
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mother Goose

Outfit Details: Dress & Blouse: Vintage in Shop here & here // Headband: Modcloth (sale) // Tights: We Love Colors // Shoes: Clarks, gift from hubby

Hello there darlings, 

Boy oh boy how amazing it feels to be up and at it and back to my normal self again!  Of course, this called for some outdoor play with the fam and a little celebration out to get water ice because the evening was just so warm and beautiful to pass that offer up.

As for today - well I'm off on a field trip this very minute to a local apple orchard with my son and his preschool class.  I am so very excited as this is his very first field trip and I am chaperoning for it!  My first one was to the mall to go to Orange Julius (do they still have these around?) when I was 2.  As I was the youngest (and tinniest) in the class I was at the very back of the line holding the teacher's aide's hand.  Of course I really don't remember this, but my mom (being a tad nervous & curious) apparently went to the mall and kind of spied to check up on me and make sure I was alright - it being my first field trip and all.    I always found that story rather amusing, but I could totally see myself doing the same thing if I were not there for my son's :)  

Do any of you recall your first field trip?  

Talk soon darlings!
Love Bunches, 


  1. Ohh an apple orchard that sounds like so much fun!! Enjoy! That will be a very fun day with your son.
    I love your dress and top combination, the print on the top is super cute!

  2. Glad you are feeling better sweetpea! I am in bed catching up today, had my wisdom tooth removed finally! So bleeding mouth in bed reading blogs! haha! :) That is so cute about the field trip and an apple orchard sounds like the perfect place! :) Hope you guys have/had the best time! :) xxx

  3. I love this outfit! Those tights! That jumper! So cute. And his cardigan is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Ever.

  4. Glad that you are feeling better! This whole illness thing is definitely stinky that's for sure.

    These pictures are adorable! Hehe, that is such a cute story about your mom checking up on your first field trip. I remember that my mother was a chaperone for my first field trip - it was to the Hands on House and the Strausberg Railroad in kindergarten. I still remember what I wore to that field trip - I loved that outfit as a kid; I think my mom still has it because I wouldn't let her get rid of it. Maybe one day, a little girl of my own will be wearing it. :) Have you been to Hands on House? That place is so amazing - Keane would love it.

    Hope that you have fun at the apple orchard!


  5. stunning colors and mixture of patterns!! gorgeous outfit and pictures!!

  6. So glad to hear that you're feeling better darling! You look so gorgeous and your pattern mixing is always spot on. Aw how sweet, I always loved field trips when I was little. My mom chaperoned one of my trips when I was 14. We went to a FFA state convention in Macon, Georgia and we spent the week there. It was pretty scary at first, but I was so happy she was with me! It's sweet how mother's bond to us and then we bond to our children the same way :).
    lyndsey of hellolyndsey

  7. Sooooooooooooooooo lovely the two of you.

  8. I'm glad to know you're feeling fine again ;)! And hope you're having fun on this field trip! Share pics with us later, please ;P.


  9. AWWW love the first field trip story with you spying mom, thats just precious! I think the apple orchard will be an amazing first field trip, how cute! I wish I had more sleeveless dresses to layer like this, I absolutely love how it looks! A bit preppy and a lot sweet! Have fun today!
    xo Hannah

  10. I love your tights and that awesome hair bow. I'm glad you're feeling better!

  11. Awww, you are so adorable! That bow is beautiful! Glad to hear you are feeling better, and have fun at your son's first field trip. It's so awesome that you are gonna be there for it xo

  12. That will be a super fun field trip! Bet you are very popular with the kids (I always find it so cute how kids gravitate towards any adult, no matter the connection, at school functions).

  13. still loving your shoes. and glad you are feeling better! I use to love school field trips! I cannot wait to have kids and go with them to theirs. :)

  14. So glad you're feeling better! And that dress is amaaaazing.

  15. i'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better, sweetie! you look beautiful. i love when you post pictures of you and keane :) and the little flowers on your dress are just so cute!

    <3 you. xoxo

  16. Oh, you and your darling self! I love everything about this. So sweet and fun. Your bow is the perfect color! I bet the field trip was fun-your son must have been so proud to have you along! One field trip I remember was when we went to the greenhouse. We each got to come home with one of those 'sensitive' plants that closed up when you touched them :) Good times!

  17. Great pictures! The little adorable curly-head made me smile. Your field trip sounds like fun. My first one was in grade 1 and we went to The Royal Winter Fair. All I can clearly remember is waiting for what seemed like a very long time for something (not sure what), and that there were lots of animals. Also it was cold there which makes sense because it is held every year in mid November.

  18. oh gosh, your style is amazing! i am your newest follower dear! i can't wait to go back and look at older post from you.

    lindsey louise

  19. your trip to the apple orchard sounds amazing - and i love your hair bow! you guys are all such an adorable family - makes me excited to one day have a kid when i see photos of how happy you are around keane (and how lovingly you speak of your family). i don't remember my first field trip AT ALL! no recollection

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  20. Great outfit again! The last photo is so cute!!<3
    xx Viola

  21. awww look at your bow!! that's so cute! I love your adorable family photos. And I think I had a dress like yours when I was little, but it's one of those dresses I wish I still had in an adult size

  22. Your son is so cute, and his style is already lovely!
    oh and I adore your dress and ballerina's!

  23. Oh my goodness I am so in love with this outfit! It is just absolutely wonderful! And your son is so adorable and very stylish :)


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