
Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Gal Known as "The Hat"

Hi there darlings! 

A lovely gal known as Rachel, The Hat will be filling my shoes today and I'm so thrilled to have her step in for me. I've been following this sweet bird for quite some time now and have forever been inspired by her creative and quite colorful outfits - not to mention she is also a mommy to a cutie pie little guy just like me :-)  Be sure to give her a nice warm hello and check out her ga ga gorgeous blog if you do so fancy.

Catch you all soon!


Hello Lovely Readers of The Shades Of Monet Chronicles!

Marisa has very kindly allowed me a little guest post for you all today! It sure is lovely to 'meet you'!!
I'm Rachel and i blog over at Rachel The Hat, where i mostly prance around in dresses and take photos of where i live here in the Welsh hills here in the UK. Lately we have had soooo much snow which has meant lots of days in with movies and hot chocolates whilst trying not to go stir crazy with cabin fever heehee!
So with all this spare time on my hands i have been creating some fun outfits. I love to make lists of outfits and go through my wardrobe creating fun remixes of some old favorites.

In my wardrobe you will find lots of:
Bright colours, Patterns, Polka dots and Stripes, Florals, bright fun coloured tights, vintage brooches and lots of hats, very similar to Marisa infact! She has great taste doesn't she!

What else is there to know? Well i'm a wife, a mama (to my beautiful boy Neo) and a step mum to my great step kiddos. Im a hard worker (i'm just your friendly Travel agent.. you need a holiday, i'm your lady;-) and generally a very happy soul.

I absolutely love to express myself through my outfits, i have always said that i am an absolutely awful artist; i can not paint of sculpt and i definitely lack the skill to draw (hello stick men!) So putting fun creative outfits together is my form of artwork, expression if you like! The blogosphere sure is full of wonderful inspiration isn't it?

 Dress: Thrifted
Tights: Matalan
Belt: From another dress
Brooch: Vintage
Coat: River Island
Clog Shoes: Lotta From Stockholm
Shirt: Next
Well lovelies, its been great chatting with you and if you ever fancy a chat and a cuppa do pop on over to my corner of the web ! Tea's on me ;-)

Bye For now!



  1. oh she is soooo cute and her style is whimsical and adorable as yours ;) two lovely ladies;) and this is pattern mixing in perfection, polka dots and checks!

  2. Love the mix of patterns and colours, such pretty photos too. I'll definitely be checking out Rachels blog!

  3. I love Rachel! She's definitely one of my faces! I never realized how similar your style was :) no wonder I love both of you and all your colorful clothes! She looks darling as always here. Love the dress and yellow tights :)

  4. These colours and patterns work so well together! Lovely as always, she is.


  5. Beautiful dress and I love the colour combination. Also, I really like your hair :D

  6. Hooray I love all of Rachel's amazing print mixing and primary color love! :)

  7. Hello Rachel and Marisa :) What a great allyway in which to take photos! I love the outfit. So cheerful. You can't go wrong with polka dots and that jacket is excellent.

  8. You are like a doll!
    A color is clear.
    So beautiful!


  9. I love Rachel's style too! She is another master of layers and print mixing :) I totally agree with fashion being such a fun way to express creativity!

  10. I've just found your blog and I love it! *hits followy button* Everything's so cute and colourful!


Leave a comment, introduce yourself, or just say Hello. You never cease to brighten my day:-)