
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Golden Delicious

Oufit Details: Dress: Swap via Jacqueline // Floral Crown: Little Honey Pies // Bow tie: Antique Mall // Tights: Modcloth // Shoes: Poetic License via Amazon

Perfect fall days look quite like this: 
Dressing up to run out to the store for more flour and eggs because they can't seem to stay on my shelf this time of year - darn pumpkin desserts.  Apple pie cupcakes are next on my list.
Picking out mums and pretty plump pumpkins to decorate with - don't they make the doorstep look much more cheerful?  
Jamming with friends - yes, I can jam on my ukelele.    
Building train tracks with my son.  It's amazing how therapeutic this is.
Lots of tea with honey and an old movie - Summer Magic was the choice of the evening.  I just adore Hayley Mills.
Leaves that go from green to gold in a matter of days.

In the past couple of weeks, down time has been few and far it's these small moments that make life seem a little more special.  I don't need a lot of hustle and bustle and running around to make me a happy girl.  I'm quite content being still and just taking in every beat of this season.

Happy Saturday darlings.

What is this season looking like for you so far?

Love Bunches, gif maker


  1. From your shoes, tights,and cute dress to the flower in your hair, you are wonderful. Everyone of your pic is a beautiful autumnal poem.
    Have a lovely weekend, dear Marisa

  2. I love this post, the bowtie is adorable, and so are those pretty fall leaves. :) Fall is pumpkins and pumpkin coffee and cooler breezes and barbeques, and harvest festivals, and anticipation bubbling under kid's skins and loads and loads of apples, pumpkins, and candy.

  3. That does sound like the perfect fall day! You look lovely, I especially like your tights!

  4. Wow it looks stunning up where you are! It barely looks like fall here in philly.

  5. I love this post- and that dress and those shoes are just adorable. I'm in love with them. :-) This is a beautiful post.

  6. I love everything about this outfit. You styled it perfectly. The floral crown and the shoes are big winners!

  7. Goodness, this outfit is so cute! I'm loving everything about it! And "Summer Magic" is one of my very favorite old school movies! Have you seen "The Moon-spinners"? It's also great!

    P.S. I'm hosting a virtual EP release party over on my blog today!

  8. Love the gif! These tights are lovely, so perfect for Autumn :) xx

  9. I SO love your attitude, Marisa! And your tights, too, hehe. And that forest looks so magical! Kind of like the perfect place to go to when you feel stressed and overwhelmed and as you said "take in every beat of this season" ;).

    Have a wonderful day! ;D


  10. I love your shoes! They are so cute!
    And the picutres are lovely! I've been taking some fall shots too today. But I am not satisfied yet, so I am going to collect some more before I post them :)
    Enjoy your weekend!

  11. That outfit is delicious! Also, I have those shoes in black. And I regret everyday I didn't pick the ones in mustard. I didn't even realize they came in green! Very cute.

  12. LOVE this outfit! Every bit of it! And that gif is adorable!

  13. Oh my gosh your shoes are lovely! So beautiful! I love everything about this outfit. Every day I am surprised at how much the leaves have changed, it's just so beautiful. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend xo

  14. This whole post just makes me so happy. Thank goodness it's finally fall. These tights are spectacular! And that gif is just adorable :)

    Can it be fall all year round??

  15. You always have the most amazing tights and shoes <3

  16. you look beautiful! i get such a kick out of your posts where you're wearing something i sent! :) those shoes are bangin. i enjoy quiet simple days too, but this season has been exceptionally busy. which makes it so important to savor those sweet "ordinary" moments in life. xx

  17. Hattitude Style Blog
    sigh i just want to hop on over and be in your closet. what size of shoe are you? 6? if so, it's meant to be. wardrobe switch! ha
    i love these shoes and tights. they're awesome! hope your week is going well, i love that you love building train tracks with your son.

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  18. Such a lovely outfit! Gorgeous shoes! xx

  19. gorgeous pics my darling hope you have been well loving those tights wish I could pull something like that off!
    xoxo Ilana @ My Modern Vintage

  20. THe shoes are so cheerful- like Mary Poppin's (in a good way).

  21. OMG you look SUPER cute, marisa! i love your outfit from head to toe! so cheerful but calm at the same time. have a nice weekend. xx.

  22. I need to get get pumpkins! It's on my to do list this coming week! you look great! as always I need your outfit!

  23. Hope you're feeling better. I can't decide what I like best. The shoes are amazing. I really like the shape of the dress and I love the forest back drop! Xx

  24. I love those shoes with those tights and your headband is magical.

  25. I love this post, this sounds like a wonderful fall, baking and time with friends and family. It doesn't get much better than that does it? I absolutely am in love with these tights, what an amazing print!! They are so cool! Great photos :)

  26. Sounds like you are having such a wonderful fall! I'm obsessing over pumpkin too!

    You look so wonderful! Also, your headband is so adorable. :)


  27. Ok, now I feel really boring, having just gone shopping and buying some new nights ... Both plain black! Lol. Yours are simply gorgeous. And I love the thought of you jamming on your uke!


  28. I've been in New York the past couple of days and coming home and reading your post brought back some serenity to my recently busy schedule. AND YOU WORE A FLOWER CROWN SO ELOQUENTLY! You centered my morning. Thank you!

  29. you are so lovely! love your hair,it's so cute. and those fall leaves make me feel sooo envious to you. we don't have fall season here so seeing this post makes me more curious about how fantastic fall is in your country. and I want to bake pumpkin desserts too!

  30. I love these photos, Marissa!!!! That one with you throwing the leaves up? Perfect. And, where is time going?! It's almost November??? The leaves are almost done turning and now the branches are almost bare! It's like you blink and you miss it! :) Love that you are taking time for the little things: so important. Have a great week, friend! xo

  31. That little leaf throwing gif is SO cute! And your tights collection never ceases to amaze me! I have really been loving navy, especially when paired with tan so I am really loving this outfit! The soup also looks so yummy, we are planning on making your pumpkin chili at our cabin weekend this upcoming weekend!
    Also wanted to let ya know I got the yellow and orange dress in the mail this weekend! I cannot WAIT to wear it, it is SO SO cute! Thanks so much!
    Have a great Monday!
    xo Hannah

  32. I've been making a bunch of pumpkin desserts too (and breakfasts). I am almost out of flour after just one week. eek. Your hair looks adorable this way.

  33. you are adorableeee....ugh those tights are SO cool. love them. and i keep needing to run to the store to buy more things for soup! i always dress up to go to the store - there is something nice and old fashioned about it. <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  34. I love you playing in the leaves :) I seriously haven't seen a Hayley Mills movie in so long and they were always my favorite. I've had a hankering to watch the original Parent Trap sometime soon! You have the best tights collection and it really makes me want to add to my solid rainbow of shades with some fun prints!

  35. Aww what a gorgeous look! You look beautiful! Your Autumn looks like it's been pretty so far! I am enjoying all the colours! :) xxx

  36. Oh this entire post is so dreamy!! Your outfit is to die for, honestly I love that dress and those tights SO much. I seriously need to buy some! I always end up buying black tights that are too short. Ugh. Tall girl problems. All your little moments are so sweet and are so relate-able. I just love this time of year!
    lyndsey of hellolyndsey

  37. lovely outfit! it really is like a dream & those shoes are wonderful! :)
    Oh, My


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