
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


 Outfit Details: Floral Crown & Collar: DIY // Sweater: Thrifted // Top: Modcloth // Brooch: Antique Mall // Skirt: Gap // Tights: We Love Color // Shoes: Gift from mother

Oh hello there darlings, 

Today is another busy one in my book - seems that every day has been like this lately.  I honestly cannot wait to be lying on the beach during this time next week.  These last couple months have been a bit of a whirlwind, so I welcome this upcoming vacation/wedding week with open arms.  

I've been crafting up a storm lately making floral crowns for my sister's wedding - yes, it's crunch time, so I must get those beauties done.  Speaking of projects, remember this collar I retooled off of an old blouse last month?...Well here it is making it's first official appearance in an outfit.  I'm pretty much so a sucker for any kind of collar, so I hope to be crafting up more of these down the road.  A gal can never have enough neck candy, right?  You can find the full DIY right here.

As for these photos, they were from a day the Mr. and I were out and about and driving on a steep and narrow back mountain road.  We just happened to notice this little tunnel that lead from one side of the road to the next so of course being curious as two cats, we had to stop and poke around.  Sometimes you just can't help yourself, yes?  

Now that I have rambled on about this and that and everything in between, I must be off, off, and away and wish you all one happy Tuesday!  

Love Bunches, 


  1. So lovely and dreamy, Marisa.

  2. You look so pretty! :) And I love the shoes and MINT tights? I do not have that color. They are going on my bday wishlist! Can I come to PA and have a craft day with you? :) Wishing you a wonderful day, love!

  3. I am so jealous you get to go on vacation soon to somewhere warm!! That's going to be so amazing for you guys. I love these photos, what a cool place for outfit photos. That blazer is lovely and those tights are such a gorgeous colour

  4. This outfit is lovely, you always have the best coloured tights! That collar is adorable too, such a lovely little addition to your outfit xo

  5. hopefully you'll be lying on the beach super duper soon, Marisa ;)
    the tunnel pics look really cool!
    and strangely, fits your dainty outfit really well!

    The Sweetest Escape 

  6. Ah I love that last photo.. makes you wonder where it leads... those tights are gorgeous! not long until you can relaaax! xx

  7. Love it when I find new blogs to follow that are just adorable. This is my first visit to your blog and I will keep coming back! Thanks for all the inspiration! :)

  8. Happy Tuesday to you too! I am excited for you to get in some R&R after your sisters wedding. From what you describe, it's been hectic!

  9. you're such a qt marisa! hope you guys have a great trip to SC!

  10. This is such a cool photo location! I love that you two just jump out to explore all the time. I seriously cannot wait to see pictures from the wedding, especially if you are DYI-ing all of the floral crowns, Ill bet it will be amazing! Oh also, we made your pumpkin chili for cabin weekend and it was a huge it, thank you!! :)
    xo Hannah

  11. i love finding little locations like this. it has been happening to me more lately. this is a really awesome location. and I LOVE those t-straps. ugh lovelovelove

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails // current giveaway

  12. Love this outfit! Enjoy your holiday =) xx

  13. You look so cute :) love it!! Have a nice holiday :)) xx

  14. What a cool setting for blog photos! You look lovely :)


  15. adorable!! i really want that sweater... and the way you paired mint with red here is really striking. i hope you're having a most excellent day, sweetheart!! xoxo

  16. I always like that you do color combinations I never would think of.

  17. Such cute photos - the location is so perfect! I really love this outfit, especially the shoes.


  18. I always love your photos so much. And those tights are so adorable!


  19. When I see one of your husband and your photo shoots I think this one is my favourite. And then I see the next one and think the same thing, and so on. And so on. But this one is really my favourite .... For now.

  20. Love the first photo! And the tights and how perfectly they match the rest of the outfit ;).

    Your sister is so lucky to have you! Can't wait to see those crowns!

    Happy midweek, Marisa! ;D

  21. Tunnels freak me out, but you made them look so cute! I love these tights and your shoes. Good luck with all your crafting and it sounds like your sister is going to have a very pretty wedding.

  22. Miss lady, everything about you is just so gorgeous! I'm totally swooning over those shoes...your mother has great taste! The flowers in your hair make this so special and complement the color of your tights so well! Also, I got your LOVELY dress in the mail today and cannot wait to wear it!!! Eeeps, I get so excited over new clothing :D Also, I know you asked me this ages ago, but here is the link to the recipe I used for those butternut squash muffins. I just substituted squash for the pumpkin!
    So yummy.

  23. Oh Marisa i like to see your wonderful pictures, with great outfits and precious backgrounds. They always have this nostalgic touch ! Sounds like you're going to have a wonderful time next week ! XX

  24. You are so sweet and adorable M! I love these photos and what a interesting little tunnel place you two found. Isn't it amazing how there are little hidden treasures like this all over the world? I love thinking about vast explorations from time to time ;).

    I love your outfit and I seriously adore those mint tights. You look amazing as always lovely! Good luck on the crafting for your sister's wedding as well deary. I hope it all is a dream come true for them!


  25. Such a cool place for photos! And I love those tights!

  26. This is adorable! Amazing choice of color with those tights too. :)

  27. this is adorable Marisa you always find the best spots for outfit pics I really need to get out more!
    xoxo Ilana @ My Modern Vintage

  28. Really gorgeous photos! You look lovely as always, and wishing you a wonderful holiday. xx

  29. you're always finding these exciting backdrops! I love your minty tights with the high waisted great skirt, preppy but also a bit harajuku, it all looks fab with the grey heels and the red top, very cute as always xxxx

  30. love the photos, you always find such amazing places! and your outfit is adorable:-) xx

  31. I LOVE these photos! Usually you look like a woodland fairy, but this is working too!

  32. oh such a cutie! i love the floral crown and your tights shoes combo!
    how do you manage it to look always that adorable!

  33. great as usual. I seriously don't think you have ever worn an outfit I didn't love!


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