
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Departure II

Hello there Darlings, 

Things have been quiet around these parts lately as I am now safely nestled on Hilton Head Island, SC with friends and family ready to celebrate my sister's wedding.  We had a slight hiccup in plans as we picked up and left PA early all due to this gal named Sandy who decided to viciously grace us with her hurricane winds and rain and all that fun stuff.   It was a little scary to say the least, but thankfully we got out and made it here in one piece.  The sun is shining, the skies are blue, and I am happy as a clam.

So now I just wanted to pop in and say a big warm hello.  I hope to catch up with you all very soon!

Love Bunches, 


  1. I'm glad you guys are safe and sound!! The storm coverage is frightening to say the least!
    Have a wonderful time at your sisters weddings!

  2. Good to hear that you escaped Sandy. I hope your friends and family are all good!? I have a good friend in NYC, haven't heard from her today and I really hope everything is okay with her :/
    Also, I'm happy to hear that your sister is getting married! Congrats to her :) weddings are the best! Can't wait for mine ;)

  3. Glad to hear you're all safe! Now have a wonderful time :D xxx

  4. Glad you are doing okay! I was just going to email you to make sure everything was fine! Glad that you can still celebrate your sister's wedding on schedule!


  5. lovely picture
    hope it all goes well for your sister and that things have not been too disrupted by Sandy

  6. Thinking of you and am glad to hear you arrived alright. Enjoy enjoy enjoy!


  7. Glad that Sandy didn't ruin the wedding! Enjoy yourself and congrats to the whole family!

  8. Glad you got there safely. Have a wonderful time :)

  9. I'm glad you are safe and I can't wait to hear/see your sisters wedding! I bet it's going to be beautiful.

  10. Glad you are safe sweetpea, stay that way! I thought of you when I heard about America's crazy weather!!! Have a lovely time! Oh and happy halloween! ;) xxx

  11. Phew - glad you're ok! Evil weather. It looks so beautiful where you are, can't believe it was all hurricanes and torrential rain just before. You look so cute, what a pretty dress, again you're rocking the ankle socks and Oxfords and the hat is adorable! xxxx

  12. Glad you're safe! Have a fabulous time at the wedding.

    North Country Girl

  13. Why could not I leave a comment on ur latest post?!
    U still look gorgeous even when urent dressed up I am sure!
    Long time no see! (;

  14. I'm glad you made it there safely and I hope where you are stays nice and dry for the festivities! Can't wait to see your pics from the wedding :)

  15. have a great time and congrats to your sister! i can't wait to see all the photos and i am glad you were gone for the big storm!

    <3 katherine

  16. Hi Marisa, found your blog through "Room 334", so in love with your style and blog!!!!! Followed you with pleasure!

  17. I'm glad to know you're all ok! Hope your sister's wedding goes great and you all have a blast ;D.

    Tight hugs!

  18. Hello there! I found your blog through Corgis & Cocktails, and I have to say that I absolutely LOVE your style. I am huge into vintage (and the manager of vintage and new clothing boutique) and your style is so inspirational, I love it! Peek by my blog sometime, hugs.

  19. Was your home hurt in Sandy as ours was? I hope all is well and I am glad you are in a safe environment currently.


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