
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Southern Cali Belle

Hello there darlings!

Today I have one doll of a blogger, sponsor, and fellow Flock Together gal taking over my little ol space for the day.  Meet Ashley of Southern California Belle:

My name is Ashley and I blog over at Southern (California) Belle.  I'm a surgical technician by day and blogger by... well... whenever I can find some free time!  I grew up in a suburb of Los Angeles and made my way into the big city a few years ago. 
I have a happy little life with my fiance and our two chihuahuas Paczki and Tommy.  I enjoy shopping (of course), hiking, eating vegetables, wearing pretty dresses and watching Nick at Nite :). I love to showcase my passion for all things girly (and cost efficient) on my blog.  If it has ruffles, sparkles, or tulle, it's all mine!

Let's play 5 questions (Thanksgiving style) with Ashley:
1. Pumpkin or Apple Pie? 
Pumpkin pie!  I'm not a big pie person at all, but something about the holidays has me craving pumpkin pie.
2. Do you have any holiday traditions? 
Our holiday tradition is to celebrate Christmas on the 24th.  Much like New Year's Eve, we stay up until midnight and open all our presents over champagne and dessert.
            3. What dish do you look forward to most at Thanksgiving? 
I'm crazy for stuffing and of course, pumpkin pie :) 
4. Have you started listening to Christmas music yet? 
Not yet!  Although I hear it all over the radio.  I'll be cranking up the Christmas tunes after Thanksgiving passes. 
5. What are you thankful for most during this month of Thanks? 
I'm thankful for my fiance, my two adorable chihuahuas, and my job. 

Thanks so much Ashley for filling in my shoes today!  Wanna see more from this lovely gal?  You can find her:
Here: Blog // Here: Twitter // And Here: Facebook

Chat soon!
Love Bunches, 


  1. Ashley is a doll, I found her blog through flock together and love her sense of style!! Great post, I always love hearing more about the bloggers I like :)

  2. How lovely! I don'T know her blog yet. Will head over there now. Love her style and her love for pumpkin pie (which I share)!
    Hope you're well, Marisa :) xx

  3. She is so cute, I have to check her blog :)

  4. A fun way to find out more about people :)

  5. Aw, what a great roundup of Ashley's looks, she's always so cute! These are definitely some of my favorite outfits of hers. And love the Thanksgiving interview!

  6. aww I liked this interview and being able to learn more about her!

  7. I adore her style! I must have the oxblood beanie n' polka dot skirt


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