
Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmassy Snaps and some Cheers to a New Year

Christmas was a blast my darlings.  It went by so fast - but isn't that how all magical things go?  It was filled with a delightful German Christmas Eve dinner in honor of my grandmother - rouladen, spaeztles, cabbage, and Christmas soup followed by a night of snowy bliss and a homemade french toast breakfast with curded custard, sticky buns, and breakfast mimosas the next morning.  Of course the presents followed, but more important was the celebration of love, life, and faith during this beautiful season.  Of course above is just a small taste from my wee world.

Now the New Year comes and I can't wait to ring it in.  Here's a little taste of my favorite outfits from the past 12 months.  Nothing much has changed.  I'll always be a gal who loves vintage dresses, lots of bright color, and whimsical head dressings.  It's been one fine year of spending way less, thrifting more, and shopping my closet.  Now that's something I can give myself a pat on the back for :)

So now I bid you a great night, and a short farewell until we meet again in 2013.  Thank you so very much for following along, for lurking, for commenting, for being my far-away friends.  You darlings always brighten my day.  Wishing you sweet celebrations and many many cheers to a brand new year!  

Love Bunches,


  1. Your January outfit is so cute!


  2. I wish you all the best for 2013 dear Marisa! Your christmas looks so lovely!
    I also love your year- review. So many beautiful outfits :)
    And the pictures of you and your son with the fox- sweater is just so cute!!!
    Happy new year!

  3. I love that you now have two fox sweater : )
    Sounds like you had a GREAT 2012, here's to an even more fabulous 2013!

  4. AHH! I love that you and the little guy both had fox sweaters on! That is too cute for words! Have a great New Year's! Love seeing your fave outfits, they are all so adorable!


  5. Awww the matching fox sweaters nearly broke my heart haha. Mmm and your Christmas dinner looked so darn good, i wish i had a plate of that in front of me now.

    And your year-round-up was the one i was looking forward to the most. so many gorgeous colors and patterns! your blog is a constant inspiration- i can't wait to share another year with ya :D

  6. looks like your christmas was full of wonder, and those fox jumpers are adorable! hope you have an amazing new year's eve and that 2013 will be even better than 2012:-) xx

  7. I love that you and your son wore matching fox sweaters, so freaking cute!! Great shots!
    And what a wonderful roundup of looks, you wear colour and print so well my dear. Looking forward to more inspiration from you in 2013:)

  8. Aaaw such a great post and lovely pictures :)) I hope you have a happy 2013 with lots of love, happiness and laughter!! Ixxx

  9. that food looks gorgeous and you two are so cute in your matching jumpers! Fantastic! Looking forward to even more lovely outfits in 2013 xxxxx

  10. Happy New Year to you Sweet Lady. So happy to have virtually met you in 2012 and I look forward to our continuing friendship in 2013!

    You two foxes are a cute as can be.

  11. I love the collage of all your colorful, pretty outfits! And that pic of you and your son in fox sweaters is nothing short of adorable :) I'm glad you've enjoyed your holidays and happy new year!!

  12. What a wonderful post and wrap-up to a great year! Love all your colorful outfits, your kindness and vibe! May 2013 bring everything you wish for and more! I'm really happy to have met you, Marisa!

    Tight hugs!


  13. wow! so great pics!
    you look amazing!
    wish you a very happy new year!

  14. I love seeing all the outfits of the year! And you and Keane in the fox sweaters is SO cute! I really love it. Sounds / looks like a great Christmas with the family - happy to see you had a great holiday

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  15. Your outfits are ALL so good, the color mixing always blows me away! Your mama son fox shirt picture just about melted my heart its so cute!!! Cheers to 2013 and hope you had a great New Year!

  16. Happy New Year! Sending love and big hugs your way!


    Nike O.

  17. love all of the outfits! & the fox sweaters! so glad I stumbled upon your blog! new follower!

    happy new year!


  18. Oh my stars and garters-matching fox sweaters!!! You two are the cutest. Love your outfit recap and can't wait to read more from you this coming year, dear! :)

  19. aww glad to hear you had a wonderful holidays w/ your adorable little family! the matching fox sweaters are the cutest and that's awesome you thrifted more last year! your outfits are always amazing & it was fun to see a little recap. btw what are rouladen, spaeztles? sounds like you had an amazing feast! & how did your mother in law like the calendar? that really was awesome to hear you like that idea & decided to make one :)

  20. You look adorable in ALL those photos! Love the fox sweaters. :)


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