
Monday, November 26, 2012

Tales from the Wedding Day

Hello there darlings!

I feel like it's been quite a while since I've popped in, but a little Thanksgiving hiatus was just what this gal needed.  It's been a fun week of family, food, and sweet potato casserole :)

But now I'm back and wanted to take a minute to share some tales from my little sister's wedding day, just as I promised.  It went something like this.....

The Couple

The Dress

The Pre-wedding fuel

The Dad

The Shoes

The getting-ready

The Bouquets

The Sisters

The Flower Girl

The Ceremony

The Kiss

The Matron of Honor and Best Man

The Bridal Party

The Ring Bearer

The Jump on the Beach (I got no air)

The Tram Ride

The Arrival

The Favors (homemade pumpkin butter)

The Dance

The Party

The Cake

The Send-Off

Hope your Thanksgivings were as scrumptious and lovely as ever (if you were celebrating).  Now the holidays are officially upon us and all I want to do is listen to Christmas music and drink hot cocoa.  I think I just may.

Bring on the holiday cheer my dears!

Love Bunches, 


  1. This looks just totally perfect! Wow! What was your wedding like? Did you already blog when you got married? Than I need to look at the pictures ;)!?!? Thanks for your last comment! I've been also so busy these days that I was'nt able to take much care about my blog. But now this stressfull fair is over and I have some time to relax :)
    Great start in the week!

  2. beautiful pics, love "the sisters" one! looks like a grand occasion!!

  3. Her shoes are stunning! What a gorgeous wedding. And you two look so much alike! Seems to be wedding season for you Marissa :)

  4. You two are so beautiful, as are all these pictures too! I love that the groom's men were all bare foot hehe! So nice!


  5. such gorgeous photos of a beautiful wedding! xx

  6. Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful photos from your sisters big day, this looks like such an amazing celebration!! You and your sister are so gorgeous, and i love the dresses! What an amazing day

  7. Wow! These photos are BEAUTIFUL! What a lovely and amazing wedding!!! You look so pretty in aqua my dear! So glad you shared photos from this amazing day!! xoxoxo

  8. OMGosh absolutely beautiful. Love each and every single picture, the bridal couple look amazing and so do you!

    Have a great festive season

  9. Her wedding was beautiful!! I love that it was on a beach- the arch above them was so pretty. It looked like such a dreamy day, I love all the cute details like the Starbucks coffee and her amazing vintage looking shoes. Thank you for sharing her special day :))

  10. wow! The photos are stunning! Both you and the bride look fantastic! It's so hard to see you in a short and strappy dress when it's FREEZING outside!

  11. Oh my, how lovely are these photos? Your sister was a vision in everything-from the shoes to that gorgeous headpiece. Ah, weddings are so wonderfully fun! What a treasured day for you all I'm sure :)

  12. Wow this wedding was just PERFECT! I kept on picking favorites along the way, but there were just SO many good ones! The cakes was beautiful and I especially loved the jumping photo, even if you didn't get any air! I hope you has an AMAZING holiday Marisa!
    xo Hannah
    p.s. Wore your velvet floral dress this weekend and LOVED it, thanks for letting me borrow it :)

  13. What a lovely wedding it must have been - thanks for sharing!

  14. These pictures are so amazing! I love your sister's shoes! I'm glad you had a little blogging break, sometimes that's just what you need :)



    Southern (California) Belle

  15. Gorgeous! Everything! Such a special day and I have such a soft spot for the shot with the coffees :'}

  16. Oh wow, what a beautiful day! Your sister looked stunning and so did you! So glad to see what a happy event it was, thanks for sharing! P.S. you totally lucked out in the bridesmaid dress department haha

  17. Oh, my. This wedding looks so lovely. I love the dress (the sleeves!), all the great details in the wedding and, of course, their smallest wedding party members!

  18. Wonderful pictures dear - looks like you had so much fun ! Your sister looks really beautiful and her shoes are to die for ! And sure sometimes a little break from blogging is needed think we all do understand that. But glad you're back dear :) XX

  19. Spectacular! Everything looks so wonderful. I am partial to that cute little ring bearer :)

  20. gorgeous all round! The dress makes me a bit gooey and I'm not much a wedding fan so it's seriously gorgeous. The shoes are just amazing. She should put them on display! You look lovely too xxxx

  21. Wow, so beautiful! All of it, from the Starbucks cups to the gorgeous dress to the incredible location, looks so perfect.

  22. This really looks like the perfect wedding! So lovely! And the bridesmaids dresses are super cute. What's up with that? Isn't the rule that they have to be hideous? ;)

  23. you both look gorgeous!! Love the cute photo of the two of you. What a pretty wedding! Her dress is absolutely beautiful and the shoes are perfection.

  24. Oh my goodness! These pictures are just so breathtaking! Everything looks wonderful: her shoes, her dress, your dress, even the cake! Glad that you got to capture such a wonderful memory!


  25. Such a lovely couple! And the wedding seemed so beautiful. I love the shoes :) xo

  26. Awe, what a wonderful wedding! :D And I love your way of retelling it to us! ;P I now wanna have a wedding party! David and I got married but never had a party ... yet; we'll see if we can make it happen one day :).

    You looked adorable Marisa and your sister's shoes are amazing!

    Have a happy weekend! :D

  27. awww how gorgeous everyone looks. I love the little feet thingies you wore. Darling!

  28. i love that you wore irregular choice shoes! they are so awesome! looks like you had the best day, congrats!! ^__^


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