
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Santa Baby

Floral Crown: DIY
Brooch: DIY
Tights: Gift from sister
Shoes: Modcloth

Hello there darlings!

I trust that each and every one of you had a magical Christmas and are stuffing yourself with plenty of goodies, enjoying your families and friends, and getting plenty of r&r.  I'm currently back in my hometown doing just that, so I'm making it quick today as breakfast is calling and so are those homemade sticky buns.  A little more from my Christmas later though...

Earlier this month, the gals from Flock Together held a Secret Santa gift swap where we each sent a piece of clothing to one another.  Of course I was just tickled when my packaged arrived and I was greeted by this little teal babydoll dress thrifted and altered for me by the very lovely Hannah, of The Braided Bandit.  I'd say she has my number down pretty well :)  You can view more from our Secret Santa exchange right here.

As you can see we got a sprinkling of snow and actually were laced with another round of the frosting on Christmas Eve, adorning my hometown in the prettiest white Christmas it's seen in a while.

So tell me darlings, was your Christmas snowy and white?

Talk soon!

Love Bunches,


  1. The dress and tights are so, so pretty!

  2. I love your shoes!!! You look beautiful. Sounds like you're having a great holiday! Merry (belated) Christmas Marissa.

  3. This dress is absolutely amazing!! What a great present, the colour is amazing on you, such a lovely fit. It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday, Merry Christmas lovely! Also, that floral crown is the prettiest ever

  4. Those shoes are to die for!! Oh MY GOSH!!!! Love them!!
    And your dress is sooo cute!


  5. beautiful outfit! love the crown and shoes. The tights add the perfect touch. hope your holiday was magical!!

  6. These shoes are incredible! I'm glad you enjoyed your secret santa and I hope you and Keane had an AWESOME holiday!

  7. I love this dress; Hannah did such a great job! All of the Flock Together dresses were so adorable! Hope that you had a wonderful Christmas with your family! Did you guys have snow for Christmas Eve and then a gorgeous sunny Christmas Day too?


  8. So cute!! I love those shoes... amazing!

  9. The dress is perfect on you! I love the detail around the neckline. Hannah did well.

    Strangely we haven't had a speck of snow yet, but this evening's newscast indicated that that situation is coming to an abrupt end.

  10. Wonderful dress! :) i hope i can feel a white christmas someday! :)Irene Wibowo

  11. Hannah did an amazing job! This dress is adorable and looks like something you would pick out for yourself! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, love! :)

  12. That dress with those tights and shoes is perfection. Glad your Christmas was merry and bright. We didn't get a white Christmas, but got a ton of snow today, go figure.

    xo Jenny

  13. Awe, snow! :p And my, oh, my! Your shoes!

    Can I have some of that breakfast you had today? Hehe.

    Hugs, Marisa!

  14. Very, very lovely! And thanks, I did have a wonderful Christmas. At a friends dinner party we also did a secret Santa and I got a wonderful sketch of a cat from a lovely illustrator. I was so happy about it! It's perfect for me :)

  15. amazing blog! Would you like to follow each other?


  16. that dress is utterly gorgeous!! The shoes are just amazing I love them! The whole outfit is fantastic, the flower headband is a lovely colour contrast. My Christmas was grey and wet but it looks like you had some lovely snow, I'm very jealous. Merry Christmas! xxx

  17. This color is gorgeous on you! I didn't know she altered it for you? That's awesome!! Glad you had a wonderful Christmas :) im kind of obsessing over your amazing shoes...
    We got a ton of snow here! A bit too much if you ask me!

  18. The dress and tights are so, so pretty!Love you outfit.Visit

  19. I am so behind on the blogging world but I was so excited when I saw this on my reader! I absolutely LOVE the dress on you Marisa and you styled it amazingly! Major swoonage (<-- my computer doesn't think thats a word) over here with your awesome heels and floral crown. The orange and turquoise together is so pretty! Merry belated Christmas and so happy to hear you are getting some family time and R&R in!

  20. Beautiful! Especially those shoes are just amazingly great! I love them!
    I hope you had a wonderful christmas!? I did but now I am also someehow happy that it is over and that I have some days to relax :)

  21. You look darling. The color is great on you.

    Yeah, we got snow. ugh. Driving nightmare, but our Christmas was great!

  22. Oh, how PERFECT is this on you. She picked a fantastic color for you. I love how you styled this too, a floral crown and some eye catching heels was the most whimsical and wonderful pairing. Have a lovely day!

  23. The heels and legwear are so gorgeous and artsy. Great outfit as usual. Happy New Year! xx/Madison

  24. You are so lovely and look so gorgeous in these colours!!! Have a wonderful hogmanay! Zoë xx

  25. What an adorable outfit--I just LOVE your tights and those amazing shoes! My Christmas wasn't snowy and white (San Francisco weather), but it was splendid! :)


  26. It snowed here on Christmas Eve but was all gone by morning. haha. We have snow now though. Your outfit looks so lovely! I hope your family enjoyed your Christmastime!

  27. That dress is so gorgeous and brooch is a perfect detail :)
    Kisses dear...

  28. omg how absolutely adorable you look again darling marisa;) i love the dress and the little cupcake but what i´m really really crazy about are your shoes, those pretty babies are pure love!
    darling i wish you all the best for 2013!
    love and kiss,mary

  29. Oh my! Totally in love over your shoesies!
    Not going to lie but I have a huge style crush on you! x

  30. Oh my gosh, Hannah did such a great job picking out your dress :). I love the color, it really compliments your hair and skin so well. And I love those shoes! I saw them on Modcloth a year or two ago and they are just darling. I hope you enjoy the last day of 2012 tomorrow and I can't wait to see what 2013 brings you <3



    Southern (California) Belle

  31. Happy New Year!!!!
    I really like this type of Outfit Collection...


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