
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fox in Socks

 Outfit Details: Sweater: Target // Hat: UO // Brooch: Antique Mall // Skirt & Shoes: Thrifted // Tights: Modcloth

Oh hello there darlings, 

I trust your Tuesday is going as lovely as ever.  This past week has been nothing short of chaotic for me and unfortunately the little fam and I are just a tad under the weather at the moment.  No worries, it's nothing that modern day medicine and a little good old fashion rest can't cure, it's just a bit of a bummer that I am so behind in everything from sending Christmas cards out (which truthfully just won't happen this year) to catching up with things on here in le blogland.  However, I don't really feel there's much to complain about after the recent tragedies that unfolded in our country this week.  I'm just really thankful to be here and have my family around.  

Enough serious talk - these photos have been marinating in my draft folder for two months now, so it's about time that they make their debut.  Back in October, the Mr. and I went to see Ingrid Michaelson on her acoustic tour.  If you know me by now, you know that I have been quite the fan ever since the beginning and have seen her perform numerous times.  Well, the evening was everything I expected and more and I walked away feeling so sweetly inspired like I always do.  What more can I say?  I just adore nights like this with good music and the Mr. in hand.  

Wishing you a week full of gingerbread houses and lots of frosty snow.  Catch up with you soon!

Love Bunches, 


  1. Oh no, feel better my dear! I love your quirky side, this sweater and tights combination is ever so special and your brooch just adds such a neat touch to the whole look. Looks like a very fun evening indeed :)

  2. Oh I love Ingrid! She always has the sweetest songs. And I love the black and white picture of the hubs, it's so artsy. And as always, your outfit is the perfect amount of color and quirkiness. That fix sweater is adorable and those tights really give the outfit a kick. I hope you guys feel all better in time for Christmas :D

  3. Love Ingrid Michaelson almost as much as I love your outfit!

  4. What a lovely evening for the two of you!! Such an incredibly sweet date. I absolutely love your outfit, that fox sweater is TOO cute. Such an amazing piece, love the tights and your hat too

  5. Ugh, this is so cute! I am in need of an adorable sweater, so I guess I need to go hunting at Target, hahaha. Sorry you're not feeling so great - best of luck with the sniffles!

  6. Oh my, this sweater must be the cutest thing I've seen in a while - too bad we don't have Target in Germany, otherwise I would be out of my door buying it!

  7. I love when you wear your fox sweater; it is so cute!

    What adorable pictures of a fun night out with your hubby! :)


  8. i love this outfit! no one (and i do believe NO one) wears colors and patterns as adorably as you! merry merry christmas! feel better soon! Xx

  9. I hope you and the fam get better! I hate feeling run down! I'm preparing for a week long vacation to Florida this week and I'm a little nervous I'm going to get sick from all the running around!

    You saw Ingrid Michaelson? I'm super jealous!

  10. AHHHH!!! That fox sweater is too cute!!! The whole outfit flows too well! Love it!


  11. I can't believe you'd been holding onto these! Usually I'll do that with blah outfits but yors is so fun and adorable! That skirt is so perfect with the sweater and glad u enjoyed the show, such a sweet pic of you two hand in hand

  12. Looks like you two had a great time, and you look adorable as usual, sweater is amazing :)

  13. The Bowler hat + the fox is really cute.

  14. Ooh I love Ingrid Michaelson! Those tights are great, and I love your flower pin!


  15. I'm happy you got around to posting these pictures, they're lovely! I'll never get over how cute this sweater is, I'm so sad I missed out on it. Also, super jealous you saw Ingrid Michaelson!

  16. Your outfit is super cute! And the place where you a listening to the concert seems to be so beautiful and cozy! I love these kind of old theaters! Beautiful post!

  17. Love that blue on blue and the cutest fox ever, dear Marisa.

  18. Fox!! Love it!
    Hope you and the fam are feeling better :) xx

  19. I think that is the cutest jumper ever! Hope you and the fam feel better super quickly! Also, have a lovely Christmas :) xxx

  20. ooooh how beautiful is that fox in socks;) what a great color to beat the winter blues;) darling i hope you will feel much better soon! lots of love and kisses,mary

  21. That must have been an AWESOME concert. and I love your adorable fox sweater! So cute

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  22. Lasy, this is a super lovely post! and i am so enamoured with that foxy jumper, oh and the tights.. love those tights!! xx

  23. Cute sweater! I hope all is well and Happy Holidays <3


  24. This outfit is SO cute, love the tights and pin dearly! :)

    <3 Megan

  25. oh gosh, your fox sweater is just amazing! i adore the color of it too!

    lindsey louise

  26. I hope you are feeling good as new and are enjoying your holiday season! Another outfit of yours that I'm totally in love with! I love a good animal print and think these sweaters are the cutest. And you always make me wish I had a collection of novelty tights :)

  27. I saw that sweater at Target a while back and I'm totally kicking myself for not buying it! You look so very cute and colorful. The holidays are always crazy but I hope you enjoy the time with your family <3



    Southern (California) Belle

  28. Marisa- it totally is the same dress, and I borrowed yours too :) haha.
    I'm kicking myself for not getting this sweater while it was readily available at target. Its so cute!! I love foxes and i love the tights and skirt you paired this with!

  29. I hope you're all feeling better and are excited and not horrible stressed about Christmas. I haven't sent out any cards, I feel guilty but it's not the end of the world (literally today!!), now missing out on presents, that would be disastrous! You look great, those tights are fantastic! I love the fox jumper, it's so sweet and you always rally rock a bowler hat! Have a great Christmas! xxx

  30. Awe, I really like Ingrid Michaelson! ;p

    Hope you're fully recovered by now!

  31. marisa noelle, you are adorable, and so is your outfit! :) i like how you paired the tights with the sweater. your photos are delightful too. we saw ingrid michaelson live in october of 2009. below is the link to my blog post, if you want to take a peek at our photos.

  32. ahhh love this sweater so cute! sorry for not visiting you for a while dear I have been so busy. I hope you're well and have a great New Year!
    xoxo Ilana
    My Modern Vintage


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