super jealous that you got to shop at Lush, everything there is so wonderful yet expensive!

    <3 Leslie, Instant Fires

  15. WAIT I only get to the Anthro in Wayne, there is another?!? I need to go there. Maybe we shouldn't go to Towson this weekend - I have an anthro gift card.....hmm...I LOVE these photos and want to go to this place now (which I can!) and I love the pullover you are wearing! SO CUTE! That close up of it with the bokeh background is wonderful
    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  16. wow! love your outfit so much!
    great pics!

  17. That sweater is literally perfect <3

  18. This is too perfect!
    I totally wish we had an Anthropologie here. It looks soooooo good.

    The Lovelorn

  19. Oh my goodness! I'm a LOVING that sweatshirt. It is just so perfect! I really need to find one of those. :) Glad that you had such a wonderful holiday!

    And in regards to your comment, we should definitely go thrifting sometime we are both in the area! Those poor thrift stores don't stand a chance. :P


  20. This outfit is so cute Marisa! I love that sweater and, of course, your hairbow :)



    Southern (California) Belle

  21. What a charming afternoon! Absolutely love your outfit and envy those macaroons. <3

    Little Rosie

  22. Gah! This outfit is adorable. I love the tights and boots most. Or maybe the tee.... Hmmm can't decide.

  23. Awesome sweater! I LOVE the Great Gatsby. I was so upset at Baz remaking the film but all that changed when I saw the trailer. Can't wait for it to come out!

  24. Philadelphia is such a lovely looking place. You look fab, love the sweatshirt and boots. Oooh and the peter pan collar! Xx

  25. How cheek and fun this outfit is!

  26. I love this outfit, and I am obsessed with your sweater!!!! I love Philadelphia. My husband & I visited there for the first time in 2011, and it was better than we had hoped.

  27. Oh, this outfit is so cool!!

    Kisses, Lucy :)

  28. I wish there was a store anywhere near where I live.

    This outfit is so adorable. It's everything I wish my style could be.

  29. What a magical outing! Love this outfit, you look so cozy :) And that skirt is so versatile, perfect!

    <3 Megan

  30. Your top is utterly adorable! Oh and now I want to go to Lush :)

  31. beautiful, beautiful photos, love the cobblestones. Your outfit is amazing!

  32. oh you are wearing again those boots i love so madly;) and i adore how you styled your gatsby sweat, you are always an inspiration darling!
    big kiss,mary

  33. This sounds like such an amazing day and I LOVE your outfit! Your outfit locations have been so great lately too! That second to last photo looks like it would be straight out of Gatsby to me!
    Happiest of Fridays to you!
    xo Hannah

  34. Hattitude Style Blog
    i had my eye on the sweater over at modcloth! ha love it.
    can't wait to catch up on all the blogs i've missed over the past month!

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  35. I don't think I've ever told you this and this post is totally appropriate to say it. Every time I see you and in your wonderful and unique outfits, I feel you're a magical character from a modern fairy tale ;)! Tight hugs, Marisa! Have a wonderful weekend!

  36. Love your style!

  37. I am right there w/ you in loathing malls but we did LOVE looking at all the old buildings in Antwerp that the shops were in, which sounds like Philly. that little square is beautiful and goodness you are just the cutest every single day! I dont know how you manage to make a sweatshirt look so cute & i always mean to wear more bows like you!

  38. I can't imagine a 4-story Anthro, so many floors of temptation! Sounds like a fun day! I loathe the mall too but hitting up some stores in fun, old buildings sounds nice. Isn't Philly the headquarters for Anthro/UO? Another fun and chic look by you that I'm totally in love with :)

  39. I can't belive I didn't see this post, it's adorable!

  40. Awww :') this is such a lovely post. I do really like your outfit I need to start piecing clothes together as it always looks really nice

    Oliviaaaa xxx

  41. A blue trainer is pretty.
    A night photograph is fantastic!



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